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How to get high status and people to respect me?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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marmar592 said:
I think the problem is that whenever I'm expecting (or fearing) to be treated as low status, I see everything as if ppl where doing exactly that.

I'll start a mental note to start looking for things ppl do that show I'm high status...
In real terms 99.99 percent of all dudes are low staus males, sad but true, some of the few high status males I know about include - Michael Jordan - Brad Pitt - Robbie Williams - Tiger Woods - Roger Federer - Donald Trump - Richard Branson - George W Bush. :yes:


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
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lets see:
1)do what you wanna do
2)don't give a f*ck what others think
3)respect is gained
4)realize not everyone is going to respect u
5)every leader was a follower
6)follow ur heart

Most importantly: RESPECT YOURSELF!


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
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i dunno lately i'd say my status has been hirng because of a few things. being shy is a landmine when trying to get people to respect you. I used to be more of geek, shy, quiet and over polite. It did not work one bit.

since then i fianlly snapped and had it. One way to get people to respect you is to be less shy and friendly. Thats one thing. The next is while being friendly, you are not a chump either. If someone tries to walk on you, you call it right away on them! and tell them to **** off. I freindly as hell but i'll also be an a-hole if i feel the right to do so.
Mar 18, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
Money, Power, Fame.

Achieve one or more and you shall have high status.
In the shallow definition of "status" this is true but this is a limited definition - status amongst whom? You can achieve high status by being an expert in a certain academic field! Does this require money, power, fame? No, it requires thought!

"High status" in regards to what? This is the question!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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"High status" in regards to what? This is the question!
With respect to picking up HBs, what else!

Therefore, not all high statuses are the same. You can be the best chess player on your coast but it will hardly improve the quality of azz you pull one iota. (Actually, the more your achievement is recognized by women, probably the LOWER your chances, because chess is the ultimate in geeky activities...)

Now, if you were the best stock car racer on your coast, ahh, that one might actually help you some.
Mar 18, 2006
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danielzxc said:
With respect to picking up HBs, what else!.
Ahhh, this is easy - women seek masculinity!!!


New Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Thanks to all of you guys? I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
Would post my thoughts soon... anyone else has another opinion?


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Respect yourself first. Check out Weapons of Mass Seduction in the DJ Bible too. It's a great great read on self confidence. It's free to boot, but it's a great read at any price.

PS: I seriously, seriously urge the OP to take EVERYTHING stated on this forum with a grain of salt. Or a pillar. Or a mountain. I've never seen this much infighting since Michael Corleone wacked his brother Fredo. But in sosuave, everybody's Fredo and nobody's Michael.



Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
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marmar592 said:
Thanks to all of you guys? I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
Would post my thoughts soon... anyone else has another opinion?
The advice in this thread seems OK, but I don't think anybody really answered your question the way you wanted it answered, so let me venture out there with my opinion.

I think the big thing here is that you are trying to fix inward problems with ******d solutions. You want a hard, fast solution overnight to something that, honestly, takes YEARS to acquire.

So, let me tell you what you need to do. YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR FOCUS. Instead of looking OUT and trying to find a quick fix, you need to shift your focus INSIDE and decide what it is that is holding you back.

How do you do that?


What I mean by that is you've got to start at the beginning and analyze the LITTLE things that you do that you do so often and the habits that define you in such a way that you don't even notice them anymore.

I'm challenging you right now! From this moment forward, I've got a small exercise for you to do. And it's easy. It's so easy, but so powerful that you'll wonder why you didn't think of it sooner. I assert that you blend into a crowd because of the way you present yourself...Rather, do you present yourself as outgoing and CONFIDENT? Or do you present yourself as a "blender"?

Start now...

1. Lift your head up. Pay attention to the postion of your head. Do you find yourself looking down at the ground or looking away when confronted? If so, then you need to consciously take control of this and make a conscious effort to hold your head up straight forward. A simple way to internalize this is that for every doorway you walk through, imagine there is a paper clip hanging from a string at the same level as the bottom of your nose. Whenever you walk through a door lift your head in such a way as if you are going to take said paper clip and put it in your mouth. Every doorway you walk through do this. This will get you to shift your head up straight and look straight forward. And the reason I mention every time you walk through a doorway is because you walk through A LOT of doorways in any given day. So keep your head up straight and look straight ahead.

2. Next, EYE CONTACT. This is a KEY element of CONFIDENT people. You want to make eye contact with everyone you meet. Everyone you see you want to SEARCH for their eyes and MAKE EYE CONTACT. Be brazen enough to actually SEARCH THEIR EYES OUT. Confident people make eye contact and they DON'T BREAK EYE CONTACT UNTIL THE OTHER PERSON BREAKS EYE CONTACT FIRST.

3. Thirdly, confident people don't slouch. Keep your shoulders up and walk straight. I don't mean to be all stiff and uppity, I just mean to consciously elevate your body to walk with an air of confidence. It's amazing the power that changing your body language can acheive. If you keep your head up, make eye contact with everybody you meet, and you stand up straight, you WILL notice a difference in your level of confidence over time (sometimes almost immediately).

4. Finally, when you make eye contact and then the person makes eye contact with you, GREET THEM! This is powerful. Don't wait for them to greet you, YOU GREET THEM. Search people out just to make eye contact with them and greet them. You don't have to engage in conversation, you just want to get yourself into the habit of carrying yourself as if you are the life of the party and these people do these things. They stand up straight, they make eye contact, they are social and they greet people and they are confident enough to hold eye contact and to focus on the things they want without being "creepy".

That is the very beginning. That is the first step. That is, in the most simple manner, the thing you want to do FIRST. If you want to be the life of the party, then you need to present yourself as such.

Next, after you've mastered the idea of presenting yourself confidently with your body language, you want to present yourself confidently with your speech. Pay attention to the way you talk. Learn a new word everyday and USE IT IMMEDIATELY in your conversation. It's amazing how a person with a colorful vocabulary can command people's attention. For example:

Let's say that you walk through a door, you hold your head up straight, you look straight ahead, you make eye contact with them, and then you say:

"How are you doing?"

And they answer "Fine, how are you?"

Most people will answer with the usual stuff like "fine", "ok", "not too bad", etc. What if, instead, when someone asked you how you were doing you said something like "Fabulous" or "Fantastic!" and you say it with ENThUSIASM! You say it with passion and power. You pull your words from your diaphragm instead of your nose and you speak comfortably with a deeper tone as opposed to a nasal tone.

See what I'm saying? See how the tiny, simple habits from day to day can effect the bigger changes you need to make? See how when you let the little things go, the bigger things get affected? SO CHANGE THE LITTLE THINGS. Bring it with passion. Get inside of your head and coach yourself to be CONFIDENT. To be ASSERTIVE. Then immediately make the change and break the mold that you are bound to.

That is the most basic things you can do as for presentation. Showing confidence by the way you use your body, and the realization that you want to use fresh words and that it's not important WHAT you say, but rather HOW you say it.

Once you master that, THEN you can focus on gaining respect. Respect is something you earn by being confident and asserting your opinion in a passionate manner, but then being able to stay lighthearted and fun all in the same breath. People will LOVE you if you try this: Take the focus off yourself and put it onto them. When you are in a group of people, ASK THEM QUESTIONS that you know they'll LOVE to answer. Change your focus, and remove the words "I", "me", and "myself" from your vocabulary and replace it with "you", "yourself", etc. Don't criticize people, learn their name IMMEDIATELY. People love the sound of their own name, so when you show them that their name is important to you, suddenly you become important to them.

Keep in mind that all of this stuff isn't going to change in you overnight. It's going to take time and you are going to want to take these steps a step at a time, and a day at a time. But I promise you that these simple changes will greatly affect the way people look at you and the level of respect that you command.

This also means that when you disagree, DO SO! Don't be afraid to be yourself or to assert your opinion. The KEY to that is to do it in such a way that they can't disagree with why you are disagreeing. Keep a positive attitude towards people, and choose your words in such a manner as to assert your opinion but to also uplift the person you are with.

Try it, it works.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Vypros that sounds like really solid advice. I have been making such small changes in my own life. In the early stages, you really have to concentrate on them to stop yourself going back to your normal way.

For example, I always thought I had pretty good posture. But I played around with it a bit, just to find somehting that made me feel more confident and powerful. It felt really weird and I thought nah, I can't walk around like that. But in the mirror it didn't look strange -- like no one would look at you and realize what u are trying to do. So I stuck with it. Sometimes I still catch myself going back to the old ways, but when I readjust it, it stays readjusted for a good while. It does feel better. And while chicks haven't been flocking to my doorstep since I changed it, it HAS made a difference in the way I deal with people.

I think you're right that these kind of changes take time. It's worth it though.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
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mrRuckus said:
You don't know the plural of party, and you don't know the difference between "it's" and "its," yet you want us to believe you're "really intelligent."

This is why grammar is important, kids. Organized language = organized mind. Your long diatribes and big words might impress the "cool" kids but the rest of us intelligent folk are left to question your credibility.

Here come the grammar police comments, but really if you can't get the simplest nuances of language right, you leave serious doubt when you go spouting off about your intelligence. And I'm not even that smart.

Who made you judge? Go home. :cuss:

I'm glad to see that the OP asked this question. It's interesting to see what people's responses are, and VERY helpful. So I have a question...

danielzxc said:
I had this group of very cool friends when I was 18, and most of them were a couple of years older. I was "respected" in it, in the sense that I was never the butt of any jokes (at least not in my presence-- behind my back, probably) and they wouldn't use me or abuse me or anything. But I was very much a follower, and, when you get down to it, I knew my position was closer to the bottom of that group than the top. Now this used to really pyyss me off.

Looking back now, it's kinda obvious. I was the virgin in the group and I wasn't all that street smart about fights and drugs and the kind of things the group was into. They liked me because I was funny and loyal and I was good looking, which fitted into the group image and because girls were interested in me. Basically, i was pretty out of my depth there, so it is not even a bit suprising that I didn't get the kind of respect I so desperately wanted.

Anyway, after a while, I improved HUGELY in all of those things I was lacking in, and that certainly helped a LOT in terms of the respect I got from that group. I wasn't doing any of it consciously in order to get respect, but i did notice that the respect was increasing. BUT, those people still believed they "knew" me, and it was very hard to change their minds
Do you think it's true in the opposite sense? Like what if the group loved you and you were high on respect in their mind, but then for a while you started doing things that may make them respect you less, would they still love you just as much?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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Nexus Polaris said:
There is a simple sentence that helped two very controversial people rise to the top of their professions. "Walk like you belong." Barry Bonds and Jenna Jameson both used this when they were up and coming.

Ignoring the fact that Bonds has completely destroyed his credibility with steroids, prior to that, he had a hall of fame worthy career. But he always acted as if he was the best even if he wasn't. He called time out to take a bathroom break in the middle of an inning his freshman year in college. That's something you don't do. Especially as an underclassman. But in his mind, they would deal with it because he was of high value. Sure, he got reprimanded by his coaches, but you see where he is now. That same mentality has made him monumentally successful.

Jenna Jameson was by all accounts rather awkward looking prior to finishing puberty. She was turned down the first time she applied for a job as an exotic dancer. But when she entered the porn world, she told everybody if they were smart they'd bet on her because she was about to become the biggest thing the business had ever seen despite not believing a word of that in her head.

But in both cases, they just saw themselves as they wanted to be and acted accordingly. It might be cliché and not what you want to hear, but if you tell yourself something long enough, you'll eventually believe it. How do you think people learn to hate themselves? Nobody is born with it. They get picked on or bullied or told they are worthless. It's the same concept.

My advice to you: be Barry Jameson, and in time, people will be lining up to suck your bat.
Jenna Jameson, is nothing more than a useless pathetic slvt, why use her as an example of high status.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Become and effective leader. Know when to take the control and lead the group and when to LET SOMEONE ELSE LEAD. You must be a good follower and a good leader at the same time.

Don't buy into what other people think. Be considerate of other's feelings but do not restrict yourself just because someone might think something.

Openly Talk with girls about sex. with multiple girls at the same time. Discuss if they like their hair pulled, what their postition is .. etc

Learn to flirt - it is a balance between Push - pull, treating her like a girl and being genuine.

Play sports to win.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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PigAdlemPimp said:
Jenna Jameson, is nothing more than a useless pathetic slvt, why use her as an example of high status.
Because she's the highest grossing porn star of all time. She was the first person to become a millionaire from doing nothing but having sex on film.

You can hate her all you want, but you can't argue with her success.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Nexus Polaris said:
Because she's the highest grossing porn star of all time. She was the first person to become a millionaire from doing nothing but having sex on film.

You can hate her all you want, but you can't argue with her success.
Success can be defined/interpreted in a myriad of different ways.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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marmar592 said:
My success has been getting much better since reading, I can usually # and k close when I go out but I have this huge sticking point that's been with me since I was a child.

I'm not sure why, but I feel that in all groups I always get relegated to the low status roles or sub groups. In school, sports, even my own lair, I always feel I get to hang with the uncool people.
I don't know... I think this is too deep to get it solved on one post on an online forum, but I need all the help I can get.
I know where you are coming from, keep that in mind.

marmar592 said:
I think the problem is that I kind of expect this treatment. And while I can recite by memory "you get treated as you expecto to, you make people what they are by your expectations", the HOW to do this TOTALLY eludes me.

So my questions are: How can one become higher status in a group? And please don't say things like "don't take any ****, be the alpha male of the group, blah b lah blah..." I already KNOW THAT. I need to know, again, HOW to do it!
Sorry, but there is not really a magic pill for that.

Are you getting what you want? I mean, what are your current status in the things you give value to?

I don't know what are they. You may want money, a big car and lots of bling-bling. Or you want top grades at school. Or six-pack abs.

I do not know your priorites, but you do. What are you doing now? Are you getting closer to them?

The DJ board can scream confidence for you till your eyes pop out, it will do sh1t for you. If you feel you're second choice, sorry to say, you ARE. And that's because something YOU value is not being achieved by you.

No one will give you higher status than you give to yourself.

"Why? They do not know what I think about myself!"

People pick up on it. You can act all you want, sooner or later they will know it and put you on your place.

"My place? You mean I am cursed to be the low-status guy?"

No. Your place is the place you placed yourself in your own head, and that comes from a sense of achievement (or lack of).

Figure out what is making you feel this way, plan what you're going to do to fix it, and act on it. Easier said than done, but it's the only way.

Super-nerd guy who is true to himself and mega-jock with serious mass get women and respect because they're getting the results they want. They are happy and exude natural confidence and good vibes. People/women want to be associated with them.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Success can be defined/interpreted in a myriad of different ways.
Maybe so, but I'd imagine accomplishing what you set out to do to being at the top of that list.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
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heres a trick i learned to become cool:

find the coolest guy in the social group, the one that always steals your girlfriend, and invite him to the gym. demand he wears his 'party shoes', but dont act suspicious when doing so. while he's working out in his sneakers, excuse yourself to the locker room, and poo in his party shoes. if you throw a party that night, he almost certainly wont be there, and you'll be cooler by default


New Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Post this at tips, man, it's awesome!

I'll keep reading the other posts now guys.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Nexus Polaris said:
Maybe so, but I'd imagine accomplishing what you set out to do to being at the top of that list.
Individually, yes. But don't expect everyone to call it success just because you do.