How to deal with this situation?


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
How do you tell if someone is genuinely interested in you if they call you everyday, text you everyday, have sexual chemistry, and not friend-zoned. But flakes out, barely has time to meet in person, and doesn't reschedule?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
SchoolBoy said:
How do you tell if someone is genuinely interested in you
They will invest something of themselves into you.

It'll cost them something. They'll be willing to make adjustments to their lives and schedules in order to fit you in.

Also,they'll want to physically be in your presense.

Schoolboy said:
if they call you everyday, text you everyday, have sexual chemistry, and not friend-zoned.
The calling and texting everyday means NOTHING.

In fact,it'd probably get on my nerves after a while,reguardless of how "hot" she is.

I just go by the forum's #1 rule:Go by what a woman does,NOT BY what she says.

Her talking over the phone is saying...

Her sending text messages is her saying...

What has she actually done that takes any real effort on her part?

If she calls and texts you everyday,but repeatedly flakes on you and doesn't reschedule or suggests another time,that means there's something emotionally she's getting out of the calling and texting.

Schoolboy said:
But flakes out, barely has time to meet in person, and doesn't reschedule?
The "I'm busy" line is a lie.

When you try to spend time with her,she tells you she can't because she's busy with other things,right?

Well tell me this....

Does she eat? You know,like food?

Uhh...she does eat,doesn't she? Or is she so "busy" with work,school,and whatever else in her life that she goes months and months at a time without stopping to have a single meal?

My point is this:If she can find time in her "busy life" to eat,then she can find time to have dinner with you,right?

I mean she has to eat anyway.

It's really simple. If a woman wants to see you,THEN SHE'LL SEE YOU.

It's just that simple.

If her only connection with you is the phone (calling/texting) and that's it,then she AW-ing.

A woman wants to feels sexy,desired,wanted by a man.

She wanted to be held. She wants to be touched. She wants a man's arms around her.

So if she's rejecting all that in favor of texting and phonecalls,then something's wrong.

A text message can't look at woman with desire in it's eyes.

It can't replace the security a woman feels when she's in her man's arms.

No woman who's genuinely interested in a guy will favor being connected to him by "technology" over human touch and contact.

That's one of the main reasons long distance relationships don't work,she misses the closeness,the physical intimacy.

Phonecalls and texting can't replace that. So if she chooses that over YOU,she may not be as interested as you think she is.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
Thank you Igetit! for you're insight. Your response knocked some major sense into me =P


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
How would I deal with this AW? Is there any way to get her to chase me genuinely? or is it a lost cause and better to "next" her?