how to get a number

Don Chico

Don Juan
Nov 16, 2002
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Hey guys,

I've been reading this site for about a year now and have gone from a huge AFC to a pretty cool guy. I feel that I have something to contribute to the board. Let me know what you think.


When some guys try to talk to a girl they lose their head completely. They stumble, don't get the number, or, worsest of all, say nothing. They are not thinking logically when they talk.

It's taken me quite sometime to figure this out and follow, but this post will deal with how to get a number from the time you see her to close. Before you read this, read the bible on confidence and general social stuff. This is not new and profound, but I hope my rephrasing and summary will help someone out.

What you need to do, is have a basic outline of what to do, follow it, adapt, and get what you want — the number.

The Pre-Approach
Make eye contact, if possible, before going and talking to her.

The Approach
You see the girl. You want to talk to her and possibly get her number. Therefore, with no excuses, you are going to walk up to her with a smile and start talking to her.

Why not? What's the worest that can happen? You learn something about the girl. She will not attack you. You will feel good after talking to her, not because you got the number, but because you did what you wanted to do and succeed.


Walk up to her
not too complicated but do it with a smile and confident posture

Say some greeting
eg: Hi, hey, How's it going, etc.
It doesn't matter what you say as long as she knows you are talking to her.

Make Her Talk
ASK A QUESTION. A good question; something that takes a little thought, is somewhat funny, and takes more than a sentence for her to answer. Look at her or the environment for ideas.

eg # 1: Why are you wearing those shoes (or clothing) on a day like this?
Be funny about it, make her smile, say it nicely. It gets her talking about herself and lets you ask more questions.

eg # 2: So why did you take this class ?; Are you always so early to class? Aren't too funny, but these get her talking and gives you more information to go on.

Find out more about her
eg: What if..., Why do you feel that...., What would you change that... + why..., etc

After her initial answer, it is your job to keep on asking questions to prompt her to keeping on talking. Keep her on her toes and continue to listen to her and pick up little bits of info to use. Do this for two or three minutes. Ask away and try to use some kino. Be an active listener.

Do you want her number? If yes, continue onward. If not, say, "good talking to you" and then bolt and never see her again. Be picky in your women.

If you haven't yet, tell her your name and get hers. Use kino and give her a complement or a neg hit and start to wrap things up.

The Close
Tell her you enjoyed your conversation, would like to see her again, and then get her number. Look at your watch and say that you must go.

eg: I must go..... It was fun meeting ya, <name>. Let's get some coffee (or other casual date) sometime. Give me your number. I'll give ya a call sometime Then get the number and run.

You now have her number. Anyone can do this.

If you a problem, memorize the basic outline:

*Eye Contact
*Walk up to her
*Keep her talking
*Name + kino
*Close with number

Good luck and give me lots of feedback. I want to improve and help all the guys that need it.

lol... have a good night


[This message has been edited by Don Chico (edited 11-16-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Don Chico (edited 11-16-2002).]

a denial

Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks dude real help..

It's not what they take away from you that counts.It's what you do with what you have left.

There is only one sucess-to live your life in your own way.

Don Chico

Don Juan
Nov 16, 2002
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Thanks for the feedback dude.

Now to the rest of ya: give me more. Am I a moron stating the obvious? Or I am a fücking genius and you should be sending me lots of money?

Give me feedback!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
yea this really helps. it was clear and organized, thx!


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
Great post, Don Chico. When it comes to actually "getting a girl's number", I say similar to what you said except, "Give me your number, so that I can get ahold of you." I don't tell her that I'm going to call her or why I want her number, because that is of course the obvious idea. The "Give me your number" is key, much better than "Can you..." or "How about..". "Give me.." shows confidence. Just don't say it too serious and make sure to smile. The whole process that you explained was great, dude.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA USA
Originally posted by Don Chico:
Thanks for the feedback dude.

Now to the rest of ya: give me more. Am I a moron stating the obvious? Or I am a fücking genius and you should be sending me lots of money?

Give me feedback!
Chico, great summary and refresher, but you ain't getting money from me. I have one thing to add though. At the end, when things aren't going well on the close, like the girl is making excuses... uhh, ah, who me?, my number? what? ... Don't give up yet. Immediately jump in and reiterate your close. "Oh, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just thought that you're a cool person to hang out with and have fun with." Don't give up when she first hesitate. Be persistent. This will get you much further.