potato said:
All right wing control tacticts. The Police departments are full of muscle headed right wingers, as are prosecutors and those crooked businessmen that build prisons and convince conservative politicians to pass more laws giving more people longer sentences in prison.
The above is simply more leftist propaganda, or rather why hasn't O legalized weed yet if it's all the "muscle headed right wingers" enacting the police state? Why hasn't he (or why didn't Clinton) end the war on drugs that causes us the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world? I'll tell you why... it doesn't play well among the female and mangina vote, and messing with the illusion that the govt provides safety to women and children is a third rail at the polls. In the gynocracy, where the media is cram full of hyperbolic exaggerations of the incidence of violent crime in this country, particularly crime against women and children, don't be the "soft on crime" candidate on election day regardless of party...
and we have the female vote and pandering to it to thank for that.
potato said:
Mandatory minimum prison sentences that have so overcrowded our prisons came from conservatives.
Hogwash, federal sentencing guidelines originated when both houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats. It is gender pandering, not left/right slant, that originates and maintains such as the sentencing guidelines and the war on drugs. No one wants to hear the other side going on about "making the streets unsafe for women and children" so BAD LAW remains in force.
potato said:
It was us liberals who fought against them predicting exactly what has happened. Travel across the country and everywhere you look it is the Republican cities, counties and states that are far worse at using government, mostly through the police and prisons to control people.
Notice that the rate had its most dramatic increase during DEMOCRATIC congress, and only started leveling out post 93 when Republicans became a factor again.
Try an experiment, go ask ten men if prostitution, gambling, and drug use in the home should be legal. Then go ask ten women, then get back to us. You will learn everything you need to know about gender voting demographics in that simple experiment. Thus has it ever been. Women believe the govt protects them and keeps men in line and vote to grow it no matter how unconstitutional or socially damaging the results end up.
As far as red states using prisons to "control" people, sadly, for whatever reasons (mostly discrimination IMO), states with the highest black populations tend to have higher incarceration rates. It has little to do with whether a conservative or liberal govt is in place in the state.
potato said:
Take for example skateboarding. In a conservative area the police ticket and arrest kids for skateboarding on city sidewalks. In liberal areas the city builds skate parks for them to use.
Serves me right for not reading the whole post before spending time replying. It's obvious now I'm debating a high school sophomore or the mental equivalent. My bad.
potato said:
Your feminism causing all the problems argument is just typical right wing rhetoric. Apparently conservative men can’t take responsibility for their nonsense. It just has to be the fault of those feminists.
No one said that. But note that whenever -any- faults or social ill consequences of feminism are discussed, or even alluded to, there's some feminist or mangina in the bushes waiting to tell us all how wrong we are to even question anything about feminism, women's voting or social habits or any female behavior whatsoever. Why is that? We men certainly don't get the same kind of pass or help in that regard. Rhetorical, I know the answer already.
potato said:
Again, another conservative unwilling to take responsibility for his bad behavior?
I'm a libertarian, not a conservative. Applying real stats, not bogus NHTSA tripe, about 5000 people are killed annually by drunk drivers nationwide. Less than killed by people running red lights or stop signs, less than people killed in many other low % ways. Yet we give out around 2 million! DUIs in this country annually, costly, literally ruin lives, to people who have had only a couple of beers, and the only reason drunk driving deaths are going down is because of safer car technology, not the massive dui witchhunt. That cool with you even though it saves no lives? Women don't care or rather knee jerk for MADD because men do a disproportionate amount of driving women's asses around and decent looking women tend not to get that many DUIs.
But sure, in Oregon mangina land, I guess anyone who complains about that is just trying to shirk responsibility, or anyone who complains about false rape accusations is just a "rape apologist" etc., etc. Haven't heard that kind of unresponse a million times from your ilk.