Crissco, I bet you $20 that if you get off the computer, game some other girls, and stop over-thinking everything, you can come back to this post in like 2 months and be embarrassed by how much of a pvssy you are here. I KNOW you're better than this.
What you SHOULD have done is not sent her any Facebook message at all, and then just called her up in a few days. While gaming other girls. You've been posting here awhile; you know better.
And then your second message just reeked of desperation and insecurity. I mean come on I feel like anybody who has been on this site longer than 15 minutes should know better than that.
Seriously were you drunk?
You've had some pretty good posts in the past, I'm just really surprised at all of this. You don't need advice from SoSuave, you need to just chill. What's helped me a lot is to lean WAY back and look at your girl situations with some objectivity. Think of your life as a post on here. How would you reply if somebody started this same thread? That forces you to think things through in a crisp and clean manner, without having any biases. Try it, it'll help a lot.
I know this got off topic but I feel like this thread of yours is a sudden outburst that if you really tried solving your own issues first, you'd easily find your solution. Which is why you could have been drunk.
Anyway, you know what to do. Now go do it and stop thinking so fvcking much.