Originally posted by Cougar1CMG:
thats all i really want to know right now. i think once i learn to do this more, i will be more in control and be like well its her loss. it won't be easy, but i want some ways so when it is all over it affects HER not me. ok well im sure u all know what im talkin about and have many good ideas to help.
Later Coug
If she
doesn't offer to make it up to you,
by offering another date-day/time of her own free will - tell her maybe some other time(when she gives her
line about why she can't go out), hang up, and toss her number immediately; she didn't like you anyway so don't waste any more of your time. If it's the first time she has broken or postponed the date, you could give her one more chance; but, that's up to you if you want to waste more of your time. Just use your best judgement, when trying to determine whether her excuse is plausable enough to deserve a second chance.
Forget about these who break dates chronically - they have no respect for you and never will. Ignoring her like she doesn't exist is the only real revenge. Women don't like to be ignored, so do just that - to these "date-breakers."
Reacting, doing anything more (confronting her, b!tching, begging), will still leave her with the sense of control over you. Your inaction(ignoring her immediately and moving on to other women) denies her this, and leaves you with more self-respect than you would've had otherwise.
Definition Of Insanity: Doing what you've always done and expecting things to change.
[This message has been edited by Armand (edited 11-20-2000).]