How useful is it having a great body?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I don't believe in percentages. To me it's a series of checkpoints you have to pass to enter the gates of poon. Initially it's appearance (check), then bravado is shown by your approach (check), then personality comes into play (check), then social proof comes into play, is he an outcast? (check), then finally sexual prowess comes into play, does he suck in bed? (check). You pass all these checkpoints and you're in there.

Percentages don't work because how a woman judges/decides these things is completely subjective. What attracts one person does not attract another.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well it certainly doesn't hurt.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This thread is a cool perspective. To think that you can over-compensate, if you are not socially "fluid", by having a nice body may just be chasing a rainbow or fantasy. This is enough to cast some doubt into going to the gym, using a P.T. to develop a body that will "solve all of the dating problems"....and save some time and money.

Anyone else can develop this line of thought further?

The other contrary line of thought, is that simply with the amount of threads on here. If you do a search for "muscle", or something related, you will find a number of BEFORE and AFTER stories, including Pook, which portray there were changes in the way women responded to him.

Imagine you are in a store and there is just strangrs there. What are people first going to know about you? Are they going to know how many friends you have, or your "social proof"? Sure, you may be funny, and make women laugh, but suppose they don't see you more than a friend or a clown? They are going to see your face and body first. If you can't get your foot in the door in the first place, then who cares about your bank account, what job your do, what car you drive or your social proof?

I'm going to include a thread here form another site that shows a 51 year old virgin who lacks two things his best friend has - in his own words: looks and charisma.

Read this thread carefully and tell me, if you are "socially fluid" like this guy claims and can make women laugh, and you listen to them and connect with them, why can't women see this guy any more than a brother, friend, confident, or even gay and keep rejecting him as a man? His best friend is pulling women and is the same age as he is. He says he simply looks better than he does and has some charisma.

I have yet to do a research here where someone claims to have a personal trainer or morphed their body in a way that would really look more attractive to women (and I'm not talking about body-builders or super-ripped either) and had worst or the same results than they had then before they started.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
It's been said here before, but one of the main advantages of getting in to shape is your own confidence level rises. To quote the grammatically inept Deion Sanders: "Look good, feel good, play good." When you look the way you think you look best your confidence skyrockets. You feel on top of the world, and getting rejected by a woman means nothing anymore because while she is sputtering her final dismissal you have moved on to a hotter chick. Of course being fit has it's aesthetically pleasing benefits; but oft overlooked is it's psychological effect.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I would agree it makes your confidence go up, but that is also due to the large increase in testosterone as well, not only from how you feel about yourself. Testosterone gives you aggression and confidence as much as anything else...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
when i first got off drugs I was a big boy lol. unlike most drug addicts i kept food int he house and when you come down you eat everything in sight lol. i was pushing 240.

i started going to this help group and to AA, a social group that i would become very famialr with in time. despite me being articulate and passionate about my recovery, not one girl looked at me.

i started going to a different group and after about a year they shut down and so i started going back to the same old group that i had originally went to though this time i was 160. i went on 7 dates in about 3 weeks.

exact same group of people. that told me all i needed to know about how people think. and i'm no better. that's why regardless of my wife says about how much shel oves me for who i am, etc i take my ass to the gym everyday.

the funny thing is though, event though every last one of them i had known in the first stint in the group not one of them were honest. "i'm so interesting" or " you have yourself together and iwant to get to know you" no one would just come out and say you were fat and now you are in shape and good looking.

being in shape makes game so much easier. women go out of their way to make it knownt hey want you to talk to them

can you be successful if you are not in shape? sure you can. hell i was even. but it's night and day. when i was signle before i settled down i would meet 4-5 new girls a month without even trying. just every day life and girls would be "excuse me.. i'ms orry but you are handsome do you have a GF" while in the grocery store and **** like that. and approaching when you are in shape all women are receptive, they might not take you up on it but they aren't going to call you a jerk either.