When the ex came back into the picture i would have dumped this chick anway.
granted if he was not trying it on with her and she was ‘avoiding’ him then sure I would give her the benefit of the doubt.
But this seems to me clearly ‘she is in contact with the ex’.
It's actually the other way around. 2 nights ago she called me talking about how her ex was "intimidated" and "insecure" about her being around me
This shows she is in active communication with the ex, I.E she is seeing you but still on contact with another man who is after banging your chick. Ex or not.
I am a big believer In SELF RESPECT and so far this chick is showing little to no respect.
Now you can play it cool, you can do what the hell you want tbh.
But when a chick crosses the line and starts to talk about and entertain the notion of going back with the ex and with an added respect killer, tells you about it, would be enough to kick that drama out of my life.
She sounds like she is deriving attention from both of you, even so the fact that the EX is an Issue is clearly something that would fail MY shi* test.
At this stage one major strike and YOUR OUT, to me she would out of the door and looking for more.
I dont care what her past was, her past is HER business it is when she makes it MY business in a negative way, then that to me is a line they should not cross.
Put yourself in her shoes, if YOU was in communication with your EX who wanted you back, do you think she would be all smiles and nice about it.
Dump her and save yourself a HUGE headache later on, trust me
Drop her and tell her when she decides she can give you the RESPECT you EXPECT from your GF and not entertain EX bf! to then call you up, otherwise GOODBYE and goodluck.
If she does choose you, you need to lay a few ground rules and NUMBER fuc*ing one is for her to get the EX well out of her life, HE is nothing but stress and negative shi* for you! Regarldess how MACHO you want to be.