How to take care of a bully


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Yes, well, there was this bully at school who ****ing beat me up infront of the whole school. He teases me alot, provokes me alot and talks alot of ****. You see, if it was just the one bully, I could take care of him, but whenever he says he's going to fight me; he just calls out his 11th Grade friends(Who are obviously stronger) to help him. I've tried telling the guidance counselour and stuff like that, but even though the bullies have been told to 'stay away', they're still attacking me. Now, today I tried to fight back with this bully and he was pretty easy, but then his 11th Grade friends who are bigger and stronger, come and beat the **** out of me, no teachers there, but other students watching. So, I want to know, how do I take care of these bullies? Should I learn self-defense? Should I go as far as bringing a weapon? Now, I know bringing a weapon is getting serious, but I'm really getting sick and tired of these guys giving me a 'loser' reputation infront of girls I like and making me look bad.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bring a weapon and get expelled and put in jail...all because someone is picking on you? You need some self confidence, man...don't be so insecure.

If it were me, I'd just ignore his stupid a$s. Resorting to violence just shows your weakness and insecurity.

If he carries things too far, though, deal with it off-campus. And make sure it's just you and him...if he brings his friends, he's a fuking loser and you shouldn't even acknowledge his existence.

If you STILL want to act like two cavemen and fight, bring a lead pipe and watch The Matrix a couple times through to learn some moves, like propping up on the pipe and spinning in circles while kicking everyone. That should help.

If that doesn't feed your ego enough, bring a handgun or chinese stars or a bostaff or sais or maybe even a katana or two, and show them who's boss. You can then explain to your fellow inmates how tough you are for the rest of your life.


Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
The telling the guidance councelour was a good idea , kinda covers your ass, shows u made an attempt at resolving the issue so now its an open field to do whatever you want . but ignoring it too is really hard , i dealt with this stuff since grade 4 all the way up to about grade 10 , it finally all seemed to end when they left the high school and graduated. but bottling it up is bad , cuz i was out at the pool hall hanging with some friends and just as im leaving , i see one of those bullies walking through the door . and all i felt was the sudden urge to grab him by his scrawny neck and toss through the glass and kick his teeth in all knockaround guys style (of course this is because im now 2 times bigger than any of these guys which is almost laughable) . sad , i kno but thats how bad i had it with these guys. but i didnt , i just kept walking . as should you , just try to ignore it as best you can and when they finally see it doesnt bother you so much , theyll stop. and if not figure out a way to humilate him in public , like pants him or something infront of the whole school ?? lol. best of hope against these creeps.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
but bottling it up is bad
The point of walking away is not to bottle it up. The point is that you should be thinking "What a dumbass" or "Stop wasting my time". In other words, if you're bottling it up, you might as well go ahead and fight the guy, because either way you're insecure as hell. If you are confident, you won't even care if someone hates on you...they're just showing you how insecure they are, and the most you'll do is smile out of amusement.

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
i can totally relate to this...this happens so much at my school...what school do you go to lol?

but have a couple of options:

--> Get your friends or make friends that have friends that will back you up.... Weapons are too risky

--> Since so many people saw the last fight you should tell the principal and suspend him.

--> There should be a reason he's doing this to you...are you the typical nerd? an annoying person? is there somethign that he can be jealous of you for?

Hey dont forget...theres always grade 12's....make friends with your TA's (teacher assistance) and get their friends to help you out!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Violence is not the answer? this is the kind of wussy bullshit advice that has turned a generation of men into boys.

you have every single right to defend yourself if you feel threatened. They don't even have to throw the first punch, they just need to make you feel threatened and you have a case for self-defense.

don't you have any friends who will back you up against his friends? I'm not saying to start a gang fight on school property but if you can take this guy on 1 on 1 and he brings in his friend than you have, once again, every right and reason to bring in your friends.

as for the guy who didn't beat up his former tormenters...why not? you're twice his size and he harrassed you throughout high school. if you want to go through life as a push over, go ahead, but it is your own loss.


Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
dude all you need 2 do is catch him alone and **** him up. leave a few lasting marks and MAKE him respect you.

i dont recommend u do this in school bcoz u dont wanna risk gettin expelled or even worse, suspended...;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I agree with everyone when I say don't bring a weapon. Then people will look at you as being crazy and out of hand.

Try and fight this guy one on one. If he brings his friends, then he's a p*ssy and you should call him on it. If that does happen, try and get some friends that will back you up just in case. If he's one of those typical assh*les that most people hate, then that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
*sigh* You're asking for here it is. My reasons as to why any fight should not be initiated.

I agree...if the guy initiates physical violence, then Viper SHOULD kick his ass. If the bully does not, however, then Viper shouldn't. Here's why:

The bully obviously believes something that Viper does not...he has come to a different conclusion (using his mind) about something that has irritated him to the point of physical confrontation. If Viper were to initiate the physical force...then he is forcing his conclusions on the bully. He is not forcing them mentally, but physically.

Mental force is impossible. You cannot force a man to believe something cannot force someone to truly believe that 1 + 1 = 2. You can force them physically (forcing them to say it, or to verbally agree with it, etc.), but you CANNOT force them to agree with it (if they think, they will see that 1 + 1 != 2).

So, by initiating physical force, Viper would be disregarding the bully's mind and only seeking to affect his body...which is the opposite of Viper's intent (he wants the bully to NOT hate him so that he'll stop picking on him...the bully's choice to hate him is mental, not physical). So, Viper can either a) attempt to persuade the bully, which would be the logical thing to do...or he could b) fight the bully, which would be the illogical thing to do. By choosing B, Viper will make a harsh enemy. Also, by choosing to intiate physical force, Viper will acknowledge that the bully's mind is more powerful than his because Viper will be choosing to force the bully to continue thinking what the bully thinks (it actually reinforces the hate that the bully has for Viper)...which means that Viper believes that not everyone should believe in everything that he does...which is a contradiction. If you truly believe something, then you cannot let others believe something else because you would then be compromising, which is also contradictory (scroll down to the bottom of this and read my post to see why, or just take my word for it).

In conclusion, by initiating physical force against anyone, you are contradicting your existence.

Or you can deny reality, logic, reason, and your existence by taking Porky's advice and not being "wuss". That would probably be the easier thing to do. The wussier thing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by derEikopf
*sigh* You're asking for here it is. My reasons as to why any fight should not be initiated.

I agree...if the guy initiates physical violence, then Viper SHOULD kick his ass. If the bully does not, however, then Viper shouldn't. Here's why:

The bully obviously believes something that Viper does not...he has come to a different conclusion (using his mind) about something that has irritated him to the point of physical confrontation. If Viper were to initiate the physical force...then he is forcing his conclusions on the bully. He is not forcing them mentally, but physically.

Mental force is impossible. You cannot force a man to believe something cannot force someone to truly believe that 1 + 1 = 2. You can force them physically (forcing them to say it, or to verbally agree with it, etc.), but you CANNOT force them to agree with it (if they think, they will see that 1 + 1 != 2).

So, by initiating physical force, Viper would be disregarding the bully's mind and only seeking to affect his body...which is the opposite of Viper's intent (he wants the bully to NOT hate him so that he'll stop picking on him...the bully's choice to hate him is mental, not physical). So, Viper can either a) attempt to persuade the bully, which would be the logical thing to do...or he could b) fight the bully, which would be the illogical thing to do. By choosing B, Viper will make a harsh enemy. Also, by choosing to intiate physical force, Viper will acknowledge that the bully's mind is more powerful than his because Viper will be choosing to force the bully to continue thinking what the bully thinks (it actually reinforces the hate that the bully has for Viper)...which means that Viper believes that not everyone should believe in everything that he does...which is a contradiction. If you truly believe something, then you cannot let others believe something else because you would then be compromising, which is also contradictory (scroll down to the bottom of this and read my post to see why, or just take my word for it).

In conclusion, by initiating physical force against anyone, you are contradicting your existence.

Or you can deny reality, logic, reason, and your existence by taking Porky's advice and not being "wuss". That would probably be the easier thing to do. The wussier thing.
Nice essay about why Viper shouldn't initiate physical conflict. Nice crack about me.

you have every single right to defend yourself if you feel threatened.
Next time read what I wrote.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Well, unless you're a complete dumbass, which I'm beginning to believe more and more is true, I clearly was not advocating going after people just to pick a fight. If you feel threatened, why wait for them to throw the first punch?

Don't be stupid. Viper's already getting his ass kicked, at this point he can't possibly initiate the violence - it's been initiated.

eh whatever. this isn't worth my time. at some point in your life, DerDumkopf, you will need to stand up for yourself. I think it will be quite funny.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, I think I can cover this up in easy-to-read language.

1.) Viper should NOT start a fight with the bully. Therefore, Viper should not instigate any conflict at all. If he does, he will get in more trouble than he asked - not by the bullies, but by higher authorities (read the end of #2 below). Also, if Viper starts a fight out of the blue (in the hallway), Viper will look like the bully - something else has to happen first (the bully initiating).

2.) If the bully starts the fight or invades your personal space, you have every right to knock him out...seriously (it's self-defense and your school administration and the courts will favor you).

Now here's my suggestion: play a sport, make friends with upperclassmen. When the bully's friends come after you, your "new friends" should be able to take care of business (maybe not if it's gold or tennis though - no offense). Teammates back each other up, so if you're in trouble, you will get help from them.

If you are not in a sport or planning on not doing a sport, join something in school (not a gang) where you will meet upperclassmen. This helps for two reasons: a.) You have more "allies" to help you out and b.) Depending on what you join, it will look good on your college resume.

So, pretty much Viper, do not start anything; only take action if he's about to try and hurt you (or is in your personal space). Be smart though; if his friends are around and your friends are not, don't fight - you will eventually lose. If your upperclassmen friends are around, the other bullies may take a step back.

I don't reccomend a fight, but if you do, "fight fire with fire" and only fight if the other guy has no distinct advantage (like his friends that are there). If he starts it, you'll win via higher authorities anyway.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
I will throw in my two cents...

Your problem is your're appearance is not commanding respect. If you are skinny then this is a problem. You need to take street fighting classes and bulk the fyck up. Fight for your humanity, do not let those fyckers intimidate you. You do not have to beat their ass, but if you have the CAPACITY TO KILL, meaning you look like a beefed up mofo ready to tear someone to shreds, they will think twice before they even LOOK at you.

And if they ever hit you, even though you will get suspended, FIGHT BACK. Let them know you will not be fycked with.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Haha Porky, you don't even know me, how can you pass judgement? Here's a hint about me: if you come to my house and punch me, I'll beat your fuking ass. Jeez stop being such a bully :rolleyes:.

Anyway, good point though about the bully already initiating the all my philosophical crap I forgot to check the premises...but what I said should still be considered by Viper.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
I wouldn't go out there saying "i'm NOT going to fight", or "I AM going to fight". The moment you get that feeling, and you get pissed..don't just fight. Tell him what you think, not in a regular tone either. Go up to his face and tell him that he's a little ***** for messing with you and always getting his boys to back him up. Tell him what a homo he is for acting like a little bully. Tell him that if he ever wants to fight you 1-1 you will kick his ****ing ass.

That's what i would do, personally. I also have big friends who can fight though so i feel comfortable saying that. If you have no back, and will get your ass kicked leave out the fighting him part.

A lot of guys like this get scared when you suddenly get fired up out of nowhere.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
what the fyck are you talking about. Stop listening to this guys that are talking about how to solve it in a "civilized way". What you need to do is get your a$$ in the weightroom and start pumping it up. After a while you'll feel more confident. Also get in the wrestling team or something, there you'll make a lot of friends that will be able to beat the living $hit out of this kid if is thinking about touching you, you will learn how to wrestle, you'll have a new passion, you'll be more discipline and after a while the bully won't even think about doing anything to you anymore. Trust me. It worked for me and Im sure it will work for you too.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
vote for me:D


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
If the bully even pushes/touches you one more time, punch him. And after that if he backs down, you know that he's a pvssy. And if attacks you then show him who's the man.