How to (Really) Get Girls


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Granted, with my eyepatch and cat I'm probably interesting to talk to (which might motivate curious women to come over and talk with me), but that doesn't explain why these women talk with me for longer than it takes for them to learn they cannot pet my cat.

The main difference is that I wasn't raised in the internet age and I learned 'the hard way' how to have engaging conversations with women without the benefit of a forum that tells me how to act around people. That's the missing piece here, not the eyepatch and the cat. I'm just better at having conversation with women because I have more experience with women.
Unless you're talking to 20-30 year olds, your target audience is from the older generation. It's a very different environment from when you were our age, so I'm trying to describe how to succeed for young guys in today's day and age where more interactions take place over the phone or on social media, than in-person.

Young guys will not have your skillset.