To literally answer the title:
Sexual desire from afar is created by everything you do and did when you're NOT around her. The gym as example. Big dude works out for years, meets Stacy and stacy's like:" yeah naturally big dude me likey". Little she knows that previously dude was skinny like a twig.
Your presentation, style ,swag, mouthpiece are things you should work on regardless. The more "waterproof " you are, the more she'll realize you know your way around women the more she'll be on her toes, and you guessed it; the more she'll desire you sexually. I'd even say that 80% of sexual desire is created when you are NOT around her. When she's with you she should be extremely eager to touch you.
Ofcourse I can say: whisper this or that in her ear". But those things are just the tip of the iceberg that you should be. Underneath the water there's a HUGE mysterious rock she should have to explore..
This particular case is difficult .
- long distance
- no experience from your side
- a seemingly innocent woman ( where have I heard that shyte before...)
Tbh, you are either trolling or you should be aware that you are playing YOURSELF. No woman above lets say 20 rolls like this bruh. You habe a gf for the gimmick of having one , while in reality you have nothing.
Its baffling to see that nowadays a man younger than 25 can basically be considered as a teenager.