How to quickly find out if she has a BF


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
I've been travelling around, and meeting many girls in the backpacker hostels, and everywhere I go I just take one and we explore the place where we're at... well usually it's really good, girls on vacation are easy and if you got a room to yourself then you're good - I've gotten laid like this without much effort.

ANYWAY the problem I've been having: several times now (also today) I'm c0ckblocked at the last second by her BF. I go out and exploring with a girl, have fun, she's interested, kino going on, then we come back, chill out at my room, kiss BAM "oh no, really sorry, I cant do this, my boyfriend is waiting at home". And I don't try only once, , but from the way they say it I can usually tell if they're being honest. But all the time before I get heavy interest and zero resistance, so I would really think everything's perfect! Gah!

Now I understand they just want the attention, but I want to avoid this in the future. What would be a good way to find out early on, shortly after meeting her? Crap, maybe I should just plain out ask...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Something here is off. I think they are making up the bf excuse to get outta there and not go through all the way with you. They may or may not have a bf, but it didn't matter thus far did it? You're aparently already kissing them so I think it's something you're doing to creep them out or maybe LMR (last minute resistance) that you're not figuring out how to get around. But even that woudn't send them running like that. So it's probably something you're doing. If you want you can PM me a detailed example, and write down everything you said and did with the smallest details included, and I'll try to point out some things that you need to fix.

I dont' think you want to find out about bf early on, you'd probably be eliminating a lot of these chicks that are gonna screw someone on their vacation anyway lol (it is what it is). I honestly don't think it's the bf holding you back. You're f'in up somewhere dude to cause them to leave. You're not finishing properly. And please dont' say "I can tell if they're being honest". lol no you can't man. They are masters at this. You've probably never had a girl lie to you right? don't fall for it bud, they can look you dead in the eye and with the sweetest tone tell you the biggest lie. But yeah, improve your "end game", something is off. PM with all details (even embarassing ones) if you want some more clear answers.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Finding out that a girl has a BF isn't always an instant rejection, since some girls will still hook up while in "relationships". And sometimes you'll find a single girl who will tell you she has a BF just as a way to reject you.

So, sorry buddy, but you just have to live with the fact that sometimes girls will reject you. That's part of the game. You're out having fun, hooking up with girls, right? Well enjoy that. And accept the fact that you're not going to win 100% of the time.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I actually meant getting stopped when trying to kiss. If I do get a kiss I can usually overcome LMR (if we're already alone). Thanks for your offer sexysuave, but at least the one today does have a bf, I can tell because she wanted to be friends on facebook and it shows there. Possibly if my game would have been super duper james bondy awesome, combined with a lot of luck, she might have cheated, but as I said we spent the day running around and it seems to me that her personality isn't like that.

You're right in that you never know 100%, but I felt my game was quite okay. So instead of spending much effort on correcting small details in my game I would rather have liked to immediately recognize that there's a BF to overcome and simply asked somebody else. I want to immediately filter the girls without problems or BFs, so I can concentrate on good opportunities and don't waste time on the difficult girls.

Really I think next time I'll just ask in some way or another, like inquiring about friends&family. I mean if I ask in a non-awkward way they won't run away, right? I've actually been asked and didn't mind at all.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Tempe Arizona
Get her to say something witty.

Then respond. "I don't know who your bf is be he isn't spanking you enough."

Usually gets her to open up on that topic. If you do it at the right time you may even get to spank her.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
That's happened to me before too. They usually seem thrilled to be with me and all nervous. I think the boyfriend card may be a result of not going far enough with the seduction.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
That's kinda weird that she values her boyfriend so much but spent an entire day with another guy and as you said "was interested and did kino with you" and even made it to your room for one on one time and you ALMOST got a kiss. I dunno man, first you say that she is interested and you figured you would get it for sure (so your initial impression was all sign were go) and then you say "it seems to me that her personality isn't like that." You're kinda contradicting your self right there. But whatever. I still dont' think her bf was much of an issue here, based on everythign you've said thus far.

However, if you're really just wanting to find out, this is pretty simple man. How about "are you single?" lol. You can look at her kinda suspiciously when you ask her this, with a smirk on your face, so it's kinda cute and bold at the same time. This is much different than "sooo, uhmmmm, do you ahve a boyfriendd?" which a lot of guys do. And then don't make it a big deal when she says yes or no, (and hell, if you're still getting the IOIs, then proceeding when she says "no" can actually even score you some points on her scale, in terms of boldness and confidence and self belief, but not everyone can pull this off or has enough game and "not give a damn" attitude). Quite simply, a lot of girls are not really all that serious about their boyfriends, some just have a guy not to be alone, some don't really like him or resent him for whatever reason and are looking for ways to "get back at him", some run all over their doormat bfs and have ZERO respect for them, some are just promiscuous little cvnts that will do you if you game 'em up enough and build attraction, ETC ETC ETC.

This is the exact reason I told you that you "may not want to know" in your particular situation. Bottom line is, if you are gonna screen all of them, then you will find out that about 75-80% of chicks that you end up talking to you will immediately have to disqualify because of the bf "issue". The reason is, hot chicks don't really stay single/alone. (I'm assuming you're talking to hot or at least good looking girls). How many hot chicks do you know that are just straight up single? Not too many I would guess. They would rather be with someone even if that person is not ideal for them. Most of these really hot girls come with all sorts of issues .. FINE stands for Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional LOL. I usually deal with hella fine girls, but I'm not gonna lie, they are usually a lot more headache. The girls that are a little more "normal" looking are on average more secure and confident in them selves (kinda ironic right? lol go figure) and have other things going for them.

The hot chicks look good on your arm, but they're usually a lot of headache to deal with. They rely on their looks so much that when their looks start to fade, so does their entire sense of self. It's kinda scary, but that's what a lot of us are signing up for lol. But yeah, not to go off topic too much, these girls are rarely if ever really "single". They usually are either with some dude, or dating some dude, or something. Usually they are insecure so they would rather be with a dude that they are not even really that into than be with no one. Hence, you'll be eliminating a lot of girls that don't even care about the dude they are "dating" and that you can potentially bed (mannn, this sounds damn bad when typing it out lol, but I just have to be honest). It is what it is man, and if you want to eliminate them, than that's fine with me. Go with the "are you single" route (with the confident, suspicious look on your face and a slight smirk, and not making it a big deal if they say "yes", just proceed as normal, unfazed, and take the lead).

And yes, NEVER be awkward! lol Make sure you work on your body language and being congruent all the way through. Sometimes that can mess guys up when trying to "close" a girl, they get a little nervous and their body language changes and she senses that you may not be the confident/alpha male that she was feeling attractions for. If your body language and how you cary your self, tone of voice, changes to that of a weak man, this may be sending her to run for the hills also. Incongruency can kill attraction. Pretty much, she finds out you were just putting up a front. Anyway, just my two cents.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
This is where that term 'pre-qualify' came from.

Girls love to enjoy plenty of non-sexual time with another man, and then avoid sex at the last minute. It lets them have their cake and eat it, too, unless you are extremely seductive.

You may not be doing anything wrong, it's just a feature of the landscape.

The easiest way around it is to have a fantastic body and let her hormones take over her mind. Number two is, of course, drugs(including alcohol).

Unless you enjoy the challenge of sleeping with chicks with bfs, your best move may be trying to find out upfront(pre-qualifying). It will save you much time and money, which is usually budgeted while on vacation like that.

Finding out is as simple as any old school conversational thread that gets her to talk about herself, her relationships, etc. You have to be a good actor here, and really glow, so she doesn't think you'll run away as soon as she talks about the boyfriend, else she might lie or be coy.

I wouldn't not be blatant about it and ask "are you single", "do you have a boyfriend?" While those are innocent questions in other contexts, in your context, they will come across as "I want to know if you are available for easy sex while we're here on vacation", which usually won't be the best thing.

Many hot chicks are single actually, just with boy toys. Always assume you are SHARING the girl, but doesn't assume she's necessarily in a committed scenario.

For some practical stuff, you can try the following:

If you have no morals, you can talk about an imaginary girlfriend, be blatant about wanting to cheat on her, or that it doesn't bother you.

Say you are on vacation because of a recent breakup, and you came out looking to have fun to get over.

talk bull**** about needing new experiences, hating strings that prevent that, yada yada.

Old school EV stuff to see if she's the cheating type. She might be more honest while on vacation talking to a stranger.