It matters...
It's an absolute game changer. I'm 5'10" and weigh in at 200lbs @ 13% bodyfat (this fluctuates). I've been working out seriously now for about 10 years and I can say that it opens doors and causes women to approach. When I weighed 180 or less I had to work a lot more.
That said, it won't hold'em. You still have to have a decent personality. If you have the car, the house, the clothes, the personality, and all the shiney's almost a sure thing as it plays to their fantasy.
You will get labled a player, but that also creates the challenge of her being the girl that will be able to hold you down. This is not an exaggeration, I stopped counting after 400 women (this is good...and not good). At age 34 I slowed my roll and started only dating for relationships...I still got labled a player and had a hard time maintaining trust even though I wasn't spinning additional plates.
Anyway, most of the girls I dated always commented later that physique was the clincher.
Keep in mind that it's a lifestyle. Like I said, I found what works for me, and then I stuck with that formula (plain Creatine Monohydrate, Muscle Milk, and a daily vit.). Stay away from fried foods (unless olive oil), and don't over do the carbs. You're metabolism will speed up, you'll burn more calories just sitting around than someone who runs all the time, and since you're constantly replacing cells in your body, you'll maintain a youthful appearance far longer. I'm 38 and always get estimated at 29 to 33 max.
There's a lot of science behind it, but most important is consistency. If anyone has questions about working out, I'll be more than happy to send you everything I know. Consequently I'm good at getting laid, but horrible at maintaining a quality relationship, so don't bother asking me about that.