How to keep interest up?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, so I ended up with the girl from my previous post.
Took her out, shot some guns and ended up at the waterfront. Kissed closed when I took her home.

She has a class with me so I can see how interest would dwindle quickly. I ignore her for the most part during school due to the fact that I'm just there to get the work done and go home, but I'm aware that ignoring her too much would make her lose interest as well.

Today I guess she was pretending to ignore me and talk to her friend, so I fell back and said "F*ck you guys", and gave them the finger while walking away. The look on her face was priceless, and I had a big smile the whole time I was doing it. I noticed she looked back to see if I was following her but I turned into my hallway and left it at that. (do you think that was a little overboard?)

So any ideas on how to keep interest up while in school?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
kevin1198 said:
so I fell back and said "F*ck you guys", and gave them the finger while walking away.
You want her to be interested.. but you flipped her off? The goal here is to not care, not like hate her. Not to be a **** or anything. That was probably a little overboard.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Sneevox said:
You want her to be interested.. but you flipped her off? The goal here is to not care, not like hate her. Not to be a **** or anything. That was probably a little overboard.
Haha well it worked anyways..

and yes, we do have PDA rules.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
You sure do like to play games! If she wants to ignore you, flipping her off its only going to make her want to ignore you more because you react. Dont react, still be nice to her, do everything you used to do. Watch what happens...


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
You sure do like to play games! If she wants to ignore you, flipping her off its only going to make her want to ignore you more because you react. Dont react, still be nice to her, do everything you used to do. Watch what happens...
I think I'll do that.

I just can't believe it, we were flirting, holding hands and the whole deal. then the today she wont do anything and she's talking to another dude. She wanted to hang out yesterday but I had to workout. Maybe I should've given her more attention. I regret playing these games so I'm done with it.

She's always telling her friends I never text her and that we don't see each other much. How do I blow this other guy out?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Sneevox said:
You want her to be interested.. but you flipped her off? The goal here is to not care, not like hate her. Not to be a **** or anything. That was probably a little overboard.
This is wrong, as long as you had a smile and did it not with the intentions of hurting (or were perceived to be as) you did not go overboard. However high school is kind of weird, I'd say being up front and showing interest is the best rout, rather than playing these little games. I'd usually say if you snub her like that, you should respond with 1.5X more interest initially the next time she starts an interaction with you, or once you feel a long enough time has gone by.

On a tangent, waiting for the girl to initiate you is a good indicator of interest. I'll use today as an example. I was sitting outside at lunch with my friends, and this girl allison was sitting in the middle of the circle, she eventually felt awkward for sitting in the middle and had to relocate next to someone, and guess what, she ended up sitting next to me even though there was hardly any space +1 initiation. I still didn't start a conversation with her though, and like 30 seconds later she turns to me and says 'hey so saw that picture on your facebook, man that's really awesome' (she was the one who took the picture the day before so it's kind of an inside joke), that's another +1 initiation. Btw, even if the girl doesn't initiate, you can tell if she's kind of glancing towards you a little bit, or talking to her friends to try to seem cool just because you're's easy to spot a try hard. So if you see this, initiate. do it with big kino by putting your arm around her or something and saying whatever you're going to say.

DanZy said:
Want her to be interested? Be interesting. It's that simple

Anyways, i had a point going into this post but I completely forgot it....

Basically, showing interest is always better than playing games and making her chase you, because this will piss her off.


Oh also, to keep it interesting, when you're around her don't think 'what should i say', think 'what should i do to make this fun?' Hand clapping games, thumb wars, or any little kid game is always good.

Also just realized this post is like a month old...but oh well..good luck.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
well it worked bro! Everything was going good up until my most recent thread