How to get the High School Clinger (High School advice)


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
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A clinger - A girl that has lost her virginity to a guy and think that he is the best thing in the world and convinces herself that she loves him and never wants to leave him. A clinger is also a girl who has almost gone all the way with a guy and know it is coming so does not want to leave him. A girl becomes a clinger because she thinks that he is the only guy in life who will give her pleasure like that. This thread will tell you how to get that clinger back on her feet in your arms.

A clinger...Pff. You know that girl you have liked since the first day of high school but and then you convinced yourself you have no shot with her, because she has convinced herself and everyone else that she loves that boy. Well if you are that guy you have came to the right spot. Because I am going to help you out to get that lady. If you are not in High School this probably does not work for you because after high school is usually when true love happens. and that is almost impossible to separate.

This does take a lot of time and to pull off but to make it work you have to do everything that is here....I will post all the stuff you have to do in no order because depending on the situation some people may have to do the stuff different ways.

Be who you are - Some guys figure they have to change there ways to get this girl, Well the reality is that if this girl was a real clinger she would notice you and realize that you are acting different around her. A clinger realizes that she likes other guys in a dating matter but convinces herself it is wrong to and that she only wants that one guy in her life. The boy who she had 30 seconds of fun with. So if you change your way for that girl it is like changing you way for mother or father they will just keep telling you to stop being and idiot. and that is exactly what she is thinking. And will completely stop thinking of you and that would ruin any chance you had because in her mind she is thinking of other guys but is sooo convinced that she loves this guy that it is not true.

Alone time with her - One of the keys to making this work is to be with her more then he boyfriend...Even though that seems nearly impossible if he is the guy who took her virginity chances are he is a jackass. He will only call her so often and hang out with her maybe a few times a week after school. All those extra days should try to be you or her friends. The less she is with him is the more you can show her she does not love him. If she is with you more then she is with him some scenarios may happen.

A - He gets angry and decides that she must like you because she is with you more then him and decides to leave her...Of course she will be convinced that she is heart broken but she will convince herself to get over it and there you are with arms wide open.

B - She realizes that he is a ****head compared to you and decides that he best thing for her is to stop dating him on go out with you. The reason why this will work because all the alone time you have with her you get to show her how a real guy acts. Not a guy just looking for booty call a few times a week. And most girls really want someone who cares about them and wants to be with them all the time.

Be a Romantic - Sure, you guys aren't dating but were does it say you are not aloud to be a real man and show her what real guys are really like. Give her chocolates, ask her if she wants back massages, tell her how you are feeling all the time, when you are sad and when you are stressed. Tell her everything. It may sound dumb, but the more the girl knows about you the more she wants you. Invite her to the movies as just friends. Sure, don't expect to make any moves on her or anything but the ackwardness would make her get to thinking...Do I really want that guy who took my virginity or do I want this guy who cares for me?..Do everything in your powers to make her realize she is worth more then a quick booty call.

Talk to her on a daily basis - Treat her like your new best friend...When you have a problem let her know about it more reason for her to talk to you and realize that she can actually get more then what she has. But...Be sure to add some romantic stuff is this as well or she will be convinced that you just want to be friends and that would be bad. Call her often , don't be afraid. If you are afraid of calling her then you will defiantly be afraid to do anything above. If you follow all these in time she will come to reality and realize that sex isn't all that great from the same guy who doesn't care for her much or talk to her as much as you. If you call her it shows to her you care and her friends that you care. If he friends like you the will advertise you to her.

Bring sexy back - Not like the song by Justin Timberlake. but looking sexy and being sexy are 2 completely different things. and I am talking about being it. Being it as in telling her she is beautiful and she is worth more. Sure, she will say that you shouldn't be saying that, But she is lying because she doesn't want to be wrong and realize that she does not love that guy. This step should come near the end of the progress. If you bring sexy back into her life her heart will melt and she will realize that you are the right guy for her. Because that guy who she is going out with probably is not being that sexy to her right now...

If you do all these steps above + use tips from the DJ Bible I GUARANTEE you will get the clinger. Sure, it will take a while for her to un convince herself that she does not love that guy. But it will happen slowly but surely. This is what I am passing on to you, my fellow High School DJ's, best of luck to you guys. If you do this be sure you post your story's and if you need some more help to get the clinger let me know and I will be sure to help. Let me know what you guys think.:cheer: :cheer:

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Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
hum...Not to be an incosiderate prick but...*bump*...I want to see if people like the advice.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, this would work, but rAFC's have to be careful, to don't blow it up with the romantism. Keep it light and moderate.

But this whole scenarios require that you spend more time with her than her with her bf. But what if that can't happen, because she spends the majority of her time around him? How would you play it from here?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
You plan ahead of time to be with a week ahead of time ask her to hang out with you. If she choses to be with him that's when your DJ skill really need to come into play.

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Good stuff, with the appropriate level of DJ awareness this should work just fine. Props.


1) You better be ok with being with her every day if she LTRs with you because that's what she is used to / expects.

2) Rather than just showing her what a real man is all about, show her what a real mans WORLD is all about. Invite her to come hangout with you and your buddies and have a mother fvcking kick ass time like you always do and really show her what a good times looks like. This will do 2 things:

1) Social proof to the max
2) Brings her out of her compfort zone which in turn will get those gears in her head turning. She will see that there is GOOD STUFF going on beyond her own bubble, stuff that YOU provide. Do something strange and unique. One of my faves is getting on the school roof to play soccer or streak.


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
lol wow I did something almost exactly like this and it worked. The only problem was that the guy she was in love with was my close friend. Like someone said, get ready for a close LTR if you go through with this. I came in with the intention to be close friends with her, but ended up getting feelings for her instead and had to break it off. But believe me she had huge feelings for me too, and this was after conversations where she would constantly talk about how she was crazy about her boyfriend. Good advice lol if you really want to go though with this, but I don't know why you'd want to.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
I'll admit it...I'm not dj enough to pull chicks that are in love or anything. But my opinion on this advice is, this is good advice if you're looking to cause some drama, create some enemies, and/or get your as$ kicked.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
The important thing to remember, is that you should ALWAYS have other options. If this girl thinks even for a SECOND that she has you on lock, you will NOT keep things heated.