How to fight


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Nighthawk said:
I've been in a few fights and seen plenty, and not once have I ever seen a guy whip the other guys ass with some fancy karate moves or any other martial art.

I did do a sweet flying kick to this guy who was drunkenly and randomly attacking my house, then me, with garbage, but I'd hesitate to call it kung fu.

I'm not dissing martial arts, so if anyone has any stories of real-life Bruce Lee style smackdowns, I'm all ears.

My tip - look for something heavy, hit them with it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Haha, I stand corrected. The black guy looked pretty wasted already though.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
ChrizZ said:
Lol, and many people say martial arts are worth sh*t...:rolleyes: :crackup:

However, I do agree that in many so called martial art schools, only useless rubbish is taught.

It amazes me nowadays how many wimpy guys who don't know how to fight would have black belt in this and that. I'm sure many schools are like "hey, you stay at my school for two or three years, and then you will get a black belt".

It's always about money...:down:

I'm really glad that the teacher at my Capoeira class doesn't live on the class fees, he has a regular job and is doing it only out of passion for the art.:up:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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I think working out and getting big is better than learning martial arts. If you´re big then most people that aren´t as big as you are gonna be intimidated and won´t start a fight.:nono:


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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The idea of getting big so that other people will be intimidated by you is silly.

MOST guys can't get monstrously huge to the point where even the aggressive of us would say we would not try to fight him.

You need to learn how to defend yourself. That includes grappling, boxing, kick boxing, knife fighting, guns, and basic survival sense.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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There was a thread on this not so long ago, exactly the same question, and it was a long one, and it seems pointless to repeat it, and he could just look it up, or someone could find it for him, or the whole process could be repeated over, exactly the same question, a long one....


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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DAYAMN! haha :D


New Member
Oct 18, 2006
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Staines, London
Learn to run.... very quickly ;-)

Worst case, if you do get into a fight... fight dirty. If you get into a situation where you're both on the floor then bite him. Yes, I said bite him... hard!

And then run.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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Ll Principe said:

Hi everyone.

This is my first post ever, so feel free to welcome me in...:rockon:

I was wondering what do you guys think is the best form of fighting.. Ive been told to do one of.
a) boxing
b) thai boxing
c) muay thai
d) kick boxing

But which of these really work, after 3 months will I be able to beat up that guy that looked at me funny in a club or the guy that hit on my girl?

What do you guys recommend?

Ok man, i have done muay thai and BJJ for a bit. and YES most UFC fighters use it, but one thing you need to know. Street is WAY diffrent. In those sports (i do it as a sport, I NEVER like to get into fights at all and try to get out of them) they dont teach you dirty moves that you use on the street. IE: hitting to the neck (that will **** your opponent up), grappled on the ground and knee'ing to the head (hard to explane but you cant kick a opponent on the ground if all limbs are on the ground in UFC).

My old trained said almost NEVER grapple with someone if your in the street, you might have a guy in a armbar doing well, in a crowd... BAM; someone just came up and curbstomped your ****ing head into the pavement. He kinda trained us for it by making us spare close to each other so we were aware of movements around us while sparing...

For self defence, do muay tai, and heavy BJJ, trust me man... getting hit while standing is much better then someone having full mount and pounding your head in.

And there is NO ****ing way your going to be good in 3months, you NEVER know who your messing with on the street. I have been taken out by people younger then me, looked nicer to me. The ****y ones are the ones that usually i have seen not that good, go work out and that means they can fight to them... the quiet ones that dont back down... those are the scary ones. its all about respect for the art you choose.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
My old trained said almost NEVER grapple with someone if your in the street

I think that is good advice, but one could still do throws and slams to the pavement as long as you rolled back up to a standing position quickly, right? Controlled fighting is done on a mat or surface that gives a little, but hitting concrete or asphalt pavement in a street fight is a very different experience. Even a very simple sprawl when someone reaches for your legs could slam the other guy's face into the unforgiving ground. From what little I have seen, getting slammed into pavement is devastating. I think the key is not getting tied up on the ground in one place. The risk of getting kicked in the head is always there, but at least it is harder to hit a moving target.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
My old trained said almost NEVER grapple with someone if your in the street

I think that is good advice, but one could still do throws and slams to the pavement as long as you rolled back up to a standing position quickly, right? Controlled fighting is done on a mat or surface that gives a little, but hitting concrete or asphalt pavement in a street fight is a very different experience. Even a very simple sprawl when someone reaches for your legs could slam the other guy's face into the unforgiving ground. From what little I have seen, getting slammed into pavement is devastating. I think the key is not getting tied up on the ground in one place. The risk of getting kicked in the head is always there, but at least it is harder to hit a moving target.
I agree, or if you know you have people to back you up incase more jump in. I was talking about like staying in a position on the ground, but slams are good, just make sure you know whats going on... very ****ing dangiouse to fight in street, you can get a head injury (brain ****ed up) from a good slam to the ground on pavement.... and you wont know who they were to get them into trouble.... if you get in a fight RUN no matter win or lose, you dont want police report.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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mexican_player2 said:
kneeing people is good though right? mabe elbows... i wouldnt go for a kick in a real fight mabe a pushtip though.... its hard to set up kicks on another trained person.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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First of all, thai boxing and muay thai are the same. American kickboxing is just muay thai without the clinch. Boxing is everything without elbows and knees and kicks. Go muay thai, its definitly the most well rounded of those 4. In 3 months you could accomplish some, but you need to train longer to get really good. I would definitely work on some judo or BJJ as a way to either prevent being taken down, or take them down. Its all what you want to do, if you better on your feet ( longer reach, faster) then I would suggest primarily doing muay thai supplemented by the others. If your shorter and stronger, i would go mainly BJJ and train 80/20 muaythai.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Le Parisien said:
Lol, and many people say martial arts are worth sh*t...:rolleyes: :crackup:

However, I do agree that in many so called martial art schools, only useless rubbish is taught.

It amazes me nowadays how many wimpy guys who don't know how to fight would have black belt in this and that. I'm sure many schools are like "hey, you stay at my school for two or three years, and then you will get a black belt".

It's always about money...:down:

I'm really glad that the teacher at my Capoeira class doesn't live on the class fees, he has a regular job and is doing it only out of passion for the art.:up:
Amen to that. For those of you who live in the Northeast DO NOT ever go to Tiger Schulmann's Karate (They are a chain). THEY ARE ALL ABOUT MONEY AND MARKETING. While it is a good school, that teaches a hybrid style form of karate (Ju Jitsu mostly I think) it would cost you over $5,000 to finally get your blackbelt.

I was in the beginners class and the sensai called me into his office (like he eventually will do with everyone) and said the normal b.s "You are doing a good job, blah, blah, blah" and you should also start taking classes at the intermediate level.

Before I could even utter a word, they say to you "SO HOW DO YOU WANT TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS"! It was such a dirty, sneaky and manipulative move, it really turned me off and I barely finished up my beginners classes because of it. Even after I said no, I cannot afford it, the sensai kept trying to "squeeze my arm" to get me to cave.

I think the sensai's in charge work off of commission and really do not give a damn about you personally.

ALL in ALL, avoid Martial Arts Chains.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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The reason karate has gone down hill is because ANYONE can promote anyone as long as they arnt promoting to a belt above theres. I spared (i used to go to diffrent trainers and spar i knew on a friend lvl) one and he said now days he wouldnt do karate for how it has gotten. I am telling you though man, if you want to be a good fighter, you WILL get your ass handed to you a lot at class... that is the only way you will learn to take a punch. my trainer would say "i want to hit you so hard so much that when someone elnce hits you, you laugh at them" and now i am not affected or scared of being punched or hit. Working out is one thing (easy) training is another lvl of punishment, the workouts are more brutal and then you get beaten up after them... unless you go to some cardio kick boxing schoool.... i had to spare on my second day of class lol.

p.s my trainer was nuts but i still respected him and he did help me out a lot