When you're truly
satisfying your woman, you wont hear the 'youre not ready for a relationship" line. You can have as many freakin' hobbies as you want, and they will not say sh*t to you
...IF...you are satisfying them.
You can overanalyze, and try to take out being involved in the relationship as much as you want, but if she's left feeling lonely, dissatisfied,with no intimacy or bonding, it doesnt
matter if you're ready or not, you dont know how to handle a woman.
Women gain satisfaction from making a deep emotional bond with you.
If you're
'checked out', there's nothing there for her.
I often see two extremes, the overly accomodating, approval seeking AFC, and the aloof, arrogant ass hole...I rarely see a strong man who cares about his woman, and takes care of her in a confidently masculine manner.
So many guys are so terrified of getting busted and showing the inner wussy that they go overboard and start acting TOO indifferent to the presence of their woman. Because they wont allow themselves to share an intimate relationship with a woman, and wont let themselves be seen as 'vulnerable'.
So they go crazy into micro managing their self image.
Total AFC wussy insecurity. You can try to hide it with a ripped physique, making bank, Armani suits, and a Rolex...but youre still an insecure, scared little boy....
..and she knows.
Because of the anxiety you have trying to micromanage your perception and self image to her.
God forbid you show your woman you care for her.
Because we all KNOW for a FACT that when you demonstrate love and affection to your woman she will hate you, and cheat on you, and leave you.
Once you demonstrate you care for her...BOOM...she's good as gone, dude. Yup...
Funny thing is, if she
DOES...she doesnt
deserve you. Shes a (EDITED)..ahem... "Less than worthy" woman.
Get rid of her.
Why would any self respecting man stay with a female who isnt worthy of him??!
(DO you guys understand that it is a GOOD thing to show love and affection to your
mate?? And this is
healthy and EVERYONE wants it? And it
is OK to ADMIT it and to WANT IT??? And if some dumb broad
doesnt appreciate the love that you have for her,
SHE'S the one with the 'issues', NOT YOU??! The only caveat is
IF you
are acting like a
secure, self assured, confident MAN...if NOT....then you WILL have problems.)
But since so many guys have NO IDEA
how to live the masculine
middle road, they go to the
Instead of letting go of their micro managing FEAR based operations, and just be a freakin'
man, and not be
WORRIED and ANXIOUS at HOW you will be perceived.
Damn, if guys really knew what goes on in women's heads.
They want masculine men to know what they want. Have drive and ambition. And not be more afraid and insecure than the woman!
No woman is attracted to a worrywart, an insecure guy who is micro managing his self image. Total turn off.
She's searching for those things.(ie "
IS he Man? or is he a 'little boy'? Is he gay? Does he even like women?")
And when she begins to sense you're a
phony...you're done, kid. She blew your cover.
Nice work.
They want sex, companionship, trust, security, intimacy and an
emotional bond. Women feel
fulfilled when they have an
You cant have an emotional bond when you're acting aloof, and 'not available'.
Thus, you are not satisfying her.
Thus, you get the 'youre not ready for a relationship' line. Because you're not interested in her.
Does that mean you HAVE to make a woman the CENTER of your WORLD? And put her on the pedastal??!!
No. But there we go, men go to the
extremes again. They dont know HOW to handle their own personal life,
and attend to their woman's needs.
And also, most guys naturally assume since 'all women are b*tches" that NO woman will EVER take the time to make sure
YOU'RE Happy and satisfied. And actually
do the things that men want from women??
No way. Women are evil b*tches. No woman can be trusted. yada yada...