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How to gain awareness of my level of attractiveness

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Fer chrissakes if you think a face tat will do it get one of those long term temporary ones, trust me. Mind you, I am inked…


Feb 4, 2022
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As I've mentioned previously on here, I'm apart of the "handsome gang" so I think I qualify to speak on this subject.

By definition, if you are attractive you will attract, if you're not attracting then you're not attractive.

the golden rule has always been,, "if you have to ask if you're good looking you're most likely not.

handsome/good looking guys don't have to wonder if there attractive because the attention they get from women will answer that for them.

If girls hit on you, flirt with you, ask for your number/offer there's. Actively try to seduce you for sex, if you get looks and stares, if dating and fvcking women are generally easy ect then you're attractive.

These are some of my experiences being handsome and the experiences of friends and acquaintances, some of them better looking than me.

There's levels to attractiveness as well, meaning you can be good looking so you will get attention from women but you're not ultra Hot to the point where girls are constantly offering sex to you, yes i know a few guys like that, I personally had it like that when I was in high school....... is it a constant thing? Well again, that depends on you're level of attractiveness.

What kind of compliments do you get ?
Do you get handsome ?
Or sexy ?
How about, "you fine af"

Be honest with yourself.

If it makes you feel better OP, I don't get as much attention as I once did when I was a young blood, but I've had my fair share of good experiences with women due to my looks so I can't complain.

It's not like girls are throwing themselves at me everywhere I go, I'm not a model, but I still get compliments on my looks(usually cute, handsome or sexy and the occasional fine)

My point is, it's not all that it's cracked up to be, Trust me OP, you're not missing anything.

At my age now, I couldn't care less about attention from women, yeah it feels good but it's not a focus like it was for me when I was young.

Stop caring OP, and looks are not the only thing that makes you attractive to women, work on how you carry yourself, you're swagger, you're vibe ect......hope I helped OP.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2022
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This thread is kinda old. I don't think I am in the same state of mind rn that I was in when I started it. I thought I would give you an update, but I think, overall, the topic is discussed thoroughly enough at this point.


Sep 10, 2014
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How often do women randomly start talking to you? That's usually a sign they are interested but typically don't take the initiative to ask you out, they just allow you the opportunity to ask them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
What's this mean? Is wearing your best "bald hair" shaving it consistently, and not allowing any growth of the sides and back?
Total clean shaved head is not always optimal for balding guys. It can be very good for a lot of guys, but it isn’t a 100% rule.

Every guy is different. Some balding guys look better with a buzz. Some even look better with some (shorter to normal length) hair on their head.

The point is always to try to optimize your look. There may be some tradeoffs. It’s a judgement call.
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I'm not a MDJ. I'm on the journey. And it is for that very reason that I am so heated by this thread.

You're coming at this from completely the wrong angle. Fvck your attractiveness to women. You are using it as a stick to beat yourself with.

You're experiencing some sort of rut / depression / confidence crisis related to your age that is resulting in you comparing your present day self to your past self and to other men who you deem to be superior. Stop.

Step 1: forget about your immutable traits. I.e. the structure of your face ; your height etc.

Step 2: on everything else. Grind. Work hard. Work smart.

Focus on what you can improve and fvck everything else. How do you dress? How do you smell? Are you currently wearing your hair in the best way that it can be worn (even if you're bald)? How is your demeanor? Your personality, your conversation, your career, your hobbies, your physique...

"I should get back to the gym." get the fvck into the gym and stay there. (Effort)

"My text game is horrible." learn good text game. (Effort)

"How can I test how attractive I am to women?" get the fvck out the door, off tinder for christ's sake, and approach them, all the time, non fvcking stop. Ask them all out. Learn from the feedback you're getting to improve and go again.

Everybody posts in these forums and elsewhere criticizing how the (1) current culture and (2) Instagram have made all women twisted h0es with warped expectations. (A criticism that is often justified.) However, let's take a look in the fvcking mirror for a moment. the culture and social media has also thoroughly fvcked up men by the looks of it: wen lambo (wah) ; when harem of booty models (wah) ; when x, y & fvcking z.

Your new best friend is fvcking patience. Anything worth having takes work. Anything worth building takes time. And enough failures, disappointments and rejections to give an AFC nightmares.

You up for that? You down to dedicated the entire next decade of your life to re-building yourself and realizing your potential? Because if not then, yeah, go 'black pill' (smgdh) and shack up with that fat fvck from tinder and let her ruin your life.

gl my friend.
“When harem of booty models” I can’t stop laughing lol, is this a reference to my post?


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2022
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You can tell your own attractiveness by the quality and quantity of women that make it easy for you to bang them.
So if a chick like this wants to be my girlfriend, how hot does that make me? lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I don't agree with a lot of the posts on here. I've seen men that are average or even quite below average looking do relatively well with women.

I recall shortly before the pandemic that there was this guy showing pictures of women he was talking to that were pursuing HIM. Now, he totally could have been making this up, but the guy was totally average looking and yet having cute women chasing him. He wasn't a chad and wasn't some red pilled guy with max level game or some nonsense like that.

A couple years back I had this totally average woman tell me I was gross, a man that is 6'4" and ripped, and yet a few months later she entered into a relationship with a man around 6' tall and over 300 pounds, 100% serious. I personally have had several instances of being rejected by women that I genuinely saw as my league but yet they went for men that weren't on my level physically.

I have a couple theories.

1. Some women and environments have a very specific type of man/men that are in demand. I've noticed today it seems like black and mixed men are very in demand for some reason. However, if you took men like that and put them in a place where these men are viewed as lower value then you'll find the opposite effect.

2. Many women are on the pill and there are studies that have shown that the type of men they find most attractive is based around what phase of the fertility cycle they are in. When women are capable of getting pregnant, they go for stronger and more masculine men. However, during the opposite phase of the cycle, akin to that of being on the pill, they tend to go for care taker/provider type men.

3. Some women are insecure and will date down in order to avoid getting hurt or cheated on.


I don't agree with a lot of the posts on here. I've seen men that are average or even quite below average looking do relatively well with women.

I recall shortly before the pandemic that there was this guy showing pictures of women he was talking to that were pursuing HIM. Now, he totally could have been making this up, but the guy was totally average looking and yet having cute women chasing him. He wasn't a chad and wasn't some red pilled guy with max level game or some nonsense like that.

A couple years back I had this totally average woman tell me I was gross, a man that is 6'4" and ripped, and yet a few months later she entered into a relationship with a man around 6' tall and over 300 pounds, 100% serious. I personally have had several instances of being rejected by women that I genuinely saw as my league but yet they went for men that weren't on my level physically.

I have a couple theories.

1. Some women and environments have a very specific type of man/men that are in demand. I've noticed today it seems like black and mixed men are very in demand for some reason. However, if you took men like that and put them in a place where these men are viewed as lower value then you'll find the opposite effect.

2. Many women are on the pill and there are studies that have shown that the type of men they find most attractive is based around what phase of the fertility cycle they are in. When women are capable of getting pregnant, they go for stronger and more masculine men. However, during the opposite phase of the cycle, akin to that of being on the pill, they tend to go for care taker/provider type men.

3. Some women are insecure and will date down in order to avoid getting hurt or cheated on.
The other possibility is that women care about certain personality traits in men more than looks.

There was this one guy who I used to daygame with. He was about 5’5, Asian and overweight, but he had one of the most charming personalities I had ever seen. I saw him in set and most women would initially not be interested in him. However, this changed after a minute when the women would suddenly start laughing at his jokes, giving him strong eye contact, etc. He was INCREDIBLY charismatic.

People have types and preferences but they’re not always so fixed. Someone might have a “type” for a certain thing, but if something else comes along that they also like, they’ll go for that as well. I’ve heard several women say that they were attracted to guys who were handsome and tall and dated mostly that, but then they felt attracted to a less handsome but incredibly charismatic guy and started dating them.

Plus from my experience a lot of the hotter women don’t care that much about looks. They can get tons of guys who are good looking to the point where it really isn’t anything that special or interesting. They want something different in a man.