Originally posted by PRMoon
First off lemmie just say that 110 degrees with no humidity is still VERY hot. If I go out to my car in the afternoon and it's not in a shaded area the handle will be HOT to the touch (not enough to burn you but it's not a pleasent experience) when I get into my car sometimes the steering whee (Black) is so hot to the touch that I have trouble driving.
Well.. not a big difference: here, on a good summer day my steering wheel is too hot to drive unless I put a cover on it.
I think air chiller is a strange concept - it cools the air, yes,
but it inceases humidity to the point when you are totally wet.. it is not the best feeling when it is very hot outside.
What is the optimal use of a fan?
a) put next to a window so it can suck air in the room
b) same as a but to suck teh air out
c) just use the direct air flow, i.e. driect the fan at me.
Any thoughts?