Great post. Over here prostitution is legal, so basically all the information and trends are " out in the open".
I've noticed that lately more women try to have their cake and eat it too. They'll try to do anything's to make money without actual intercourse. Selling used panties, video calls for money and things like pay pigs. Trying everything to make Red light money without getting physical. Next stage is asking 250 bucks for 30 minutes( while there are HOT women who ask 30 bucks for 30 minutes). Eventually she will shred her self respect and end up being a "normal" prosti.
Kinda like this OF thing that's going on. Women are willing to do anything for money, as long as there is no intercourse involved they'll tell themselves they are hacking us men, and they're NOT prostitutes.
I believe men who participate can finally be " themselves "( a bluepilled beta cuck) without being judged. That's the whole dynami;, pay a woman to keep her mouth shut while being able to lose frame completely in present of a female.
I recently recognized a local girl who does this pay pig thing. Few weeks ago I stood behind her in the grocery store and she didn't had enough money to pay for her groceries, really embarrassing situation.