I don't really post here at all but I guess you remind me a little bit of myself and how I am improving now and crap, read the DJ Bible, I like Pook and Anti-Dumps threads.
Some things that worked for me was to care more about myself than women, speak louder with good tone, act natural and just speak with people as if you knew them for a long time, I bet you have some good friends your really confident around, practice looking people in the eyes if you cannot and it gets easier.
Dress better, get some nice fitting comfortable clothes, this actually makes me feel more confident, I walk taller with my chest out a bit and head up, I used to have a bad habit of staring at the ground while walking, don't do it.
The easy part is approaching women believe me, just walk up to them and talk, don't feel nervous about it, get some balls and do it once and then it starts getting easier, seriously the hardest part for me is either the first date or after that. Learn all that stuff from the bible, eye contact, kino ect.
When you are doing something you like and are comfortable you feel the most confident, but you gotta step outside that comfort zone and start doing things you dread, you learn to like them. I just started going to the gym, was terrified, within 30mins I loved it, now I can't wait to go again and its such a boost for my confidence.
-Talk to people often
-Stop worrying, act as if you have nothing to lose
-Realize people really don't give a crap about what you do most the time
-Be nice but not too nice, learn to handle disrespect
-Look at random people daily and realize how little you care for what they do or if they mess up something
Being confident is just having belief in yourself and the things you do, I can only give you so much advice, but you gotta put it into practice, you have to get out and meet people and interact with people, strangers and such, go to places where there is lots of people.
If you only have problems with women, then meet women and talk to them, its good that you are here and willing to change but you gotta put effort into it before it becomes effortless.
Stop seeing yourself as the guy who has little success with ladies, tell yourself you are confident, tell yourself you are the man, tell it to yourself until you believe it, it will happen, just don't tell others and become a jerk, you can be a nice guy but you got to be a little wild, get a little adventurous, be ****y and funny, it works for me at least
Regarding the friendzone, make it certain through body language and tone that you want a woman sexually, don't be afraid to be a man. Don't tell a girl you like her or ask for a kiss, give her hints through kino and escalate and just go for it, its the only way you can tell if a girl really wants you and if she doesn't then walk away, don't confess feelings or compliment any woman unless they earned it, compliments to a woman's clothes I think are the best.
Its said here a lot, Judge a woman by action not words, I did some bad AFC crap with a woman after Kiss closing and one night going home confessed feelings for her, told me she did have feelings for me but doesn't know anymore, I knew it was downhill from there and I messed up so I just had the mindset that now I have nothing to lose, needless to say I got laid that night because I just went for it and kept my mouth shut