Are you trying to tell me...
Are you trying to tell me that in 4 months, you have not went out in public with this chick? Over these 4 months, the most you have done is talk to her on the phone or instant message?
I was in a situation like this a long time ago. Through some co-workers, I somehow started talking (also IM chats--BIG MISTAKE!) with some girl who, in all honesty, was an attention wh*re. She was a hot girl--I saw pics, and I worked with one of her relatives who was also good looking. She told me all about her clubbing adventures.
Anyway, she kept saying "Oh, we need to meet, bla bla bla. If you are in my area, give me a call."
So, I kept trying to arrange a get-together--not even a date. I tried about 3 separate times over a course of months. But of course, she always had a good excuse.
We talked about all sorts of sh!t. Finally, I called her up because I was in her area with a friend of mine. Of course, she never returned my call. It was as if she was pretending she never even got it.
About 4 weeks later, she IM's me, but I wasn't interested in chatting with her. She wanted to know why.
I said, "Hey, what's up with you. I was in your area, but I didn't hear from you. You didn't even call me a few days later to say 'Sorry, I couldn't make it' "
I got back a lame excuse, and she tried to make me look like the bad guy. I finished her off with. "Look, you told me you wanted to hang out. I've tried to make that happen, but you are making things more difficult than they need to be. I'm not wasting my time anymore."
Of course, I haven't heard from this chick since that.
There is NO WAY to "win" if a girl plays "hard to get." You have to decide how hard you are going to pursue. Set a limit on how many times you are going to ask, then quit if she hasn't met you half way.
If she wants to go out with you, she will. If she doesn't, she won't ever tell you (unless you are a f*cking jerk about it).