How to keep a girl happy and interested?


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
Any suggestions, tips?
She kinda isn't much interested anymore, but i want to lure her in!
Does showing her a good time work? When her friends are around she's just weird around me, you know? Always with her friends and ignoring me, or.. at least i think so..
I want to show her im a fun guy :D What do you guys mostly do for your girlfriends to boost her interest in you?
And what should i do when she sways off with her friends? how do i get her attention back :eek:

ty sosuave!
-happy man in the making :-D

*edit OH! And how often should i see her? Afew times a week too much?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Birmingham, Alabama
Well, man being a Don Juan is about being confident in yourself and building the life that you want. What you have to realize is that you are the prize and that you shouldn't have to prove yourself to this chick. If she is ignoring you or being disrespectful to you then dude, you should acknowledge that. Women want a confident man, so you need to act that way. If she is your girlfriend then tell her that you want a girl who's actually going to participate in the relationship and treat you respectfully and that if it's something she can't do then tell her you're going to find somebody who can and leave. If she's still interested then she will turn her act around and if she's not then mean what you told her and find another girl. No girl is so special that you should let them treat you like ****. You have to step up man. As far as how often you should see a girl, well that's up to you, but I will tell you that you need to have some space or it's not going to work. You should have friends, hobbies, goals to obtain that need more of your attention. A girl should be part of your life not the center of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
asianJewey said:
Any suggestions, tips?
She kinda isn't much interested anymore, but i want to lure her in!
Does showing her a good time work? When her friends are around she's just weird around me, you know? Always with her friends and ignoring me, or.. at least i think so..

how often should i see her? Afew times a week too much?

If she's ignoring you around her friends, you're in trouble. It sounds like she is more ashamed of you than considering her your lover.

I always think: would the girl act this way if I was Brad?

If the answer is more than 50% no, I'm out.


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Hey what's up,

The key to keeping a woman interested is spontaneuity. At this point in your relationship it seems to me that she is educated on who you are as a person and pretty reliable at assuming your next move. She expects you to do certain things and act certain ways. DO NOT DO THIS! Continue to keep her on her heels! Make subtle changes to show her your not who she thinks you are IE: change your cologne, start a new hobby, go out to places you've never been, make new friends. This will intrigue her curiosity. She needs to know that whatever the two of you do together will be a great and new experience, whether its shopping at the grocery store or clubbing. Try not to make yourself so available...if a woman want's something trust me she'll go after it so make her come to you, and she also need's to know that you have other priorities in your life. Don't fall into her game of ignoring you! Women use this technique as a test... a test to see how far your willing to go to get them. It's simply a marketing strategy, if I were to hand you a brochure and immediately take it away after you gained interest you would reach for it! Instead turn this around on her. When she want's to spend time with her friends let her. She needs to know that you have other things you can spend you time on and your not pressed over her. I hope this advice helps you! It's made me a very successful dj!

asianJewey said:
Any suggestions, tips?
She kinda isn't much interested anymore, but i want to lure her in!
Does showing her a good time work? When her friends are around she's just weird around me, you know? Always with her friends and ignoring me, or.. at least i think so..
I want to show her im a fun guy :D What do you guys mostly do for your girlfriends to boost her interest in you?
And what should i do when she sways off with her friends? how do i get her attention back :eek:

ty sosuave!
-happy man in the making :-D

*edit OH! And how often should i see her? Afew times a week too much?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Keep her emotions well fed.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
Not only do you have to be interesting
but you also have to put your foot down
and not put up with her BS.
Tell her that if shes just going to ignore you
just call you or hang out with you when shes in the mood
then your not going to put up with that and you'll move on.
Also I'd like to add that you should listen
to what the other posters have said.