Why The World Seems to be Organized as it is...
Very much like the movie "The Matrix" in which people don't want the perfect utopia, rather they want an imperfect world full of pain and chaos, our world appears to managed in a way in which you must FULLY accept your power of conscious creation, or succumb to another's creations and reality.
Put another...
What are you bombarded with EVERY SINGLE DAY?
In the news, it's local, minor incidents. A fire here. A car accident there. Some philandering teacher. Nothing positive. Not that these events aren't sad, but what do they say to you about life? Nothing whatsoever. Nada. Zilch. It only serves to disrupt your emotions. I realize few people here really watch basic news outlets, however, the MAJORITY of people on PLANET E do, and what we have around us is alot of PAIN, even if people think differently.
At work you get unsettled co-workers, people who lie, cheat, steal, and one up each other. Actions such as that suggest these perpetrators don't believe in creation, thinking, or karma, because the actions demonstrate either 1) a lack of control over their thinking and consequently wayward actions for which they ARE responsible through negligence or 2) evil intent, which is as bad as #1.
With family, you may have members who don't full embrace LOVE. The positive spirit and emotion. Acceptance and support. What you may get are people who lie, cheat, and debase you, or at least attempt to. Why? Because they haven't accepted the fact THEY CREATE THEIR REALITY FULLY?
With our fearful leaders, they put EVERYTHING on terrorists, suggesting we can't take another stance, that we have been lax too long, and so on and so forth. All of this suggests OTHER PEOPLE IMPOSING THEIR REALITY ON YOU! Which is why I personally always ask, and always think, IS THAT YOUR reality? Is that what you think of THIS place? How did the event REALLY take place?
Ya know, maybe someone isn't thinking they want to die, but maybe their internal pain is so high, or that they REALLY don't buy into conscious creation, so that they are a pawn in the chess game of life, of which the universe says. Sorry, TRY again, and they're recycled back into the system so that they get another shot, wipe the slate clean, and begin anew.
All around us its as if 6 billion can't SEE that the world leaders we purportedly have make up such a SMALL % that the remaining 5.5 billion and then some COULD band together and make this place WHAT WE WANT TOGETHER, paradise. However, consciousness appears SO damaged, so able to be swayed, that who knows if it's possible on such a grandiose scale?
People forever are looking OUTSIDE of themselves, outside their bodies for answers. They look in drugs, games, movies, celebrities, leaders, books, school, bosses, husbands, wives, family members, religious leaders, gurus, money, false idols...BUT NEVER INSIDE THEMSELVES, as if they are missing a piece. Yet, it's this NEED to look beyond ourselves, that like a catch 22, breeds this lack of conscious creation and disbelief in oneself. NEVER are you taught to use yourself as your barometer, as your computer, as your guide. NEVER. There always has to be SOME professional to override your thoughts.
Oh, and God forbid you're not a PHD, your opinion is invalid. God forbid you didn't study ballistics and military training, otherwise you can't have an opinion on JFK's assassination. God forbid you don't understand structural engineering, aeronautics, fire fighting, physics, and many other fields...you can't see with your own eyes what happened they day and read about it. Shoot, even a weather man is 100% perfect, and what schools TRY to teach as FACT is really only theory.
"Hey, little kid, Here's reality, TPTB want it to be LIKE THIS...so what we will do is MAKE You believe you have NO POWER to create reality, so that those of who KNOW that we can and do, will have ALL the power to do, and get our way, and we will subjugate your power to create reality WITH us and diminish your right to exist here, on this planet, but giving you false info about WHO you are."
Ever see the MOST successful people?
What do they do BEYOND being against the grain?
THEY CREATE THEIR INNER BELIEFS IN THE EXTERNAL world. Call it attraction. Call it faith. They think it, they do it, it happens. DOES everyone believe that? No, in fact less than 5 % do. Most people are told...the odds of being a pro this or that are so low...don't bother. Just stay mediocre. Stay in your job. Save money. Die. There's no forethought that...if all people FOUGHT to be their best, at a positive competitive level, this place, this world would be awesome.
Sure, some rich, or successful START with some advantage. Don't we all though? I'm sure while Trump had daddy to bankroll his RE empire, there's someone EQUALLY as smart and as driven, IF THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE ENTITLED to their OWN REALITY. Now...you can't OVERRIDE other people's realities. That would make you ONE of them. But don't you get tired of the talking heads, the fact that MOST people regurgitate the same crap heard else where with NOTHING unique? Gee, guess what they're NOT doing?
They are NOT living their own reality, their own spirit, their own internal self. Rather, they are parroting life as they are told to do so. You see it all the freaking time when people literally WEAR and OWN emotions they probably don't want to feel, such as when family members BLOW up on you because of THEIR problems, expectations, feelings, or thoughts. If they gave 2 seconds of thought, they'd realize: IMPOSSIBLE.
Very much like the movie "The Matrix" in which people don't want the perfect utopia, rather they want an imperfect world full of pain and chaos, our world appears to managed in a way in which you must FULLY accept your power of conscious creation, or succumb to another's creations and reality.
Put another...
What are you bombarded with EVERY SINGLE DAY?
In the news, it's local, minor incidents. A fire here. A car accident there. Some philandering teacher. Nothing positive. Not that these events aren't sad, but what do they say to you about life? Nothing whatsoever. Nada. Zilch. It only serves to disrupt your emotions. I realize few people here really watch basic news outlets, however, the MAJORITY of people on PLANET E do, and what we have around us is alot of PAIN, even if people think differently.
At work you get unsettled co-workers, people who lie, cheat, steal, and one up each other. Actions such as that suggest these perpetrators don't believe in creation, thinking, or karma, because the actions demonstrate either 1) a lack of control over their thinking and consequently wayward actions for which they ARE responsible through negligence or 2) evil intent, which is as bad as #1.
With family, you may have members who don't full embrace LOVE. The positive spirit and emotion. Acceptance and support. What you may get are people who lie, cheat, and debase you, or at least attempt to. Why? Because they haven't accepted the fact THEY CREATE THEIR REALITY FULLY?
With our fearful leaders, they put EVERYTHING on terrorists, suggesting we can't take another stance, that we have been lax too long, and so on and so forth. All of this suggests OTHER PEOPLE IMPOSING THEIR REALITY ON YOU! Which is why I personally always ask, and always think, IS THAT YOUR reality? Is that what you think of THIS place? How did the event REALLY take place?
Ya know, maybe someone isn't thinking they want to die, but maybe their internal pain is so high, or that they REALLY don't buy into conscious creation, so that they are a pawn in the chess game of life, of which the universe says. Sorry, TRY again, and they're recycled back into the system so that they get another shot, wipe the slate clean, and begin anew.
All around us its as if 6 billion can't SEE that the world leaders we purportedly have make up such a SMALL % that the remaining 5.5 billion and then some COULD band together and make this place WHAT WE WANT TOGETHER, paradise. However, consciousness appears SO damaged, so able to be swayed, that who knows if it's possible on such a grandiose scale?
People forever are looking OUTSIDE of themselves, outside their bodies for answers. They look in drugs, games, movies, celebrities, leaders, books, school, bosses, husbands, wives, family members, religious leaders, gurus, money, false idols...BUT NEVER INSIDE THEMSELVES, as if they are missing a piece. Yet, it's this NEED to look beyond ourselves, that like a catch 22, breeds this lack of conscious creation and disbelief in oneself. NEVER are you taught to use yourself as your barometer, as your computer, as your guide. NEVER. There always has to be SOME professional to override your thoughts.
Oh, and God forbid you're not a PHD, your opinion is invalid. God forbid you didn't study ballistics and military training, otherwise you can't have an opinion on JFK's assassination. God forbid you don't understand structural engineering, aeronautics, fire fighting, physics, and many other fields...you can't see with your own eyes what happened they day and read about it. Shoot, even a weather man is 100% perfect, and what schools TRY to teach as FACT is really only theory.
"Hey, little kid, Here's reality, TPTB want it to be LIKE THIS...so what we will do is MAKE You believe you have NO POWER to create reality, so that those of who KNOW that we can and do, will have ALL the power to do, and get our way, and we will subjugate your power to create reality WITH us and diminish your right to exist here, on this planet, but giving you false info about WHO you are."
Ever see the MOST successful people?
What do they do BEYOND being against the grain?
THEY CREATE THEIR INNER BELIEFS IN THE EXTERNAL world. Call it attraction. Call it faith. They think it, they do it, it happens. DOES everyone believe that? No, in fact less than 5 % do. Most people are told...the odds of being a pro this or that are so low...don't bother. Just stay mediocre. Stay in your job. Save money. Die. There's no forethought that...if all people FOUGHT to be their best, at a positive competitive level, this place, this world would be awesome.
Sure, some rich, or successful START with some advantage. Don't we all though? I'm sure while Trump had daddy to bankroll his RE empire, there's someone EQUALLY as smart and as driven, IF THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE ENTITLED to their OWN REALITY. Now...you can't OVERRIDE other people's realities. That would make you ONE of them. But don't you get tired of the talking heads, the fact that MOST people regurgitate the same crap heard else where with NOTHING unique? Gee, guess what they're NOT doing?
They are NOT living their own reality, their own spirit, their own internal self. Rather, they are parroting life as they are told to do so. You see it all the freaking time when people literally WEAR and OWN emotions they probably don't want to feel, such as when family members BLOW up on you because of THEIR problems, expectations, feelings, or thoughts. If they gave 2 seconds of thought, they'd realize: IMPOSSIBLE.