Her wanting to wait for sex is not directly an indicator of her interest or lack thereof. I know that in the past, MOST of the time the faster I humped a girl the less likely things would work in the long run...mostly because they felt like sluts after. We may disagree that makes them sluts, but they think it anyway because of a history of getting dumped right after. They have learned that fast sex is bad because it makes most guys lose interest fast and not want a relationship (which the vast majority of girls do want). Be honest...don't you lose some interest after you have slept with a chick quickly? You also need to consider that her upbringing (if it was GOOD... then she is more likely to have self esteem and reapect and expect to get to know someone better before sleeping with them). All of the game dogma, including Rollo's out there which is based on Roisey is coming from a place of dealing with damaged girls. If you have read those guys reports etc. You'll notice they go ape **** over girls they perceive as good girls because they are so used to dealing with bar girls (it's all about night game for these guys....bar /club game where you are more likely to fund the dregs of the earth. You can't apply their style of thinking unless you are trying to do and get what they are, and honestly the guys are clueless that thwir beliefs are based on what they have learned from dealing with dregs (regardless of looks).BeginningDJ said:Cliff notes on your post.
Sex is not a negotiation - Rollo Tomassi
Women who have high interest and are sexually attracted to you will not make you wait for sex. The moment she uses that card against you, guess what? You're pretty much done because
a) She controls the relationship with sex
b) She is using sex as a reward
You may have sex after a while...at the sacrifice of being a man she desires. Similarly to the orbiter she strings along and rewards him with sex when she is drunk. By pursuing a women who holds the sex card, you are her puppet. You can spend countless hours of your life for the golden vagina or can be a man that takes what he wants.
In THAT world, it's all about looks, coolness etc. But that's their world. Teaching you how to be the top dog in the gutter. Ask yourself.... Do I want to be at the top of the sludge pile, or is it even what I want to swim in there???