How to have a fun life?


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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An Alpha Male is not dependent on anyone for making his life fun and he must do it himself
He creates a bubble of happiness fun and good spirits around himself so that when he encounters a new person he’s confident that he will be interesting just by the aura of power he exudes

now how to have this kind of life?
any idea?


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
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I think you're taking it far too idealistically. If you've got to think about stuff like that you won't ever be an 'alpha male'. Make an effort to have fun AND improve yourself and you'll grow into a true alpha male who's fun to be around.

It's not something you can fake.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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thanks, for motivating...
but, what do you mean Make an effort to have fun?
I want to have fun and improve
every one wants to have fun, and a fun life
but the fact is there are just a few people who khow how to have it
I mean I cannot amuse a group of kids and be dominant in a group of them
how do I suppose to be a person who is fun to be around?

AND improve yourself
Right, but how to improve?
I just need an idea to... START


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
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I'm going out in a sec so i gotta be real quick but:

-if you've not read the DJ bible that'll give you a good start
-i'm going to guess if you 'don't know' how to have fun you overthink/analyse a lot? try not to and you'll notice a big difference
-you dont have to be dominant to amuse people and have fun

This might not be very helpful cause im in a bit of a rush.. if no one else helps just send a pm.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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I'm working on this, too, man. I try to just live in the moment as much as possible. Otherwise you overthink everything.

Look around and act on instinct on anything that looks interesting no matter how stupid. If you're driving down the road and notice a new place, go check it out right then rather than making a mental note to come back later.

You start to get in the habit of being spontaneous when you do this. Spontaneity leads to insta-fun.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I can tell you what not to do: don't get married and don't have kids.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
notice a new place, go check it out
good idea, to start..
so, by being spontaneous
you are confident that you will be interesting when, you encounter a new person

hey guys, thanks
Nexus Polaris, dav22, Bible_Belt, Kerpal


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD

this is my secret to having a fun life.

I quite simply stopped caring about hanging out with people and doing what everyone else did. I do things for me.

- I talk to people anywhere (lunch room, class (before the teacher arrives), dorm rooms, benches, buses, and etc).

- I do things that scares other people (such as a bike trips, jumping into rivers in the middle of February, jumping off of 30 foot waterfalls, and etc.)

- Join clubs (swing dancing, middle-age sword fighting, Business clubs, and a few others)

- Invite your friends along with you on trips or just out in general

- Enjoy life every second that you can because eventually it will be gone.

- Make friends with a multitude of different and wide ranging people

That is just a small trove of knowledge on how I enjoy my life.



Don Juan
Oct 6, 2007
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I'll tell you what, life is short and overanalyzing a situation is a waste a time. Men are not supposed to do this in their true form, it just doesn't work. You are polluting your mindspace with negativity.

You should love yourself.
You should do what you want.
You should form the model of what YOU want to be, not what WE want you to be.
You should work your ass off to get it.

Change is something that can't be forced, you have to want to change. Until you really, truly want to, you won't.

Once you become an Alpha Male, you realize that you can never go back. No longer do you sit around and ponder how you can be approved. You realize that there is a world inside of you where your friends end. You are in charge of your life, and you have to have the courage to do this. It is courage and strength because in essence you are ALONE. You won't have people their to make you feel good about yourself, you may not have anyone at some times in your life. But if you just find what makes you happy, then everything else will come to you. You always, ALWAYS have yourself.

It's Priorities.

Girls should be low down on the list, but they should still be on the list. Girls are somewhere near number 8 on my priority list. Because I care about them. I can't stand seeing guys being rude and mean to girls because that's all they know. Treat girls with respect because they deserve it. It's even more attractive when you are kind, but strong and set in your personality. I'm not changing for anyone, but I truly have a softer side. It is part of that strong personality.

For whatever reason people relate being a badass player to being an *******. Girls just want courage, they want a man who knows what he wants, and then gets/takes it. You can be kind, or you can be an ******* that isn't what matters. It isn't what you say, it's what you do. I could sit around and tell knock, knock jokes the whole night but I can do it in a way that makes me sexual attractive and then I can TOUCH and make out with them.

That's fine, but they don't get Alpha Male status. Alpha Male status is acceptance of EVERYONE, but an understanding of life in that moment. The only way to be on top, is to CLIMB, and trust me, you're going to fall. The Omega Male gives up, the Alpha Male makes it to the top no matter what.

When you are on your way to the top, the girls will jump on with you. You will no longer wonder if you used the right technique because you will be knee deep in ass.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
fuzzx said:
Being an alpha male has nothing to do with having a fun life... If you start equating fun to having girls then you are in for a rough ride.
thats very true,

if you externalize happiness, then you will LOSE and lose badly.

if you internalize happiness, then you will WIN and win greatly. You must be able to create your own happiness without other people around. That is when you will truely be happy.

Women are just supposed to be an add-on to a successful life, not the life.



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
BCOMusic said:
Once you become an Alpha Male, you realize that you can never go back. No longer do you sit around and ponder how you can be approved. You realize that there is a world inside of you where your friends end. You are in charge of your life, and you have to have the courage to do this. It is courage and strength because in essence you are ALONE. You won't have people their to make you feel good about yourself, you may not have anyone at some times in your life. But if you just find what makes you happy, then everything else will come to you. You always, ALWAYS have yourself.
It's interesting that you should mention that.

Once I figured out what a DJ truely is and how to be it. I never reverted back to being an AFC. The entire idea of reverting back to pre-DJ methodology scares the bejeezus out of me, but once you are a DJ, your a DJ for life. It would take continual practice to become an AFC again (actually you would have to study how to become an AFC).

My girlfriend even after 4 months of dating still says that I am not a pushover or a wimp. I am what "every girl wishes that [she] has and [she] ain't giving me up for anybody. Your mine." This just shows how poweful that the DJ techniques are. Why would I ever want to get them back.

I believe once you become a DJ at heart and know it completely, it is impossible to revert back to AFC.

That would like be choosing to ave a sh!ttier life and who would want that.



Don Juan
Oct 6, 2007
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Exactly, and I mean ****, women aren't really as complicated as some people think they are. Being a DJ isn't as complicated as some people think it is. You just make yourself you. It takes dedication and hard work, and sometimes you get discouraged. That's almost like a test that weeds out the unworthy AFC.

It is in our god given nature.

It's almost funny that people memorize **** and actually use it, and this bull**** wierd ass dude on MTV or whatever. That dude creeps me out.

I think people forget that we are animals. Animals that are governed by sex. That is the point of our existence. You can rationalize your sex drive by thinking you "love" your oneitis crush, but if you aren't ****ing her, someone is, right now because she needs ****. Her whole life revolves around **** and balls.

Why you would want to be an unhappy person with no control over himself or his life is beyond me. Alot of people are self-absorbed and can't understand that they are the only ones who can make changes in their life. Some people don't realize that they have the power inside of them.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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comic_relief: thank you, for sharing you secrets
BCOMusic: thanx for great speech:D

and plus to be a fun person you need to be creative, a fun peson makes the worst situations & most boring situations favorable, a fun person is also funny

AND... it is easy to have fun(for me sleeping is a fun thing to do) but it is difficult to be fun and make people smile

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
BCOMusic said:
You can rationalize your sex drive by thinking you "love" your oneitis crush, but if you aren't ****ing her, someone is, right now because she needs ****. Her whole life revolves around **** and balls.
I didn't realize the truth in this statement until the other night. And when I did, it kicked my inner emo kid in the balls. HARD!

I made the mistake of reading one of those stupid myspace surveys my top priority chick posted the other night, and she essentially made references to not only banging some other guy recently but seemed very excited about doing it again.

I can feel myself teetering on the brink of falling back into AFC mode and letting one-itis ruin the rest of my month. I'm fighting it with everything I've got. It didn't help any that my backup chick got bored with me and ditched me either.

I swear, I've got the worst game ever. It's like reverse game. I've never met anybody else who had the uncanny ability like I have to take a girl who is so enamored with you that she can't even look at you because it makes her nervous and end up ruining her attraction to the point where she won't even return your phone calls.

I've got an IQ of 130. Why am I such a moron?