How to respond when a girl changes her mind about sex at the very last minute?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Tonight, I met up with a very cute twentyone year old girl (looks like Amelie if anyone has seen the film). She seemed super-keen from the get-go; Inviting herself up to my hotel room, drinking lots of red wine with me. We talked for a couple of hours. She mentioned a boyfriend several times, but talked about how she did not believe in monogamy and how she was uncertain about the relationship. She came onto me very strongly, and we eventally ended up in bed. We were getting intimate to the point where she went down on me. However, just before we start having sex, she suddenly says she needs to go home, and gets dressed ready. I didn't make a big issue of it (although I did say she had one last chance just before she drove off). She seemed to be in two minds the whole time - She mentioned she was going to a late night diner and invited me in her car, but changed her mind and said she was going straight home.

Now while I am not completely upset about the way the evening went (any evening involving a blow job is a worthwhile on in my book :yes: ) but I do want to see if there was anything I could have done or a different approach I could have taken to get her back into bed. Any suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Tough break man! Women don't understand how frustrating that is for a man and how physically uncomfortable it is to be turned on and left hanging. I had to explain this to my girlfriend after she tried backing out of sex to try and tease me and I got annoyed at her.

I have been in many situations where a girl in a relationship tries to play down the boyfriend (she doesn't like him, he's a bastard to her, their relationship is boring, he doesn't satisfy her and so on) just so she can have some fun with me. Yet the truth is, these girls loved their boyfriends and when faced with the reality of cheating on him their conscience kicks in...either before or after.

In your case, it sounds like her conscience kicked in just before you went all the way. That's a mood killer right there, so all you could do in that situation is let her go.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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She basically mind ****ed you...
She enjoys the power...
But if you keep her challenged...

I bet this is the type of woman you have to constantly treat bad and act shadey to... Other wise she'll never come onto you...

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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Firefly! Buddy!

I too am from Sydney.

And I love Amelie!

I'll tell ya what, if you give me her number I'll give you some advice that will not fail!

Trust me :p

Mar 18, 2006
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Jariel said:
In your case, it sounds like her conscience kicked in just before you went all the way. .
The only thing that was on her conscious was what was in her mouth!! :rolleyes: You give hors too much credit!!

She didn't want to "do it" because she was going home to hor with her other pimp and she did not want him to see or feel any evidence that she was horing with another --- she was playing it safe -- thus the quickie suck!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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Firefly said:
We were getting intimate to the point where she went down on me.
Holy Sh*t, I didn't read that at first, props!
That's funny she changed her mind, most girls would give up sex before oral...
Very weird...

*Note, I've had girls go down on me after a date or two, I wouldn't have sex with them because they are in my mind nothing but nasty hoes... I seriously say all the time to my boys, "I'd get head from her". Ha...
So basically if she's gonna give you head that quick bro, she is a hoe...
STDs and stuff and a lose putang... ewwww


Oct 30, 2006
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Im not lying when i say this, but what you just described has happened to me about 30 times. Just read my PAST posts... LOL...

Well actually worse. I had my penis inside for 15 seconds and she didnt wnat to continue. My gf is a big fan of guilt tripping..... But.....

I got so sick and tired of it, usually i wouldnt say a word, and just stop, and be like you okay baby? and cuddle with her... and tell her i love her...

that never gets us back into it.

So the other options ive tried....

I remember once it happened, i kept being like, baby come on, it will feel good or some crap like that, or like, baby dont put ur clothes on i just wanna make love to you baby i cant take it.. u know.. basically BEGGING for her to have sex with me. THIS DIDNT WORK. All it does is make her feel i only wanted her for sex.. and made me feel less of a man in the end when i still didnt get some... ANd i would just be like u kno what, fck this u always do this and its annoying, and i put my clothes on and i just left the house. SHe didnt care. In fact she didnt want to talk to me because she didnt realize how much sex was important to me lol...

Ok sothen... My last resort that i attempted AND I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL... Well, when she told me to stop i kept doing her and i was talking dirty to her like ohhh but why baby it feeels soooo goood .... and that lasted for about an extra 30 seconds and my baby was crying.. big mistake. Dont ever do that....

Also, never have sex with ur gf when she isnt enjoying it and somethnig is up, cus this happened and i was doing my GF for about 10 minutes and i realized she was making herslf do it just to make me happy. So thats what happends when you lead girls to believe that its a big deal and they have to do it in order to make u happy.... but yeah ... If u are wondering me and my gf dont have sex at all anymore...

P,.s, After she guilt tripped like 30 times, I would always go back into FOUR PLAY and all that happened was me eating her PSSY out, and still not getting any sex.... soo.. i dunno maybe my gf is just weird... hehehehe


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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DonDan said:
Well actually worse. I had my penis inside for 15 seconds and she didnt wnat to continue. My gf is a big fan of guilt tripping..... But.....

I got so sick and tired of it, usually i wouldnt say a word, and just stop, and be like you okay baby? and cuddle with her... and tell her i love her...

I remember once it happened, i kept being like, baby come on, it will feel good or some crap like that, or like, baby dont put ur clothes on i just wanna make love to you baby i cant take it.. u know.. basically BEGGING for her to have sex with me. THIS DIDNT WORK.

Well, when she told me to stop i kept doing her and i was talking dirty to her like ohhh but why baby it feeels soooo goood .... and that lasted for about an extra 30 seconds and my baby was crying.. big mistake. Dont ever do that....
dude... DonDan... just stop...
I don't want to flame you, I want to help you...
I doubt there is something wrong with your girlfriend...
I am sure it is just you...
I've stolen girls from guys who were not getting any action. And some how I would get action with in a week... Seriously... Evaluate your self...

Example... About 6 months ago I met a girl who had just turned 18. With in a week we had sex then I had her over on the weekends, lieing to her parents about where she was... Then I just used her for head. I found better and then I threw her away. She was no challenge for me... Funny though she met one of my friends while seeing me and now they have been dating for about 5 months. He tells her he loves her, he is such a chump... HE HASN'T EVEN HIT IT YET! Funny how no body has told him that I tapped it so quickly.

DonDan I seriously want to help you get your stuff together.
And get in a better situation.
This is like the 4th topic you have switched around and start talking about her... Each time, I'm like Drop her, Drop her!
This girl is wasting your time!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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na man if she says no she says no,its good that u got head, most of us think thats better than sex.
She probably didnt feel like it or she could be on her period, its good that u didnt beg and let it go. Thats the best choice at that situation.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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If a HB doesn't want to let you fvck her then you just have to accept it.
I can remember a case a couple of years back when a HB8 was gang banged by five very horny dudes, the first four she was happy to let fvck her, however the fifth who although being naked stiff and extremely horny at the time, she didn't want to do it, even though she told him not to, he just ignored her request and jumped on and fvcked her anyway.
The result of his doing this against her requests were to be a 7 year prison sentance for him, even in a situation like this you cannot take a HB sexually against her will and get away with it, rape is rape no matter what the situation beforehand is.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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PigAdlemPimp said:
If a HB doesn't want to let you fvck her then you just have to accept it.
I can remember a case a couple of years back when a HB8 was gang banged by five very horny dudes, the first four she was happy to let fvck her, however the fifth who although being naked stiff and extremely horny at the time, she didn't want to do it, even though she told him not to, he just ignored her request and jumped on and fvcked her anyway.
The result of his doing this against her requests were to be a 7 year prison sentance for him, even in a situation like this you cannot take a HB sexually against her will and get away with it, rape is rape no matter what the situation beforehand is.
I don't think anyone was saying you should rape a girl if she changes her mind. :nervous:

The thread was asking whether there was any way to respond that would increase the chances of making the girl change her mind about not wanting sex, either there and then, or later on. I am really not sure where you got the idea that anyone was suggesting you should rape a girl ...:confused:


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
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Zerotwoonenine said:
na man if she says no she says no,its good that u got head, most of us think thats better than sex.
She probably didnt feel like it or she could be on her period, its good that u didnt beg and let it go. Thats the best choice at that situation.
Well, I know she wasn't on her period - Even though there wasn't full sex, we did get quite friendly ... :D


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
I too am from Sydney.

And I love Amelie!

I'll tell ya what, if you give me her number I'll give you some advice that will not fail!

Trust me :p

Sorry dude, I am travelling in San Francisco at the moment which is where I met her ... :p


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Adelaide, Australia
Mystery Method:

Be persistent – If she says no or indicates that she is uncomfortable, you need to stop what you are doing. Any deviation from that is immoral and illegal. However, you can certainly go back one step and then try again later. If she won’t let you remove her top, go back to kissing her for a few minutes.

Use arousal – If you can arouse her enough, she will want to sleep with you. She knows this, and often won’t let you do a lot of things that would arouse her (like touching her genitals). That’s why LMR can occur way before sex is an actual possibility. However, you can often get away with being on top of her and kissing her. If you rub against her in that position (“dry humping”) she will often be receptive, especially if you are also kissing her neck or ears.

Use freezouts – Freezouts are the key to LMR in the Mystery Method. The Venusian Arts Handbook has a short piece on them: If LMR seems insurmountable, just do a freeze-out: turn on the light, snuff out the candle, check your email, go to the kitchen to make a sandwich, or pull out a checkers board and challenge her to a game. The power of this is in its sincere delivery. If you were sulking, that would show that you were affected. But you’re unaffected. Just switch off the arousal circuitry like it’s no big deal and freeze her out sexually, then try again in ten minutes.

Minimize physical state breaks – A physical state break is where you go from doing one sort of activity to another in a sharp, not a gradual, way. Women get through LMR by gradually moving from one activity to another without ever having to stop and think “should I have sex?” Many women like to be seduced, and not to have to feel responsible for sex happening. So when you move her to your bedroom, or you take off her clothes, it gets her thinking about how far she wants things to go, rather than enjoying the slow buildup. Minimize this by moving to the bedroom early or not at all. Removing her pants should be done gradually, and while focusing on other activities (kissing her).

You’ve hijacked my brain – This is a great routine of Mystery’s, where he helps women understand the depth of the emotional connection, which adds to her comfort level. Quoting from the Venusian Arts Handbook, Often it is the case that your romantic interest doesn’t feel qualified enough – she believes if she gives it up too easily, you will simply move on afterwards. This is why it’s so important in A3: Qualification (see part 2 of this OAP, just below, for more stuff on Qualification) for her to feel that her efforts are succeeding and that she is winning you over. If this element is missing, notice that girls will freak out just prior to sex, saying things like, “Why me? Why do you like me?” and “I don’t even know you…” If you’re lacking in this key element and need to compensate quickly in a logistical bind, use “Baby I just can’t stop thinking about you” languaging to inoculate against her LMR before you escalate.

Know the little things that work – These don’t fall into a category, but they’re useful. If she says “we shouldn’t be doing this” agree with her. “Yes, we shouldn’t”. If she repeats that you shouldn’t, then you have to stop and regroup, but often she won’t. Never take her underwear off by itself. Either take it off when her pants come off (at the same time) or just move them to the side. Another one – you can escalate physically pretty quickly when you’re on the phone – it’s considered playful.