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How to drop your infatuation with her


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Hey guys. So I met this girl a couple weekends ago and for a couple weeks just could not get her out of my head. I work through my problems by writing about them, so I wrote a blog post on this topic and wanted to share it with you. Hopefully some other guys get some use out of it. I'm planning to start writing a lot more and possibly starting a blog, so if love any feedback you guys have.

It happens to the absolute best of us. Maybe you're out at the bar one Friday night, maybe you just started a new class, maybe she's a friend of a friend who just got introduced to the group. Whatever the situation, you've met a girl. And try as you might, you can't get her out of your head.

It sickens you. You're better than this! You're a strong, powerful man: so why are you waiting by the phone for text messages and reloading Facebook to see if she's accepted your friend request? Why have you dissolved into a puddle of mushy, weak puppy love?

You can call it whatever you like: being smitten, being obsessed, being head over heels in love. I prefer the term infatuated. Infatuation means "an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something." I love that definition because of the "short-lived" thrown in there. Look, every guy feels this way. It's totally normal. I'm feeling it right now, which is why I'm writing this post. The thing is, we need to learn to keep these emotions short-lived, because feeling this way about a girl isn't good for you or her.

First of all, it's a huge distraction. You lose focus on your work, your fitness, your friends and family, all the other things that matter in your life because you're so strung up on this girl. A woman should never be the main focus of your life! Women are great: they are kind, nurturing, intelligent in ways you can't imagine, and of course, beautiful. But to wrap yourself up in one is foolish. You are a man, and you have mountains to scale, buildings to erect, and nations to conquer. How are you going to do all that if you're laying in bed sighing longingly over her latest Instagram picture?

Second of all, she's going to be able to tell you feel this way. No matter how cool you try to play it, women are extremely intuitive and will smell your infatuation from a mile away. And putting her on a pedestal like that is extremely unattractive to her. It makes you come across as weak, needy, and like you have so few options that you're willing to dive right in with a girl you just met and hardly know. Not cool, dude. And when she sees you like this, it's bad news for both of you. You're shooting yourself in the foot by driving away the very person you want to attract. And she's missing out on dating a great, valuable guy because she's not seeing the real, strong, powerful you- instead she's seeing this weepy, Nicholas Sparks-esque creature that you've become.

So how do we break the cycle? How do we get her out of our heads so we can get back to our lives? Here are three steps below.

Rise and Grind

The first thing you need to do is shift your focus to something else. It's incredibly difficult to when all you want is to ruminate on "the one", but it's important to regaining control. Set up an ambitious to-do list at work, grab some coffee and put on a kick-ass playlist, and knock everything out. Fill your body with good foods- protein, complex carbs, good fats, veggies, and lots of water- so you physically feel great. Hit the gym, and hit it hard, every day you can. Also make some time to do some fun things that you've never done. Go to a shooting range and learn how to handle a gun. Go kayaking with your buddies (not with the girl). Take a martial arts class. Go skydiving. Whatever it is you've been wanting to do but haven't, go do it.

When we get in this puppy love frame of mind, it can feel like the only way we're going to be happy and successful is if we get that girl. The point of this first step is to expose what BS that thought is. You don't need that woman- or any woman- to be happy. Remind yourself of that.

Flip the Script

The reason that you're infatuated with this girl is that you've put her on a pedestal. You've made her into this amazing object that you worship day in, day out, and that you think you could never be good enough for. Dude, that's so not true. In fact, it's pretty likely that most of the "reasons" you have why she's way out of your league are things you've fabricated in your mind. I want you to confirm that with a simple exercise.

Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle, dividing it into two columns. At the top of the left column, write your name, at the top of the right, write hers. Now I want you to go down the left column and start listing all the things that make you valuable. These can be tangible- your salary, your physical strength, a talent you might have- or intangible, like your protective nature, your drive, your passions. (If you're having trouble listing values for yourself, then you need to take a step back and work on you.) Now go to the right column and do the same thing for her. Make sure her values are real, and not something you've made up in your head! You should have far more tangibles vs. intangibles in her column, because you don't know her that well yet.

What do your two lists look like? Hopefully, you've got a long string of things that are great about you. In her column, I would guess you've got "she's hot" plus potentially a couple of talents she's exhibited since you met her. What's the point of this exercise? To make you realize that you're the catch, not her. You know how great you are and how much you have to offer her. If you two are going to continue seeing each other, the onus is on her to show you what she has to offer, to give you more things to fill up her column until you're convinced she's the right person for you.

At this point, you've realized two important things: that you don't need this girl to make you happy, and that she should be chasing you, not the other way around. Now, the final step:

Treat Her Like Anyone Else

You've now proved to yourself that she's great, but nothing special, so treat her that way. Stop texting her relentlessly or stalking her Facebook or Instagram profile. You may be tempted to do the opposite- to completely ignore her so the feelings go away, which is what I tend to do in these situations. Don't do that either. Talk to her a normal amount, just like you would anyone else. As soon as you feel the urge, express your attraction to her and ask her on a date. if she says yes, congratulations! You've beaten your infatuation and scored an awesome girl. If she says no- oh, well. It's too bad she'll never see all those things you put in the left column. Now if she'll excuse you, you've got some skydiving to do.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
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You are definitely talented as far as writing is concerned. Keep it up! Do you have your own homepage (something like wordpress)? I would like to read more from you.

I'm especially diggin' the end: "It's too bad she'll never see all those things you put in the left column. Now if she'll excuse you, you've got some skydiving to do."

These are powerful words - putting them at the end of your post was a good decision, since the ending is very important.

With regard to content, I couldn't agree more. Great advice. Especially when you said that you shouldn't ignore her. That's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Ignoring a girl to forget her is probably the worst idea. Treating her like anyone else is a simple and effective solution and, in my opinion, the only good solution. But somehow it took me a few years to understand that ignoring hurts you more than it helps you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Tips and advice are fantastic, but in the end it all comes down to mentality, if you have the right mentality you don't get oneitis.

It's like giving advice on how to get out of the friend zone, we can give some good strategies but the fact the guy let himself end up there in the first place means that he ain't likely to get himself out.


Feb 5, 2015
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It's all a bit James Blunt really, that whole infatuation part...

If it did happen to you. A bit more context : you 'met' a girl a few weekends ago...what's "met"? You saw her face in a crowded room? you fvcked her? you went on a date? What happened that you got this infatuation?

Did you try to fvck her?

You see, if you go off and do all these amazing things with your get over an's just a reaction to someone essence you're running away. Why not have an awsome life anyway? For you. Because your "worth it" in the first place. Instead of having to compare your worth...

Did you try to fvck her?

best solution is....options. If you have several options you won't feel that nauseating, like James Blunt. Go and have a dirty rimming session with Sally , one of your other options ;p that'll take your mind off it :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Eljuego said:
It's all a bit James Blunt really, that whole infatuation part...

If it did happen to you. A bit more context : you 'met' a girl a few weekends ago...what's "met"? You saw her face in a crowded room? you fvcked her? you went on a date? What happened that you got this infatuation?

Did you try to fvck her?

You see, if you go off and do all these amazing things with your get over an's just a reaction to someone essence you're running away. Why not have an awsome life anyway? For you. Because your "worth it" in the first place. Instead of having to compare your worth...

Did you try to fvck her?

best solution is....options. If you have several options you won't feel that nauseating, like James Blunt. Go and have a dirty rimming session with Sally , one of your other options ;p that'll take your mind off it :up:

All that "I'm going to be OK without you" etc is all a bit nauseating really. If you are even talking about it, you already lost.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Good feedback guys, and I agree with you. The end goal should be to have a great life regardless, but sometimes that isn't apparent. And the point of the "be happy without her" part wasn't to show her that but more to show yourself that you don't need anybody to be happy. When you're stuck on a girl, that's not as easy as it sounds.

Thanks for the replies.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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themusicman said:
Good feedback guys, and I agree with you. The end goal should be to have a great life regardless, but sometimes that isn't apparent. And the point of the "be happy without her" part wasn't to show her that but more to show yourself that you don't need anybody to be happy. When you're stuck on a girl, that's not as easy as it sounds.

Thanks for the replies.
The reason people get stuck is because they are suffering from low self esteem or a similar trait. Therefore they project her as being a source of happiness or a way to feel good about themselves. "If I could just make it work with her I'd be happy"

Reality is very different, and having this attitude will almost invariably mean failure with a girl because she'll pick up on the weakness and insecurity. It's not hard to see.

When she then gives the guy the elbow, the guy is left with his initial problem of low self esteem, only now it's worse because he wrongly thinks that losing her was a big deal etc. This is why they stay stuck. They are chasing a rainbow for a pot of gold that doesn't exist.

If the guy had sorted his own issues out and become centered (which is something you can ONLY do yourself) then he'd probably have not messed up and been rejected in the first place, and if he was rejected he wouldn't care at all and would just look at all the other options.

This is fact, but for some reason I see people who have been on this site for years that just don't get it.


Oct 20, 2006
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themusicman said:
Hey guys. So I met this girl a couple weekends ago and for a couple weeks just could not get her out of my head.
Huh? I dated the prettiest girl I met in Oklahoma for 4 months before I fell for her, and even that was bad. If you're falling for a girl who you merely saw once, you are in a desperate situation. This does NOT happen to the best of us. The best of us have long been desensitized to her beauty, and she has to TRY to get us to fall. It takes a long time of her initiating and showing high interest, combined with your having limited access to any other women (something every man in Oklahoma faces, which is why I moved). You don't get addicted to smoking after one puff.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
There is a difference between infatuation and what is commonly called oneitis. You picked up that there is a difference, now here is the difference.

Infatuation is typically short term, something less than a month. This happens when you find a woman that closely matches your ideal type. Infatuations are significantly less frequent as you get older because with maturity, you realize that you always compromise, no one exists that is your perfect type. The reason you THINK they are perfect is that you do not have enough life experience and tend to overlook things about a potential partner you might not otherwise like.

Oneitis.... This can happen at any time with short term or long term acquaintance. This typically happens when you had some interaction with a woman and she, at least in your mind, expressed SOME kind of interest in you, and YOU messed it up at some level. You believe she was attracted to you and you also believe that YOU did something to screw that up.

The way to avoid infatuation is to do as you suggest, make a concerted effort to see both sides of a person, that which you find attractive, and the negative. You need to convince yourself that she is NOT the perfect girl.

The way to avoid oneitis is to understand that you can do NOTHING to attract a woman, attraction just happens and there is nothing you can do to create it, only expose it. figure out what you think you did or failed to respond to and understand that if things were going to happen then they would have. Also understand that if a woman showed you interest at some point, then such behavior by woman is fleeting. They are emotional and there may have been a brief point where she was interested in you, but that could and will change as soon as a better dude comes along. Your infatuation is based on a brief moment in time which no longer exists.


Oct 20, 2006
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Good points RangerMike, except I disagree that "you can do NOTHING to attract a woman". The more we improve our health and the more success we have in life, the more she will be attracted to us. See the Before and After photos of guys who get ripped for example, or guys who win the lottery.
Apr 23, 2015
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bigneil said:
Good points RangerMike, except I disagree that "you can do NOTHING to attract a woman". The more we improve our health and the more success we have in life, the more she will be attracted to us. See the Before and After photos of guys who get ripped for example, or guys who win the lottery.
I agree with this. RangerMike was saying it was always something that attracted them before but you reveal it more.

I agree with bigneil, in that maybe they didn't see that quality in you and now they can and are attracted.