YogurtSlinger said:
Texting is gay and you shouldn't be doing that when talking to girls you are interested in anyway. Stop doing that. It will be a step in the right direction.
I'm going to disagree with this statement. I feel like texting is how girls communicate with a majority of people in our modern society. It's a lot like Facebook, which has been highly advised against, but I'm for technology. I'm not advising you to go crazy and tell her everything about yourself over text, I'm merely saying it's not all bad when done
ChickenHero said:
Hey im new to this site...
Well here's the situation
Ive been conversing with this one female for about a month now and i felt everything was going all good, untill she came out oneday and said that i was kind of boring (as in she wasnt really feeling the conversation)...so my question is how to i become more fun to talk to? how do i improve my conversation...my problem is that when i text girls i cant find interesting things to talk about and we end up talking about bland boring things lol...either that or i dont talk very much...
Sir ChickenHero
A month? Unless you know what you're doing then I'm going to say you're in the friends zone. Don't talk to her for a week. Don't even give her the time of day when you're passing in the halls. If she's remotely interested she will come around, just don't give in. This is you mentally next'ing her.
The secret behind great conversation with women is the ability to talk about nothing. I REALLY hope you read this as I'm going to take the time to explain what I mean.
I've often heard of this unique ability as the "gift of gab." Basically you can talk about nothing or anything for hours. In all honesty it actually doesn't matter WHAT you say to her. You could ask her for a f*cking pencil and, with the correct mindset and mannerisms, convey whatever you want. This of course takes practice and something along the lines of "a desire to change." When I say a "desire to change," it's really more than that. You have to want it with your entire being because it will take more effort than anything you've ever done before. You're changing your flight&fight response. You're entering new territory where your body and mind don't know how to react because you've never experienced it before.
Personally, I use the mnemonic F.U.C.K to remember the basics and my goal.
F - funny
Absolutely required if you aren't amazingly rich/famous/powerful/popular. If you can make a girl laugh she's having fun. Women love fun guys.
U - unique, unbelieveable
This can be anything you want but I find that these two words are the best. Unique means stand the f*ck out. Don't be afraid to be different in anything you say. As the famous T-shirt says, "You laugh because I'm different; I laugh because you're all the same." Unbelievable is a synonym for bold. It's another key aspect. You MUST take the lead in EVERY interaction with women. Treat them like small children and SHOW them what they want.
C - ****y
You are the sh*t. You are the greatest person in the world. Someone else from these forums used the metaphor, "I am the center of light in the universe," which I now use for myself. It's rather hard for me to describe EXACTLY when and how to be ****y, but it is something you will come to understand if you get in the right mindset. This mindset is, in it's simplest form, the idea that SHE will have the HONOR of simply being with you.
You two are hanging out at her house. What's she doing specifically to earn the honor of your time? Personally she'd be making me dinner followed by some fun. You tell her to "look pretty for me tonight or I might have to leave early." Why? Because you are the f*cking man and you have TONS of hot women lining up to be with you, yet you chose to spend your valuable time with this women. She damn well better make it worth your time.
K - kino
Probably the most important of all. If this mnemonic made sense backward that's how I'd write it for sheer importance of this letter. Once you learn to touch without it being weird or awkward for yourself or her, it's magical haha. It really works that well.
The above, combined with the ability to talk about nothing (which is in fact CAN be learned) will lead to many numbers and much, much more.