Originally posted by blue17
Are you accusing Casino of being a keyboard jockey?
im accusing nothing. Im flat out saying that in this case he has admited that he knows nothing but is gonna give his advice anyways which I always considered stupid.
I too am in CC and have had good success (a few dates, quite a few numbers) where as i didnt have as much success in HS but I can't really pinpoint a way to describe how to do it but i can give a few points. While none of these points are revolutionairy, and in fact I think i got at least 2 or 3 from this site, I will give a few pointers for what works FOR ME.
- on the first day try to sit next to, behind, NEAR a cute girl (or two if ur good at puzzles, lol). Nothing wrong with it, you gotta sit SOMEWHERE. better to sit next to than behind, IMO. but both are good. say hi but dont be all conversationall. on the first day, be there for the class (even if your really scoping for girls) and unless your assigned seats, dont be afraid to try out some different spots around the room. no one will say anything if you sit in "their" seat the first week. but after week 1 people tend to get attached to their spots. no idea why.
- don't be afraid to be friendly. the quicker you make nice the quicker you can do this...
- swap numbers! don't just ask for hers, swap numbers on the basis of helping each other (unless its like an insanley easy class). don't worry about using false pretense or whatever. she gives you the number and that gives you the right to call it
- Most people in CC are kids just out of HS who arn't ready for a 4 year school for WHATEVER reason. Don't be judgmental. Judgmental people are asses and don't last long.
- Once you get a date, this point can be a great peice of conversation." Why arn't you at a 4 year school, from what I can tell, you could have gotten into a good school" and then let her ramble on and on and on about whatever reason prevented her. don't be afraid to pry A LITTLE, thats why your with her, to extract information which you can use to move on to higher levels of relationship. Also, try and relate here. Obviously you have a reason your at CC too. Maybe your only there for a certain corse and you already know what profession you want to go into, this can be good - shows motivation and consideration of the future. Maybe she didnt do well in HS and, if your like me, you HATED HS and this can be a point of commonality. GREAT!
- Disregaurd age. Only be concerned with common interest and legality.
- Don't be afraid to answer questions in class. At my CC alot of people just sit quietly and it makes the class SLOW and BORING. It's not hard to be seen as livley in a CC classroom. i have been told often i make a class interesting cuz i talk and it makes other people comfortable to do the same. Again, kids just out of HS are mostly sheep (no offense). its a defense mechanism learned in HS. But your college students now, time to grow up. Show how grown up you are and dont be afraid to talk.
thats all i can really think of. Use the area to your advantage. you'd be surprised how connected you really are. Most people there are gonna be local so if you ever worked anywhere within 10 miles or went to HS within 10 miles, odds are you know someone by way of someone else. If you think there is a REMOTE chance they may know someone you know FIND OUT, "did you know soandso? you did? oh yea.... i know..... great guy." unless the guy was an ass, don't put him down. You want to make the thing that connects you seem like a positive thing for reasons i dont think i have to expand on.
Thats pretty much what I can come up with. Everyday I try some new ****. It really can become a game if you let it. If you are in multiple classes you can try multiple approaches. and try as best as you can to at least get into regular conversation with at least one cute girl per class.