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How to get laid like a warlord - thoughts and opinions


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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It's classic old school PUA theory. They are basically advocating what used to be referred to as "plowing."

Pros: Very good for mindset/inner game

Cons: Don't "plow" too hard. Know when to back off and when to eject.
This is the sort of game I am most interested in, because I am well aware of where I stand in relation to the competition as far as looks and height is concerned, and know that "backing off" to build tension will just result in her leaving me for Chad, because I don't even register on her radar. On another note, I have now had three cases now where a girl has let me flirt with her, seemed very happy to talk to me, and given me her social media or number, only to THEN say that she had a boyfriend when I tried to make plans for a date over text. Are women such attention*****s that they will not turn down flirtatious advances, implicitly or explicitly, despite having no intention of monkeybranching with a subchad, or did I actually miss an opportunity to get a girl to cheat or drop the excuses (if the boyfriend was fabricated)? Either way, I suppose that is more of a motivation to work on physical escalation during the initial interaction, because femoids will be more likely to spit out the truth if the guy tries something that her boyfriend might consider cheating, instead of just being able to lap up the free attention.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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This is the sort of game I am most interested in, because I am well aware of where I stand in relation to the competition as far as looks and height is concerned, and know that "backing off" to build tension will just result in her leaving me for Chad, because I don't even register on her radar. On another note, I have now had three cases now where a girl has let me flirt with her, seemed very happy to talk to me, and given me her social media or number, only to THEN say that she had a boyfriend when I tried to make plans for a date over text. Are women such attention*****s that they will not turn down flirtatious advances, implicitly or explicitly, despite having no intention of monkeybranching with a subchad, or did I actually miss an opportunity to get a girl to cheat or drop the excuses (if the boyfriend was fabricated)? Either way, I suppose that is more of a motivation to work on physical escalation during the initial interaction, because femoids will be more likely to spit out the truth if the guy tries something that her boyfriend might consider cheating, instead of just being able to lap up the free attention.
you have to focus on banging her , otherwise stuff like that will happen

maybe she found a better prospect , maybe her ex came back , maybe maybe maybe

James Cruse

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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First of all, most of this post is very useful in real life.
The original writer missed a few things: mainly that women want you for your masculinity, inner calm and leadership - which Mike simplistically calls “frame” in this article.
This is really just abour having complete and UNWAVERING confidence in yourself & trusting that she will aswell.

For those who said it’s ‘harassment’ - it’s really not when you’re reading women AT ALL.
Remember: we’re just talking to women at bars/clubs or during the day - they can WALK AWAY of their own free will at any time.
Mike even talks about telling them that and encouraging them to do that if they want to, it shows abundance, non-neediness and being .

It’s an overall great post - it was clearly written by Mike Haines, and you can see it’s his early writings.
He has a whole course called ‘God Like Power’ that is a more mature and expanded version of this.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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First of all, most of this post is very useful in real life.
The original writer missed a few things: mainly that women want you for your masculinity, inner calm and leadership - which Mike simplistically calls “frame” in this article.
This is really just about having complete and UNWAVERING confidence in yourself & trusting that she will aswell.

For those who said it’s ‘harassment’ - it’s really not when you’re reading women AT ALL.
Remember: we’re just talking to women at bars/clubs or during the day - they can WALK AWAY of their own free will at any time.
Mike even talks about telling them that and encouraging them to do that if they want to, it shows abundance, non-neediness and being .

It’s an overall great post - it was clearly written by Mike Haines, and you can see it’s his early writings.
He has a whole course called ‘God Like Power’ that is a more mature and expanded version of this.
Yes, telling girls, if you do not like the way I am talking to you, go talk to someone else is a good way to do things, when they complain about the way you are behaving. They nearly always stick around when you give them the option to leave.

A lot of this stuff is clearly true in my experience. Esp. the one about girls walking away and getting shy because you are too much for them. I recal once a girl used to go totally quiet when I was around. I assumed she did not like me. One day , she was drunk and she comes up to me and tells me I am "number 2 or 3 on her list"


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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if you are a beginner , it is a decent reading . It is mainly inner game

if you are more than a beginner , then this is mental masturbation
This post could both be brought down to ten tips, and extended to a 100. Like in boxing, it's always a good thing to fall back to basic fundamentals, even if you are more advanced in the game. But you do have a point; when you are actively interacting with women these aspects come naturally.
One thing that seems to have changed lately is that even 4s - 6s now act like 8s and 9s, maybe even worse. If a 5 is going to treat me badly, why bother?
That's what I personally like about the OP. If a man can train his mind to treat all women equal , this shouldn't bother him. I mean, if both a 5 and a 8 have the same behaviour, then why spend time chasing the 5? Bc it seems easier, but at the end of the day a woman = a woman ,regardless what her smv is (simplified obviously ).


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
A lot can be said about the details of these points, but the "I am enough" mindset is a very solid foundation. I got to that point by myself and it made a big difference in the way I carried myself and consequently how women responded to me. I keep saying that insecurity is a bigger problem than whatever the insecurity is about, if you don't think you are enough then women will almost certainly agree.

I see some critcism of this post, but I get what it's about as I walked down a similar path myself. Maybe it reads differently for those who don't have the right experiences or haven't explored this path.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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That's what I personally like about the OP. If a man can train his mind to treat all women equal , this shouldn't bother him. I mean, if both a 5 and a 8 have the same behaviour, then why spend time chasing the 5? Bc it seems easier, but at the end of the day a woman = a woman ,regardless what her smv is (simplified obviously ).
women behave the same .

now … if there is a big gap between the man and the woman then on the short term she will try to act better but ultimately she will go to default

I think the key is to go for educated women , but not career oriented

there are plenty of girls who are educated that have sh1t jobs

banged 2 days ago an Harvard mba graduate. I was drunk and horny and she was the same . She was average

she showed me her mba classmates . No one was sexy there (man or woman )

from observation … the uglier a woman is the more career oriented she will be

so very unlikely to find a good looking woman that is educated and also career oriented

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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This used to work, but now women have switched from dishing out Sh!t Tests to Multiple Choice Questions. If you get all the questions right, you get laid but if you don't you end up in the friend zone. It's a bit like a gameshow, except that the first prize is the host's puzzy and second prize is listening to her blab. Come to think of it, that would make great TV.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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This is a good read, but it's easier for a Chad to get into this frame adn conquer than for a normie-tier with the right frame. :rolleyes: