Male virgins (and virtual virgins) are common here. They reveal themselves in many ways:
1) Showing bitterness at other members success - if you are here to help, why knock down another person's achievements? Virtual virgins do this in a flailing attempt to level the playing field.
2) Underrating girls - Who really gives a f*ck whether a girl I think is hot is someone you think is hot, and why should your not thinking a girl is hot diminish her? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Trying to knock another member down by saying their women aren't that hot is a curious approach to increasing your own popularity.
3) Doom and gloom forecasts - A successful seducer assumes women will fall in love with him. Someone with a lot of failures will say "I'm warning you, don't go near her, she'll shatter your heart into a million pieces!"
4) Call a girl names - Did you ever see James Bond when one of his women turns on him and aims a gun at him? Does he call her a slvt? Does he call her a cvnt? Does he say "You USED me!" Of course not. He smirks and thinks "I'll still have sex with her later".
5) Calling girls prostitutes - Every man worth his salt knows prostitution should be legal. It's only fat women, underemployed men and virgins who stomp their feet and whine about this concept. Also, if a man does pay that only means he has enough money, so he is strong in other areas.
6) Making personal insults - Telling a man he doesn't look good is pretty ridiculous. As a general rule, a man's attractiveness are the same as the women he dates.
7) Unilaterally declaring a woman's rating - "She's only a 5" they will say with great pride, as if they officially win the debate. Ratings are based on consensus because no two people picture the same 10.
8) Blaming BPD - An alpha male always blames himself for his failures, and especially wouldn't self-diagnose a rare condition.
All of the above are anti-seducer traits. Unsuccessful men will employ these because misery wants company.
The purpose of this forum is to assist men in getting their dream girls, but beware - if you achieve this, you'll get a whole lot of sour grapes.
What are some other traits that reveal a person who hasn't had sex in a long time?