How to get her to beg me to be bf?


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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I really don't like asking for help.
But i need help. I need all the top experts on this. Thanks.

Ok i have to admit. I kind of have oneitis.

Here's the deal. I have been out of this country for 6 months. This 2 yr LTR mentioned a break up half a year ago but said she still loved me blah blah. And since i was basically attracting her long distance she was still needy for me until i came back.

Found out she kinda likes some guy over long distance too. And has new "friends" after her and she is accepting attention( as usual)

Now im back for about a month (holiday) and we are going out and all that. Like i mentioned in an earlier "can't do normal game to LTR" post, i have basically not been at my best.

I still have been trying to get her to ask me to be her BF again without much success. (It's a challenge) She still wants me to treat her like a GF ( hugs, kisses)

(I have been saying stuff like " i cant be your bf anymore, i look at u differently since i found out u like someone who is not me". Been criticizing her a lot and implying she easily likes others.)

But still 2 days ago we messed around in bed, she gave me a handjob and a ******* and i fingered her and made her *** hard.

But still she has said that she would not want to be my GF and just did it because she knows ilove her and thought i wanted it (yea rite)
My very good theory is (i have theories for everything) that she she does not want me to be her official boyfriend because that would mean she has to tell all her "friends" and she would lose their attention. And of course im not a safe bet because im just here for a holiday.

However it toally pisses me off that she is trying to play games with me and is trying to keep everyone elses attention.

How do i make her so hungry for me that she begs me to be her boyfriend? ( I have been using criticism and being cold too much so no cold games are going to work.)
my conversational rapport with her is no longer as good with her as i have criticized her a lot so juggler method or any rapport advice will be good too.

Even SS patterning might work here, im open to all advice (besides the usual go out and sarge)
p.s if possible please only answer the question "how to get get her to beg me to be her bf?" please refrain from giving opinions on how to progress in the relationship or mind reading her or me ( I regretfully am unable to convey much of our relationship dynamic or her psychology which i am familiar with)
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Don Juan
May 20, 2004
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:eek: Why aint you having fun with the girls at the place you staying at, forget this girl,
you proabaaly thinking having fun with here will help get over her but it might back-fire

i dont know why you wasting time for her to ask you, if the woman wanted you she would have ......

she wouldnt speak to you if you had an a long distance relationship with another girl


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
If a girl isn't willing to give up attention from other males to date you, then she isn't worth it. I bet you would be willing to give up attention from other girls just to be with her, you should expect the same. From what I see, it seems that she doesn't want to date you. Most girls are scared of being called sluts if they go further with a guy without really dating him. Her not being your official girlfriend means she can get around with other guys if she pleases.

My advice is to break away from her. Make her miss you and want you. And then offer a solution when she complains.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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This is a perfect example of something I realized by responding to another post. It's amazing what you can pick up just trying to help others. That's why I don't mind repeat posts and repeat topics as much as others around here.

Anyways, you're waiting for the gal to make a move. Girls are one of the most indecisive creatures on earth. They overanalyze and they overcompensate to prevent themselves from getting hurt. They proceed with utmost caution if they have gotten hurt in the past, and the more they've suffered, the more difficult it will be for them to move on to others. They are backwards thinking, meaning that they like to dwell on the past. This means that anyone new that walks into their life will suffer the consequence of being compared. The first BF will have to just live up to the expectations of her imagination, so there's no real way out of it.

You have to show her somehow that she will be safe with you, before she even decides to be with you. Most of girls' reactions to relationships, after the initial formalities (asking her out, etc) are based on whether she can decrease her losses. This means that she will need to make sure that it's safe before venturing out further. The games she plays are not meant to hurt you more than they're meant to protect you. There is a conflict in her that says that on one hand, she doesn't want to get hurt, on the other, she doesn't want to hurt you for no reason either. This is a constant tug-of-war, and the source of a lot of "confusion" for people in general. People in general are good people. It's pain and suffering that make us put up our guard.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by intime
I really don't like asking for help. And i don't usually post here.
But i need heeelp. I need all the top experts on this. Thanks.

Ok i have to admit. I kind of have oneitis.

Here's the deal. I have been out of this country for 6 months. This 2 yr LTR mentioned a break up half a year ago but said she still loved me blah blah. And since i was basically attracting her long distance she was still needy for me until i came back.

Found out she kinda likes some guy over long distance too. And has new "friends" after her and she is accepting attention( as usual)

Now im back for about a month (holiday) and we are going out and all that. Like i mentioned in an earlier mASF"can't do normal game to LTR" post, i have basically not been at my best.

I still have been trying to get her to ask me to be her BF without much success. (It's a challenge) She still wants me to treat her like a GF ( hugs, kisses)

(I have been saying stuff like " i cant be your bf anymore, i look at u differently since i found out u like someone who is not me". Been criticizing her a lot and implying she easily likes others.)

But still 2 days ago we messed around in bed, she gave me a handjob and a ******* and i fingered her and made her *** hard.

But still she has said that she would not want to be my GF and just did it because she loved me and thought i wanted it (yeah rite).

My very good theory is (i have theories for everything) that she she does not want me to be her official boyfriend because that would mean she has to tell all her "friends" and she would lose their attention. And of course im not a safe bet because im just here for a holiday.

However it toally pisses me off that she is trying to play games with me and is trying to keep everyone elses attention.

How do i make her so hungry for me that she begs me to be her boyfriend? ( I have been using criticism and being cold too much so no cold games are going to work.)

Even SS patterning might work here, im open to all advice (besides the usual go out and sarge)
All the top experts, huh? Where's JT-money and his special-flower line when you NEED him? :rolleyes:

I think your "very good theory" is a very good pile of horsesh!t, personally. She isn't interested in being your girlfriend for one of two reasons. Either:

1) She's not interested in having a boyfriend right now, or
2) YOU have not shown enough prospective value as a boyfriend to get her thinking that way about you, or thinking that way in general.

If #1 is the case, there's nothing you can do about it. Any attempt to force her into a relationship is just going to push her further away. She TOLD you outright she's not interested in being your girlfriend. Do you think that her giving you a BJ is an indication of desire for exclusiveness? Your "yeah rite" attitude seems to indicate so much. Girls like sex too, you know. You've obviously done the job romantically, but she's interested in this other guy (and probably sucking his d**k!!!!) as well. LTRs are like this. If she's away from you and close to other guys that she finds attractive, she's not going to wait for you to gratify her sexual desire. It's also possible she might just be too busy for a boyfriend/have too much going in her life. (Although I don't know if I buy this...if something is important, you MAKE time)

If #2 is the case, that's on you. You obviously haven't shown any of the values that she's looking for in a long-term mate. Maybe you've shown the sexual prowess and masculine confidence it took to get her into bed, but she never found any of the "manly" traits that make you seem long-termable. To that, all I can say is "read the Bible" and the articles on the main pages and learn to improve yourself, and if you feel like you ARE a good boyfriend prospect, then it's her fault for not recognizing it and you should move on...or at least back off for a while. Maybe she thinks there's no chance she can lose you so she'll mess around with you but also with anyone else who gets her panties wet.

Look at what's going on here, man. This isn't a case of her wanting to be your girl but being afraid of what might happen. This is a case of her NOT wanting to be your girl. If she wanted to be your girl enough she would NOT be worried about what her "friends" think. (Are you sure they're just "Friends", anyway?)
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New Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
my very good theory is a very good theory because i know her damn well.

she cant suck the other guys **** cause he isnt in the country as well.

She just goes out with lots of guys who likes her.

she gives me *******s and messes with me she knows ive already done it so many times with her so shes quite used to it, she has also not cummed for 6 months so shes quite horny.

You are right about the value thing that is why im asking for strategies or routines to overcome this.

I only want answers to my question. Thank you.

The why's of what shes doing or im doing, the inner game advice, ecology and perspective is not needed at the moment.