This girl im dating has me over at her house this weekend been cooking for me treating me well then randomly says im acting like a little kid or child a few times about my finger that i cut deeply through the tendons 9 dats ago...... now has 6 stitches in it that are healing and im worried about possible infection as maceration has set in. The urgent care center worker who stitched it up gave me zero instructions on what to do and it ended up getting too wet the past few days under the bangafes.
Anyways, i never complain nor even talk about this with her. But today my finger gave me sone fits and me just even mentioning what im going to do with it like bandage and stuff seemed to annoy her. Although i had to listen to her complaining about having to move all week.
The first two times she said it jokingly but looked anmoyed. The 3rd time she said it with a deadpan look and genuinely annoyed.
So i said hey stop being disrespectful. How is try to be responsible about avoiding possible infection acting like a child?
So then she gets really upset looking and says don't raise your voice at me... i was just joking to try to make you feel better about it. You are too sensitive. First i never raised my voice.
Second...tis statement that she was just joking is an outright lie by the way and straight up gas lighting imo. Because she says it with such conviction that you would believe her if you didnt see what happened yourself a few mins earlier.
At that point i was genuinely pissed. I said too sensitive? You get upset if i dont
text you every 5 hours and pout for days. True story.
So then she proceeds with the typical silent treatment and says nothing when asked if upset or checked on.
Another beautiful weekend turned bitter over nothing with this chick. So now she is sleeping due to being so upset. And im seriously thinking about just walking outside and bouncing. This silent treatment is incredibly immature and toxic. She will most def flip out if im gone when she wakes up but i don't see any other solution at this point. Her behavior is unacceptable and this is not the first time something like this has happened. The crazy sex is not worth tolerating disrespect on this level.