How to deal with getting dumped


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
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Bad advice

This is horrible advice. If the situation were reversed, and I said any of this to a female and her reply was "good" id know she was immature, defensive and childish.

OP you keep talking about it not mattering what you look like in front of an ex. Do you move every month? Maintain a social circle? How about building a name for yourself in your region? How about having self-respect and being genuine?

When me and a girl split, i walk away knowing i handled it like a man. I was honest and genuine but not weak. I didnt lie to myself and her and say "good" when it obviously wasnt "good". This is prime toolish dbag behavior.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Drowning In Vaginal Fluids. Help.
asa_don said:
These fake conversations are pointless. Never be in a position where you can be dumped

You talk about ABC, when it should be ABD

Always Be Dumping :yes:
Quite moronic point.

Who Dares Win said:
I agree with the main message of this thread but I believe there is a subtle bvtthurt attitude beyond those replies when given after a rejection.

I feel its much better the "untouch sincerity" line.
It seems like when we were kids and asked some friend to lay in our team and after hearing a no tell him that he would have been too weak anyway.

HER: I just need space
YOU: I would have not mind to go out but its ok :)

HER: I just need to focus on my career now, cant go out with you
YOU: thats a pity but Im fine with that :)

The reason is simple, first of all its obvious to both that you are interested in her and your "apathetic" responce not only will stress you but will make her happy because she feels that her behaviour(rejection) hurt you so much that you are putting an effort into making it seems as its her loss.

Women are not stupid they cant tell genuine unhinterest from faked lack of it.
Cut out the emoticons and we are good.

PlayHer Man said:
So its about honestly? Its about "keeping it real"? If that's the case.. why go NC if you don't really feel that way? Maybe you should blow up her phone crying 20 times a day because that's how you FEEL. :crackup:

Why is it so important to be honest with a woman who is dumping you.. unless you are hoping to save the relationship down the road?

Again.. why so much focus on how you "look" in front of a woman who is DUMPING you?

Guess what? Once a woman decides to dump you she really doesn't give a sh!t how you feel anyway. All that matters to her at this point is her ego. She is leaving because SHE is "too good for you".
Very valid point.

zinc4 said:
It's about not being a phony. To be true to yourself.....and going NC with a girl who doesn't want you is being honest and its also building shouldn't be doing it to hurt her do it for yourself, not her...and you are admitting and dealing with the fact that the relationship is over so there is no point in contacting her even though in most cases you really would like to do so.
Strong counter-argument.

Would be a way bigger matter to discuss if this thread entailed being dumped face to face.
As for this, be as curt as possible with message replies.
Easier said than done when you have invested in the affair but she is dumping you so stick to plan.