How to give the stare of DEATH to women


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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I can't remember exactly but I'm sure it was one of Juggler's ebooks where he said that in order to be successful with women (and in life) you need to have the ability to go from nice to mad in an instant. You need to have those two opposites in you and they need to look real in order to get respect from people. Women and people alike need to know you are not f***ng around.

Many puas preach to discipline women not by smacking them across the face but by neggin/calling out their bs straight out and putting them in their place which of course shows them you don't take sh*t from her or anybody.


Here's a short little video of the sort of thing you should be able to do which is nothing more than just staring people down with all seriousness and conviction that you are not F**** AROUND!

Notice Roy Keane's reaction when asked if he's going to quit:

1. Doesn't lose his composure/starts yelling/cussin but instead looks at the guy with a stare like he's going to kill him. This is just a perfect example of showing anger without actually even raising your voice. Sometimes silence tells a thousand words and this is one such example.

Now if you are a recovering nice guy like myself when people busted your balls or made fun of you the thing you did was try to laugh it off hoping they would stop. I'm sure i'm not the only one here that was a nice guy back in high school this forum is full of them. I do remember many times when I tried to make fun of people myself and it was stares like this that made me stop. It took me years later to really notice the psychological impact of a stare.

Anytime I don't get the desired response from a woman or they do something I don't like I go ahead and do this. I know it may sound stupid or silly to some but staring people down is an effective way to gain respect.
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Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
You want to stare at a woman like you are about to beat her up? Good luck with that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
brekke said:
You want to stare at a woman like you are about to beat her up? Good luck with that.
Guys need to learn to discipline women. You see guys get mad over what women do losing their composure and giving them the satisfaction of making you lose your tracks. Giving a woman a simple stare of *don't do that again* sends her a message that you are not to be messed with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Lmao I can totally relate to this
I used to do this to my girlfriend when she did something I didn't like, I would immediatly lock my eyes on her and kinda open them a bit more than usual with a serious face... like saying "keep doing that, keep trying me, and you will see what happens"

hahha she always got the message and would say... "what did I do?" "you mad at me" lol

deff a plus!


Don Juan
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
pipe007 said:
Lmao I can totally relate to this
I used to do this to my girlfriend when she did something I didn't like, I would immediatly lock my eyes on her and kinda open them a bit more than usual with a serious face... like saying "keep doing that, keep trying me, and you will see what happens"

hahha she always got the message and would say... "what did I do?" "you mad at me" lol

deff a plus!

Thats what I did with my ex girlfriend a lot. Something as lame as not using her turn signal while driving. She would look back and say sorry after I stared her down for little.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
My dad has The Glare perfected and it is possibly the scariest thing one can witness, nobody who's suffered it can hold eye contact with it (least without tears in your eyes) you have to look away or down. It's all in the eyes, they're wider and angry looking and the mouth is kind of withdrawn.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
lol roy keaneeeeee
the funny thing is he actually stayed on


Don Juan
May 11, 2010
Reaction score
f283000 said:
I can't remember exactly but I'm sure it was one of Juggler's ebooks where he said that in order to be successful with women (and in life) you need to have the ability to go from nice to mad in an instant. You need to have those two opposites in you and they need to look real in order to get respect from people. Women and people alike need to know you are not f***ng around.

Many puas preach to discipline women not by smacking them across the face but by neggin/calling out their bs straight out and putting them in their place which of course shows them you don't take sh*t from her or anybody.


Here's a short little video of the sort of thing you should be able to do which is nothing more than just staring people down with all seriousness and conviction that you are not F**** AROUND!

Notice Roy Keane's reaction when asked if he's going to quit:

1. Doesn't lose his composure/starts yelling/cussin but instead looks at the guy with a stare like he's going to kill him. This is just a perfect example of showing anger without actually even raising your voice. Sometimes silence tells a thousand words and this is one such example.

Now if you are a recovering nice guy like myself when people busted your balls or made fun of you the thing you did was try to laugh it off hoping they would stop. I'm sure i'm not the only one here that was a nice guy back in high school this forum is full of them. I do remember many times when I tried to make fun of people myself and it was stares like this that made me stop. It took me years later to really notice the psychological impact of a stare.

Anytime I don't get the desired response from a woman or they do something I don't like I go ahead and do this. I know it may sound stupid or silly to some but staring people down is an effective way to gain respect.

You forgot to add that Roy Keane is a massive **** though. Emotionally retarded and more than a bit autistic, pretty much everyone he's worked with has nothing positive to say about him as a person.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Great post. I have done this all of my life. It's called giving someone "the stink eye".