How to make a LDR work? AND How to eliminate insecurities?


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Everybody KNOWS or at least HEARD that LDRs JUST DON"T WORK. I also heard that on some occassions they do. So I'm in a LDR and its been about 2 weeks now. I want it to last and work out? I would I go about doing this?

2 Topic (to save space):

I've been told that because she is far away I have been acting insecure. I'm not going to lie so I'm just going to admit it. I am a little insecure. I DON'T WANT TO BE, but I am. How would you ELIMINATE INSECURITIES?


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Denver, CO
First of all you need to give up the dream. LDRs don't work and regardless of how much you energy put into one the results will be unsatisfactory at best. If you are truly convinced you are now insecure because she is gone you need to take a good hard look at why you derive security from another person. Take more time figuring out who you are and what your goals are in life.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Depends just how LD the LDR is. If its a 30/60 minute drive... It can work... Assuming one of you has a car... Other than that.. Like different states - why would you even put yourself through that?

There are a ton of girls out there craving to be with you. Have you seen the ****ing gas prices lately??? By god man.. NO! NO LDR FOR YOU!!!

The only positive thing a LDR has going for it - is the fact that since shes so far away - you can cheat without ever getting caught. But remember - you're a DJ. You shouldn't be worried about such things. Just find something closer. Be realistic. If you're already insecure about her - chances are you're right. People aren't insececure about **** like that for no reason. Go with your gut on this one, drop her, and get you somethin better.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Originally posted by benrox
Depends just how LD the LDR is. If its a 30/60 minute drive... It can work... Assuming one of you has a car... Other than that.. Like different states - why would you even put yourself through that?

There are a ton of girls out there craving to be with you. Have you seen the ****ing gas prices lately??? By god man.. NO! NO LDR FOR YOU!!!
Haha...Hilarious! Anyway, I've just done some NLP/Seduction Science exercises and everytime I do that, I just feel GREAT. So the insecurity is gone. About cheating......I don't feel right doing it. It's not like I avoid girls or anything because I still seduce them all the way up to making out and furture on. AND I don't think I would like it if she cheated. Anyway, I have heard someone on say that their LDR worked out. I want to know how?! She is about an 1hr. away by plane and about 6hr. drive.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Here's a post that I put on a RELATIONSHIP sosauve site.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:32 pm Post subject: The Dos and Don'ts in a LDR


This is what I learned about Long Distance Relationships from my own experiences and from others.

1. Make sure they are Mature and ready for a LTR/LDR. Nothing worse then being with someone far away and they are immature and indecisive.

2. If you don’t like being the backbone in the relationship then it’s probably not going to work out. It’s ten times worse and harder on the individual who is the backbone and glue of the relationship. Ex. You are the one always calling, setting up dates to meet, driving to that person, and problem solver. Over time it will get tiresome and frustrating and will in effect will lead to a break up

3. Have a job and car. These kinds of goes along with number two. If you are the only one that has a car then over time it’s going to get frustrating. Why?? Because that means you are the one that has to always go to where they live, and which also means you will always be setting up the dates.

4. Communication. You have to have it. Communication is defiantly a big thing especially in a LDR. Because that’s all you have to go on since you can’t be together. And don’t let things get boring and set routine. Spice it up. Become unpredictable when you call. And when you do, you can sometimes call to say what’s up?! Other times call just to say I miss you, or I love you, goodnight, tell a joke you just heard, whatever you want just spice it up. Oh and you don’t have to talk for hours in out. I find it best to save it for the next visit. It keeps those awkward silences away.

5. Cannot be a shy talker or just a shy person in general. A shy person will be frustrating towards you in a LDR. Why?? Because you will always have to think of something to talk about, always will lead the conversation, and if there is a problem in the relationship unaware to you it will never get brought up until that problem has escalated to a bigger one. Of course, all could have been avoided if that person wasn’t shy and said something earlier. However there are exceptions where it does work out when being in a LDR with a shy person.

6. LDR work best, when you had already been going out and that person or you just moved farther away. Unlike meting a person via, over the Internet.
Now before I get flamed up the ying yang let me explain. When you have a relationship goin on with someone in town or close by you, it is easier to continue it if someone had to move away. One reason is you have already seen how that person really is in person. You know how they act and how they do things in life. However that is not the case when meeting someone over the net. And relationships especially marriages fail because of this. Why? Because you can’t see them for whom they really are. And it’s not your fault, because every time you 2 meet you are raped up in just being together and it’s hard to see the whole picture and to see their flaws. Which in turns leads me to number seven…

7. Sacrifice. One of you will have to eventually make that sacrifice to move to where that person lives. This of course is after a being together for along time and both are ready to take it to the next step. Also this is definitely needed if you meet online or to some degree of that. You need to see the real person and you can’t do that by visiting that person once or twice a month. Uh uh, just ain’t goin to cut it.

8. Trust. You have to have trust. And this goes with any relationship but especially in a LDR. And its not going to be easy because there are going to be times where you feel almost lonely because that person isn’t there to be with you and that’s the time when temptation will arise. And you have to be strong and loyal. And communication plays a big roll here. So if you ever feel down like this or what not that is the time to call that person. Sometimes hearing that persons voice will make you feel better. Its weird but it does.

9. And finally Honesty. If you don’t feel like its working out you need to talk. Always be Honest and keep it real. If you don’t have any feelings for that person then don’t lead false hope. Telling that person you miss them and care for them but when off the phone you feel the opposite even telling your friends is wrong. And don’t drag the relationship on and on thinking maybe you will regain those feelings back. It’s not fair to you or to that other person. So be honest and tell them. Always honest in not only how you feel but with everything else.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
I like the tip but on number 1 you said that the one who is always doing the work (her) eventually will get fed up and break up. Well if this is true then the relationship won't last.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by bluelemond
I like the tip but on number 1 you said that the one who is always doing the work (her) eventually will get fed up and break up. Well if this is true then the relationship won't last.
No no thats not what I mean. And actually its number 2. But anyways, I was saying that if YOU are the backbone and glue of the relationship then it won't last. It has to be an EQUAL share.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I find LDRs draining and unrealistic, unless of course there's an end in site.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
if there's no chance you two will come back together, then the LDR doesn't work.

2 weeks is nothing man. just dont overdo it w/ the contact. once a week is perfect. give the chick plenty of space so when you do get back together she's not bored w/ you already.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
I've done 3 months of LDR before with a girl I loved a lot. It wasn't fun, but I'm glad I've gone through it once.

The best, best advice I can give you is talk to her as little as possible. Spend time with your friends, pursue hobbies, passions, everything. Talk to her as little as possible - give her space, give her the gift of missing you (as Senor Fingers put it), most of all, make her wonder about you.

If you do these things, if and when you meet again, the love will be stronger, if she is one of your many soulmates to begin with. No matter what you do, do not talk every day. This brought my relationship, which was moving downhill to begin with, into a much steeper decline. Make talking to you a treat, in the same way a weekend is a treat.

When/if the relationship resumes 1.) make her earn you back 2.) you will have to sweep her off her feet again (actually this is true in all relationships - you have to sweep a woman off her feet over and over, making her feel cared for in person. When away, let her wonder).

Best of luck bro,




Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Ok well, I have gotten totally different advices. Some people say not to talk to her everyday. Others say that communication is KEY to success. Previously, around 1 week ago she was telling me how she couldn't do it if I didn't talk to her. Like Wildfyre said that she wanted attention. On another post, I can't remember where, someone said that he had a LDR and he talked to her everyday. And it worked out. I'm not sure what to do. I like OneArmDeeJay's advice the best so far, so thanks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
what you need is consistancy.

you have flamed me..told me to suck a dyck....and called me a women.

you admit your insecure..this is why you flame dont see people like me flaming anyone here..unless we are pushed drastically..learn repsect.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Originally posted by bluelemond
Ok well, I have gotten totally different advices. Some people say not to talk to her everyday. Others say that communication is KEY to success. Previously, around 1 week ago she was telling me how she couldn't do it if I didn't talk to her. Like Wildfyre said that she wanted attention. On another post, I can't remember where, someone said that he had a LDR and he talked to her everyday. And it worked out. I'm not sure what to do. I like OneArmDeeJay's advice the best so far, so thanks.
I think ultimately you should talk to her as often as you want and as YOUR GUT feels appropriate. Don't worry, you will know how much is too much, so long as you listen to your heart. You already know what to do, so be happy and enjoy life.

Haha, sorry for the conflicting advice, but I've just gone through a personal revelation of sorts. All the best,



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
First off, onearmdeejay, awesome post and I used that when I was still debating in starting an LDLTR with my current girlfriend.
Originally posted by izza
I think ultimately you should talk to her as often as you want and as YOUR GUT feels appropriate. Don't worry, you will know how much is too much, so long as you listen to your heart. You already know what to do, so be happy and enjoy life.

Haha, sorry for the conflicting advice, but I've just gone through a personal revelation of sorts. All the best,

agreed with izza. Talk as much as you want. I do talk all the time with my girlfriend after 10. Usually 10PM to Midnight everynight. I do this because I want to and she wants to.

I think that you should talk with your girl as much as possible or at least show some consistency when you are supposed to talk but at times just be random in your call times like my girlfriends consistency remains at 10PM-ish and 5:45AM for a wake up call and her to say good morning to help me get ready for school.

(btw I would like to know what your personal revelation is. I have already went through mine a couple weeks ago. It changed the way that I think about the game.)