How travelling to Europe can improve your game


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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NOTE: This tip is for the struggling AFC! Not and experienced DJ. A discussion from a previous thread prompted me to post this. The benefits of travelling to Europe would require a lengthy book, so this is just some tips about women. I have travelled to Europe several times, the first when I was 23 and a complete AFC. I know this is full of generalizations but it is based upon my own personal experiences.

1) Many european guys are natural DJ's. The exude confidence, ****y/funny attitudes, are aggressive, smooth, great conversationalists, dress well, and have accents. American gals LOVE this. Talk to any girl you know that has travelled europe and I guarantee she will tell you a story of some amazing guy she met in Paris, Rome, whatever that was a chance encounter and oh such an incredible experience. It wasn't a chance encounter, it was a natural DJ at work.

How does this help the AFC? You will meet these guys while you are travelling, and you can learn from them firsthand. Remember, they are naturals at this, so pay attention to their actions, how they interact with women, etc.

2) Many european women are tired of the aggressive european DJ's. Your natural AFC tendencies will not be seen as supplicating, needy, and weak. You will be viewed as unique, sweet, caring, and romantic. It may be a shock to you when a women melts like butter around you.

How does this help the AFC? You will gain experience with women, and that will bring you more confidence. And with newfounded confidence, and tips on this site, you are well on your way to becoming a full DJ.

3) When you return home, you may still be an AFC unfortunately (I still was)...but, the challenges you've faced on your adventure, such as the language barrier, different cultures and attitutes, etc. you will definitely become more enlighted. This will help you not only with women, but with all aspects of life, your career, your passions, and overall happiness. You will have many new stories to impress your friends, and women. :)

That being said, I'd actually recommend travelling alone, if you have the courage. You will meet more people and I guarantee you will come back to the states as a different man.

Venusian Artist

Don Juan
May 13, 2007
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I LIVE in Europe :p You'd be surprised how most guys in Britain are really AFCs as much as any other country.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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I think what you say might be true for the meditteranean countries. I dont think Germans, Brits or French guys are known to be any more DJ/any more aggressive than Americans in general (actually people here would probably assume its the other way around).


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Into the Wild
in a general way, by travelling the world you will open your mind and then you'll have more confidence and things (routines) to say !
in France (I'm french), women are more *****shielded than in US. the seduction process is even the same but you need to work a little more for the close...
In Europe hugging a woman you doesn't know is unusual.Another exemple, in germany, boy and girls shake their hand when they meet, in France we kiss the girl on the chick several times...and kiss the girl with the tong :crackup:

do you really think that there 's more naturals in europe than US ?


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
I learned a lot hanging out in Italy.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
I certainly hope so. I am travelling to europe to play some hockey in the summer and im goin to czech republic, italy, austria, switzerland, russia and germany....hopefully I can wheel some dirties ;-)


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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Mr.Positive, what european countries have you travelled to? Is my guess, that you went mostly to the mediterranean regions, right?just curious


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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Another exemple, in germany, boy and girls shake their hand when they meet, in France we kiss the girl on the chick several times...and kiss the girl with the tong
That's not true! We actually insert our d*cks from behind just to say hello to a girl here in Germany LOL


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I just, well not JuST but a couple of months got back from France.. I didn' go to brush up on my DJ skills.. i've always wanted to viist Paris. Quite Impressed I must say..

anyway, the women are different. From what I could tell (I can speak french, but I'm not the most fluent perosn on earth) there are AFC's over there just like they are over here.

the differece however at least i believe, is that they are more guys overseas being taught the way it should be. I am a big believer that AFCness comes from a lack of parenting.. not necessary missing one parent or the other (which is also true) but lettting TV raise your kids and not yourself. The problem we run into now is, not only do we have TV raising our kids, when they aren't, the DADs here in america are AFC.

I don't know what it is about being in France, but europe in general... you don't want to watch TV as much as you do here. When I am here in Cal, there are times I literarly have to unplug the TV to not cut it on, and I live a stonethrow away from the ocean. Over there, I could take a book, go outside and read, and literarly sit all day. It's a more traditional country.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Travel for the sake of travelling. I've been all over Europe, and each country and culture has been extremely different. I would not trade my experiences for anything.

The biggest way it has helped me, personally, is get over being shy. When you are wandering around a foreign city, lost and hungry, you are FORCED to interact with people. You need to, to get by, you are out of your comfort zone. The simplest things we do here, such as get a train ticket or a cup of coffee, can be a challenge when you do not know the language, can't read or understand what a sign says, etc. You end up meeting tons of new people that way.

That was my intention for this post actually, is to recommend to young people to get out and travel. Experience life and grow as an individual. It's a total adventure, and you will be forced to "man up" so to speak.

A good website is It's all about budget travel. There is a ton of info to help plan a trip cheaply, and the message boards are worth a look too. Do your research before going...but go!!

Gameplan, are you French? I have to say that people were very nice in France, and a couple of times, went completely out of their way to help me. I met a lot of good people and I even ended up dating a French gal for awhile.


New Member
May 18, 2007
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Many european guys are natural DJ's
I think that depends on the country your in. Where I live (Germany), a lot of the guys are either AFCs and end up too often in the friend-zone.

Your natural AFC tendencies will not be seen as supplicating, needy, and weak.
Oh YES they will! Trust me. A lot German women I know have pretty strong b*tch shields (even if they're ugly) towards guys they don't know, or who aren't alpha. I don't want to overgeneralize, but I've seen it pretty often.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
Iam from "Sweden" and my experience is if you are out sarging in a nightclub in the capitol, its a different story other places in sweden. But in the capitol there is always 5 guys on each girl. So you really need to be over aggressive to get some.

There is still alot of AFC's, but people tend to develop more to PUA's because thats the only way, when there is more guys on each girl.

The girls run in packs, and because they get constand hit on. There shields is really high, and there friends act as real ****blockers. So you have to leave your comfortzone and be aggresive to succedd. There was a still different story when i was in Australia i just have to wave at the girls and they come to me, it was so redicilous easy if you compare.

The problem here is, that the swedish guys often run the wrong game for the enviroment. Example, when they see a pack with girls on the dancefloor.
They express nediness and emidently turn there way at the girls, but don't go the hole way just stand there and try to get there attention.

What i have notice works much better, is when you do the opposite, you don't let there beauty face you and act as you are out having fun with your friends. Flirt with them, but don't notice them to much, and when you get the opportonity you have to strike hard and fast without hesitation. With that you expressed you are not needy and you are confident, the prize, take what you whant. What i also have to notice that is importent is not to stay in the attraction face for to long switch to rapport pretty fast.

This is my truth how it works in sweden. :)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
hey MrPositive, check out this site, it´s great for young folks backpacking around the world. It works, I myself hosted about 10 people last summer.


Apr 27, 2006
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Europe has a zillion different cultures. WTF does an Ukraine and a Norwegian have in common?? Uh, probably nothing. A Norwegian has more in common with an American than a Ukraine. What about Belarus? Most girls from there have never even been around a Westerner. Americans have a bad habit of lumping everyone from that region into one monolithic group. It is only a matter of time before that entire continent starts fighting each other again. I swear, everybody hates everybody else in Europe. Eurovision is always a great indicator of this. Orthodox Christinan countries vote for other Orthodox Christian countries. Malta votes for Britain. Lithuania and Latvia vote for each other. Scandanavian countries vote for each other. You get the trend.

Most FSU guys (Former Soviet Union) are either thugs (tracksuits, murses, chain around neck, fancy cars, shaved heads, downright scary), drunks, nerds, really shady businessmen, or suicidal. I really have never been around a smooth guy from that part of the world. Italian guys are not smooth. At least not the younger guys. They spend too much time shopping and being spoiled by "Mamma" to be smooth. France is too damn diverse. Tons of black guys live there who think they are from inner-city America. Germany is becoming Northern Turkey. All in all, I think American guys are pretty aggressive these days in comparison to most dudes from around the world.

Traveling sucks if you want to actually meet someone. You really must get a place and spend at least four or five months a year in one town to have true success. Western Europe is a hard place to meet girls. Eastern Europe is the place to go, but most want a boyfriend that will be there for a while.