How to become a DJ - (my most enlightened post yet)


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
having read alot of articles and posts on this is site, it seems the fundemental, repeating advice is that its about improving yourself, and that will be more apparent to others etc etc.

But one thing im struggling with is myself not other people.
I have for a very long time always looked at people i pass in the street, i dont know why.
I am confident, im not shy, i work out, i have noticed from readin this site that i have previously fallen for many female tricks and was an afc.
I am trying to improve and learn to relax in situations, but i cant beat this one trait.
I always seem to be looking for the girl who is trying to catch my eye, or looking at the girl on the street who may give me a glancing smile.
Trying not to feels very unnatural to me and i end up feeling like i have to stare into the distance or at the floor which isnt relaxed at all, and it shows. I have tried not to look while in clubs, but then i find that i go unnoticed, kind of a catch 33 situation.

Im putting to much efficise on finding what i want rather than going with the flow, but am struggling to find the thing inside of me that will help.
Anyone had a similar problem?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
After all these years, this is the one post I wrote that I should've paid more attention to.

Once again, I let my ego start to control me, I let other people control my ego and things got complicated.

In more direct terms, I ruined several opportunities, a few short term relationships and lost my girlfriend all because I was too desperate to protect my ego. It got to the point where a woman would only have to be a bit distant or moody and I'd call her out on it or threaten to walk aways...because I'm a man and men don't take sh!t, right? That's what I told myself, but the truth is, I did it because my ego was frail and insecure and I was trying to protect it.

I see this happening all over these forums...guys convincing themselves that their little tantrums or ultimatums are the actions of an alpha male/DJ/real man, when in reality, they're the actions of someone very insecure, trying to protect their wounded ego.

Next time you think of reacting, dumping or nexting a girl, take time to examine the situation and ask yourself if she really deserves it or if you're looking to protect your ego...or just looking for attention to feed your ego.