How to handle this BS?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
So the girl that I asked out yesterday, flaked on me last minute. Then text me this morning asking me if I went out to the event that I was going to take her and if I had fun. I didn't tell her what it was except that it was a surprise. Anyways it felt kind of like she was rubbing it in my face, as if I'm suppose to stay home just because she didn't go with me. I went to the event anyways which was a salsa party. I danced with 6 girls there and ended up taking a few pics with one of the girls. I texted her back this morning saying "ya I had fun, I met alot of new ppl there", Then she is like " I still don't know where "there" is". I then send her a pic of me holding the girl in a dip position with both of us smiling. I say "She's my dance partner". She stopped texting me back right away, and then replied back an hr later "aw thats so cute". I just send her a text back 2 hrs later with a :). She then texts me like 3 hrs later asking me what type of dance that was. Anyways this chick then texts me this right now at 1:30am.

"Salsa eh? you should ask your dance partner on a date".

She seemed pretty bothered by that pic I sent her today, and she wasn't smiling or anything when I saw her at school today. I ran into her at lunch in the computer lab. I just said hey to her then went about my business on the computer. She says hey whats up, then stands there for like 1-2 sec as if expecting me to say something. I guess she was expecting me to bring up the event from last night. Then she leaves the room.

Anyways I was thinking about replying back with something like " I already did" or " I already beat you to the punch". I'm not sure if this is some attempt to grab frame back or some ego boost bull****, but I'm sick of her ****ing games, and it would be nice to give her a taste of her own medicine and to show her that she ****ed up and that I don't tolerate this bull****.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Too much mind games - simple NEXT, save yourself a lot of strategizing and wasted energy. Use it for other women who are worthy of your attention.

When a woman FLAKES on you without a damn good reason, and she doesn't COUNTEROFFER on the spot, automatic NEXT and go NC.

You should not have responded to her text. That was to stroke her ego to see her power over you if you are still interested (by responding).

Be well.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I can't go NC she's in all my classes and I see her everyday. That would just makes things awkward and weird. Like if she was someone else from outside of school or work, then ya, I would have deleted her ****ing number and gone NC. She was super flirty with me 2 days ago, calling me an ******* multiple times, punching me playfully, and shoulder bumping into me, and smiling like crazy.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
There was genuine interest there. Girls will flake from time to time, and aren't always obligated to give you a reason. There could be a really personal reason as to why she cancelled last minute.

She wouldn't have interest in how your night went if she didn't give a crap about you.

You made a massive mistake by showing her a pic of you with another woman. It's as if you were trying to rub it in her face, and that's the wrong move. Simply telling her you went salsa dancing would have been enough.

She wouldn't say 'ask your dance partner on a date' if she wasn't jealous.

My rule of thumb is let them flake once, give them the benefit of the doubt. But of it happens the second time, then boom that's it.

You've effed it up, there's no going back, and she actually liked you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
thunder_god said:
That would just makes things awkward and weird.
That is just your own AFC internal talk from the 'Nice Guy'.

You want advice - here it is: IGNORE the sh!t out of her and game other women, in front of her or not - don't care about what she thinks and feels. She already placed you at the bottom of the pole by flaking on you.

This is the problem with all NICE GUYS (and I am guilty as charged in the past).

Stop giving her ATTENTION WHOORING food.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Leashed said:
There was genuine interest there. Girls will flake from time to time, and aren't always obligated to give you a reason. There could be a really personal reason as to why she cancelled last minute.

She wouldn't have interest in how your night went if she didn't give a crap about you.

You made a massive mistake by showing her a pic of you with another woman. It's as if you were trying to rub it in her face, and that's the wrong move. Simply telling her you went salsa dancing would have been enough.

She wouldn't say 'ask your dance partner on a date' if she wasn't jealous.

My rule of thumb is let them flake once, give them the benefit of the doubt. But of it happens the second time, then boom that's it.

You've effed it up, there's no going back, and she actually liked you.
If she was really interested, she would have offered an counteroffer, not some bull**** excuse saying she has ballroom dance lessons later in the evening and that she can't go.

Anyways she was being all distance and **** like for a few weeks. I went NC and pretty much keep my distant and was flirting like crazy with a lot of girls in my class. I even got another girl's number in my class and was practicing with her 3 days ago, when this girl was acting all distance and cold. I caught her eyeing me a few times in the corner while I was having a good time, playing and laughing with that other girl who's number I got. This girl couldn't stand it and as soon as I walked away, she came right up to me, and asked me if I wanted to practice with her. I gave her alittle attention but told her that she could practice with me and the other girl instead of just ditching the other girl. This lead to the girl asking me if I wanted to practice later with her but I had other arrangements and so we decided on the next day, and that was the day when she started flirting like crazy.

One thing I left out is this girl has been known to play games in the past. Although I did manage to peak her interest level at one point and get really physical with her, I failed to escalate. To make matters worst, I messed up pretty badly when I finally got her out on a date 2 months ago. I just couldn't control my emotions anymore and it turned me into an afc. She lost interest and started to act distance and cold from that point on. She stopped calling me and hardly texted me anymore. I took some time off away from her and managed to get some of my confidence back which is why she has started to be more receptive of me again. I have returned back to the old me somewhat although not 100% yet, however this time in order to not regress back to my previous acf ways I started to spin plates. There are 2 other girls I am also trying to game at the moment, so that I don't lose my mind again. She recently started calling me again, and has been texting me a lot like almost everyday. However i have learnt from some of my previous mistakes and am still learning through trial and error. I'm still working on my text game but i believe its slowly improving. I no longer spend hrs texting and talking with her, but now vary my response time and try to keep it short and simple. I'm thinking about even trying to minimize texting altogether and make it so that if she wants to speak to me, it has to be in person. If she takes a long time to reply back to a text message I either match her response time or I take a bit longer.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
GotED? said:
That is just your own AFC internal talk from the 'Nice Guy'.

You want advice - here it is: IGNORE the sh!t out of her and game other women, in front of her or not - don't care about what she thinks and feels. She already placed you at the bottom of the pole by flaking on you.

This is the problem with all NICE GUYS (and I am guilty as charged in the past).

Stop giving her ATTENTION WHOORING food.


One flake, and you're out? Seems like you're one of the top dogs in here, so I'm asking out of genuine curiosity.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Leashed said:

One flake, and you're out? Seems like you're one of the top dogs in here, so I'm asking out of genuine curiosity.
A flake with no valid excuse and counteroffer and a message from her the next day asking about it like nothing happened, is you being set up to be played for a fool. I bet this one comes with baggage that would make a mule drop to its knees.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
thunder_god said:
So the girl that I asked out yesterday, flaked on me last minute. Then text me this morning asking me if I went out to the event that I was going to take her and if I had fun. I didn't tell her what it was except that it was a surprise. Anyways it felt kind of like she was rubbing it in my face, as if I'm suppose to stay home just because she didn't go with me. I went to the event anyways which was a salsa party. I danced with 6 girls there and ended up taking a few pics with one of the girls. I texted her back this morning saying "ya I had fun, I met alot of new ppl there", Then she is like " I still don't know where "there" is". I then send her a pic of me holding the girl in a dip position with both of us smiling. I say "She's my dance partner". She stopped texting me back right away, and then replied back an hr later "aw thats so cute". I just send her a text back 2 hrs later with a :). She then texts me like 3 hrs later asking me what type of dance that was. Anyways this chick then texts me this right now at 1:30am.

"Salsa eh? you should ask your dance partner on a date".

She seemed pretty bothered by that pic I sent her today, and she wasn't smiling or anything when I saw her at school today. I ran into her at lunch in the computer lab. I just said hey to her then went about my business on the computer. She says hey whats up, then stands there for like 1-2 sec as if expecting me to say something. I guess she was expecting me to bring up the event from last night. Then she leaves the room.

Anyways I was thinking about replying back with something like " I already did" or " I already beat you to the punch". I'm not sure if this is some attempt to grab frame back or some ego boost bull****, but I'm sick of her ****ing games, and it would be nice to give her a taste of her own medicine and to show her that she ****ed up and that I don't tolerate this bull****.

May i know what's her reason for not going out with you? This "game/flake/excuses" women puts to us men as we make an effort to see to it we fulfill our word of honor in that date is a disrespect for our time, much more to us as a person.

Neither do they know nor they care that we also deal with personal stuffs, perhaps much more serious than what they're dealing at some point and we still commit to what we said. It is about giving your Word of Honor.

That's the risk a girl should take for disrespecting your time, she should know the consequence when she scrrewed herself by flaking on you just to see what would you do and how would you react.

Keep your chin up as you see this girl on your class, it's not your loss and you should never put more effort on a girl that disrespects your time and expects you to still pursue her.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
ludis said:
A flake with no valid excuse and counteroffer and a message from her the next day asking about it like nothing happened, is you being set up to be played for a fool. I bet this one comes with baggage that would make a mule drop to its knees.
Let girls like that get a dose of their own poison.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Leashed said:
There was genuine interest there. Girls will flake from time to time, and aren't always obligated to give you a reason. There could be a really personal reason as to why she cancelled last minute.

She wouldn't have interest in how your night went if she didn't give a crap about you.

You made a massive mistake by showing her a pic of you with another woman. It's as if you were trying to rub it in her face, and that's the wrong move. Simply telling her you went salsa dancing would have been enough.

She wouldn't say 'ask your dance partner on a date' if she wasn't jealous.

My rule of thumb is let them flake once, give them the benefit of the doubt. But of it happens the second time, then boom that's it.

You've effed it up, there's no going back, and she actually liked you.
Horrible advice.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
You did fine.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of point scoring to put a girl back in her box - just as long as you're not being immature about it.

About her 'you should ask your dance partner on a date comment'... I'd either not respond to it, or write something like 'LOL!' which would leave her wondering what exactly you meant by that.

Keep going the way you are, just remember to smile and look genuinely happy to see her. She'll either work hard to keep your attention, or she'll decide to focus on someone else. Either way, you win.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
Lol, she tried to show higher value with the flake. Now, you are showing you have options, not willing to sit home, and she ain't liking it. Since you have already seen her in person, it would make no sense now to text back "i did!!". That would have best been done instantaneously. I simply would stop texting her, pursue other options and she will likely come sniffing around.
No I actually haven't seen her since her last txt message suggesting that I ask that girl out. She sent that at 1:30AM in the morning!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
She just texted me back immediately after I sent her the reply "I did" saying "and..." lol. I was either thinking of responding back with "I don't kiss and tell", "none of your business lol", or based on how happy she looked in that pic I sent um I'd say she's a happy customer lol".

What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
I'd just respond with a smiley face. means nothing and makes the hamster spin.
Then go ghost for a few days, and see what happens
I responded back to her last text with the message "Use your imagination ;-)" like 20 minutes later because I was busy and she never responded back lol.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
thunder_god said:
I responded back to her last text with the message "Use your imagination ;-)" like 20 minutes later because I was busy and she never responded back lol.

I suggest you cut this girl ASAP. No more texting..Zero..Nada. It's not worth it and just by her texts alone, you can tell how she'll be in the long run. You can find elsewhere a chick that will treat you the way you want. Read the DJ Bible and other tips here because they came from the experiences and tips on how these type of girls put up to men. I myself was saved with all the troubles on girl's shltty ways.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm just curious if she starts to come on strong again and starts flirting with me again how should I handle it? Also previously she tried to hint that I ask her out to like the movies without saying it, because she found out I was into her. I didn't give in at the time. Do you guys think if she starts hinting at going out or even asks me to go hang out or something, I should blow her off the first time? I find girls like these, you need to play at their level or a level higher then them when it comes to these games. I think having gone through this experience and now having some of this experience under my belt will help me deal with this BS in the future. I'd like to at least close the deal on this one, before I exit out so that I know what to do in the future if I ever encounter someone like this again.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
I'm just curious if she starts to come on strong again and starts flirting with me again how should I handle it? .
Call her out on her BS. I think you are handling things fine, you've shown you have other options. Keep the texts to minimal, if anything.

Since you see her at class, I would ignore her texts completely.

She needs to prove to YOU, she's not playing games. Once the games stop, maybe she'll earn your attention.

Personally, I would (go for the salsa gal). :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Mr.Positive said:
Call her out on her BS. I think you are handling things fine, you've shown you have other options. Keep the texts to minimal, if anything.

Since you see her at class, I would ignore her texts completely.

She needs to prove to YOU, she's not playing games. Once the games stop, maybe she'll earn your attention.

Personally, I would (go for the salsa gal). :)
The Salsa girls butt ugly and is boring otherwise I would have already pursued her.

I tried the whole calling a girl out on their BS before. It didn't work, at least not for me. They always try to find some way to twist things around and won't admit it. I find its better to not show that it bothered you by calling them out on it, but to show them through your actions instead.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score

So I think she is definitely playing the old "lets see who's gonna take longer to text game" with me. She texted me last night at 11:30pm asking me "How's Studying". I had my phone on silent so didn't see this until 11:30am today.

I just text her back at 11:30am:

Me: "good"
Me: "Just heading off to school to practice for the exam"
Me: "u?"

No reply back until 5pm today.

Her: "good, I'm going to practice for the exam on my mom now"
Her: "Did u have more practice Qs?"
Her: "Did u save the ones from the tutors?"

Its been over 4 hrs and I haven't responded back yet. What do you guys think I should do? I was going text her something like:

me: "let me check"
me: "if you have anymore practice q's, send them over, thx"

Anyways I think if she still texts me about school BS I'm just going to stop responding to her texts altogether. I'm back at school tmr, so there is a good chance I will see her. If she asks me to practice with her for our exam what do u guys think I should do? Should I just blow her off, or say something like "I'm kind of working with so and so, but you can join us if you like" or just say "sure".