How to turn a lesbian over...


Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
OK So I've known this girl for over a year now and it was pretty clear we both liked each other (cuz she's told me) but she had a boyfriend and I had a girlfriend so nothing was going to happen. So I broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago and she finally just broke up with her boyfriend (or on a break whatever the fck that means) and the first thing she tells me is that she just wants to be friends. Now, I'm not retarded and I can read a girls body language pretty well and hers is saying that she still wants me yet she says this "friends" BS. When she told me she just wanted to be friends I responded pretty well I think by saying "are you kidding? that ship has sailed sweety" and I've even told her I've been seeing someone else and she seems pretty jealous by this. I think it may have something to do with the fact that the most she has done with ANY other guys besides her BF is held hands - she's never even kissed another guy. That and she also has INCREDIBLE issues of opening up to people (I mean she's dated her BF for over 2 years and they rarely even talk to each other about anything personal) and she's extremely closed off. I would really like some advice as of what I should do next - I mean I know from her reaction to me "seeing" someone that she obviously cares but it seems to be a matter of making her realize it and like I said she's really out of touch with her emotional side. THANKS FOR HELPING!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
WTF I was hoping for some girl on girl discussion there and all I got was "she doesn't do to much with guys"

I want my 3 minutes back!


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Pugnacio said:
I would really like some advice as of what I should do next - I mean I know from her reaction to me "seeing" someone that she obviously cares but it seems to be a matter of making her realize it and like I said she's really out of touch with her emotional side. THANKS FOR HELPING!!!
There is your first problem there: caring about her feelings.

Spending too much time on someone else's feelings will only make you miserable because you are ignoring yours.

Make sure she is there to make you happy.

Other than that I think you did a good job telling her you're seeing someone else .. keep it up.

P.S. Watch out for virgins - they're crazy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Properly choose your titles next time...