The other study comes off as a little agenda-driven, which always produces less trustworthy results. However, it's well established that women are attracted to different types of men, in different points in their monthly cycles. When women are most fertile, they are attracted to more traditionally masculine men. The Pill disrupts this natural cycle, trapping a woman in a cycle of being attracted to LESS traditionally masculine men...until she goes off the Pill, post marriage, and discovers she married a dude about as attractive to her as her sister(most of the month), assuming she was unfortunate enough to marry a male-feminist pajama-boy. If she married a traditionally masculine man, on the other hand, she might suddenly get really turned on by what she previously considered his "toxic masculinity."
There have been lots of studies, but as usual, much like a Rorschach test, people who don't like the anti social-engineering implications will see whatever they want to see in the results.
A lot of attraction between the sexes is chemistry. New studies suggest that when women use hormonal contraceptives, such as birth-control pills, it disrupts some of these chemical signals, affecting their attractiveness to men and women's own preferences for romantic partners.
The difference could be anything from a quickie a woman who'll only reluctantly service her unfortunate husband, but only when there's cyclically little chance of her getting a woman who practically rapes her husband, at certain times of the month, but is certainly an eager participant all month.