Yo Troops,
I think we're ALL pretty much marching in the same direction here, it's just that some of us are using different vehicles (methods) to get there. My earlier statement was designed for a "last straw" type of situation with a woman who actually might have some potential for a meaningful relationship----IF she can be corrected from exhibiting certain behaviors.
What we're trying to do here, soldiers, is affect CHANGE---the same as you would if you wanted to break your sons or daughters bad patterns and steer them toward better ones. Reward the behaviors that you approve of, while punishing those that you don't----IF you feel the woman is worth the effort.
So no, I wouldn't EXPLAIN anything in this way to some random, casual woman I've been out with a couple of times or something. There is NO benefit in using that method for HER. It's a waste of time, so simply walking away would definitely be appropriate.
But if a girl is ON POINT in a lot of areas, but she tends to throw out shyt tests and act like a princess, it's usually because of one of two reasons:
She's either not that into you = LOW INTEREST, or because she's been allowed to get away with it by the last guy SHE DUMPED. lol Most of the time I think it's the FORMER rather than the latter, but let's play along for a minute and just assume it's the LATTER, shall we?
SOME chicks actually do BELIEVE that there's nothing wrong with how they act sometimes. My experience with these types of women is that they NEED and are in fact, looking for a guy that will hold them accountable----at least, the ones still worth the consideration of an long term relationship are.
Again, in every case, the punishment should ALWAYS fit the crime. And the type of women you're dealing with should also factor into the methods you use to discipline them. Do a search for any of my posts explaining the differences between FREAKS, HOES, and GOOD GIRLS and you'll see what I'm talking about.
And those classifications didn't orignate with VICTORY UNLIMITED, no---PLAYER SUPREME was a big advocate of assigning these "types" as well.
It's true, you CAN punish some girls with a stern, icy ook, others with sharp, verbal rebuff, but still OTHERS may require for you to alienate them from your affection by withdrawing in some way. Now whether that withdrawal is permanent or not usually depends on if YOU think the woman, and/or the fledgling relationship is WORTH salvaging.
No one wants a chronic headache, and continuing to pursue ANY woman who chooses to give you one by bytchy behavior and giving out constant shyt tests is the same as ASKING for a chronic headache. Ask yourself: "Was she acting this way when she was REALLY into me a month ago? Or, If I was Orlando Bloom, Will Smith, Patrick Dempsey or any other popular, sought after, high status actor guy----could she "find a way" to CONSISTENTLY act better towards me THEN?
Life is TOO short, soldiers. There's too many OTHER women we can try. And to steal a line from my sisters in the African American community ---- "I can do BAD all by myself!" lol
If a woman is ONLY gonna add MOSTLY drama and strife to my life---WHO NEEDS HER.
Sorry, but a hot, wet hole (and you're lucky if it's TIGHT...LOL) is not ENOUGH of a trade off for ME, son. No. ALL relationships that are healthy are indeed that way because BOTH parties recognize how important it is to DEFEND the line of respect between the two of you.
And any woman who makes a habit of "crossing" that line, eventhough she may not be a BAD person, I personally have to recognize that SHE is not for MY life. And to stay with her would be to SETTLE for her.
And once I realize that, THEN I know it's time for me to...
...March on.