How to get an F.B.?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
I just don't understand this process... could someone help explain how you get, like, an official **** buddy?

how do you go from picking up, to bringing home or wherever, banging, leaving.... then doing it over again without the picking up part

recurring sex outside of a relationship... its foreign to me :(

tips please


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Re: How to get an F.B.

Originally posted by Soprano
I just don't understand this process... could someone help explain how you get, like, an official **** buddy?

how do you go from picking up, to bringing home or wherever, banging, leaving.... then doing it over again without the picking up part

recurring sex outside of a relationship... its foreign to me :(

tips please
there is many methods. ex girlfriend, girl who wants to be your girlfriend. etc.

but it sounds like you want to move from a ONS to a FB.

This is something that has happened to me by default recently, in more then one case. Its also quite simple.

Heres the basic method.

-Meet at club.
-Kiss close.
-Number close.
all while still at the club.
if possible.
-f*ck close.
at the club, or your/her place... i've done disabled toilets at the club once ;) thats why its included.

DO NOT call her/txt her UNTIL you want to see her. -remember, you want a FB, not a girlfriend.

when you do want to see her, arrange to meet her at her place/your place. Escalating to f*ck from here is pretty easy.

-Watch TV/DVD in bedroom
-Make out
-Get her hot
-Get her naked while keeping her comfortable
-F*ck close

There more sexual you are throughout this process the better.

The better sex you give her, the better then chance she'll want you again.

ps. Should have seen the guy in the wheelchairs reaction when we busted in banging! :) -ok that didn't happen, but trying to make you smile. -the wheelchair bit didn't happen, the sex did ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
I use to wonder the same thing. Turns out it's really not that hard.

You want sex? Go get it, tiger. Meet some chicks and make sure you GET THEM TO YOUR BEDROOM as soon as possible.

I like the "ever seen "...?" it's great..let's go watch it at my place." If she's comfortable with you, then she'll do it.

From here it's easy. I like to start with cuddling/kino, start making out, go on down a little further, and whatever happens next depends on the looseness of the chick!

OF course, all the above should be the same regardless of wanting a FB or not.

FB part: Keep it at sex, not going out on more dates and sh*t. Get her over, f*ck her, wait a few days, f*ck her, etc.

Eventually the chick might figure it out, and if she doesn't like it, she'll start questioning you. Ignore this, take her out again, and continue the process until you've depleted the FB potential.

Hopefully by this point you have another one.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
okay, what about the ex girlfriend to FB thing? i need help on this. a little while ago an ex and I ended up watching a movie in my room, and my being the little AFC b*tch I was, was doing everything right but then gave up after she said "i would feel weird doing anything now. well, maybe..." GAH! I still am pissed at myself for it.

Anyone have tips on turning an ex into a FB? would really appreciate your experiences guys :)


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
For me the way my ex's turned into FB's was either because they cared WAAAAAAY more about me than I cared about them and would rather just **** me than not have me at all. But this gets old really fast because they are constantly *****ing and whining and causing drama when they have been told straight up I did not want to date them anymore.

Or even though we were broke up it wasnt because I acted AFC and by still holding my frame strong they just came to want it again. This happened with girls that I would still see around such as at college or work. This was not reliable sex though and they would say stupid **** like "I dont think we should do this" while they are on top kissing me and cause me to have to break through massive LMR every time. Was almost not worth it for something I had already had but I just liked to know I could do it.

I dont recommend most guys on this site try to turn their ex's into FB's however because it seems like many guys here are unable to detach their feelings from the chick and slip back into their old oneitis habits. I think most of my ex's end up as FB's at one time or another because I never really felt anything for them even though I didnt treat them bad, so I never came at them like I *needed* them at any point.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fluke
But this gets old really fast because they are constantly *****ing and whining and causing drama when they have been told straight up I did not want to date them anymore.

i f*cked my ex a few times after breaking up with her. quickly realised that she needed to be away from me, or she'd NEVER get over me and i'd have the constant nagging/phone calls.

after 6 months of being to busy to see her, she's finally given up on me, unless she sees me out somewhere.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
i had a girlfriend who became my FB.

The sad part was that when I was ready for another relationship, this FB of mine started confronting this new girl.

My FB said to the girl that we were still on.

I've never heard from the new girl ever since. She wont reply to my email and txt messages.

Lesson learned: "It's not good to be an FB with an ex. But you still could indulge yourself once in a while. But when she is sending signals that she wants more -- Get out of it immediately."


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Here's how it happened for me when I was a young AFC:
1. GF breaks up w/you. Make like it's no big deal, tell her you are still friends. Don't be bitter.
2. Don't run after her, but get together w/her once or twice a month to keep the connection alive. Be fun, don't get all AFC about your feelings. Remember, she is your FRIEND.
3. When her new relationship breaks up, be there to support her. She will want sex because she's done it with you before & she's comfortable with you. (MAKE SURE SHE'S COMFORTABLE!) She may not be consciously aware that she wants sex, but believe me, she wants it.
4. When she gets into another relationship, repeat the process.

This can go on (off & on) for many years, as mine did. I think if you get clingy or become her servant you will fook it up, though. But if you play your cards right you will have established a pattern where she is comfortable booty-calling you when she's lonely & horny.

Scenario 2: this was the same as scenario 1 for me except that we started out as friends. But once again, I saw her infrequently & didn't go all AFC on her. When she broke up w/her boyfriend she came looking for me. Once again I think the key here was not supplicating by going out of my way for her or calling all the time while we were friends. That's how you can be friends w/o being in the "friend zone."

Don't know if this will work all the time for everyone, but that's how it happened for me.