And to add some of my personal experience, I’ve approached thousands and thousands of girls, really after you hit a couple of hundred mark, you start caring less and just being more excited about the experience. Once you’re indifferent about the outcome you usually do a whole lot better. Think of it this way, the more you do it, the less you are impacted by the failure because your successes will overshadow your failures all day long. Really, for me, the only failure was NOT approaching. These are the only times I would feel really bad and think “what if” what if this, what if that, what if she gave me her number, what if I scored with her, what if I never see her again and not have a chance to approach her anymore, etc. etc. etc.
The way I used to tell guys back in the days to get over it is “do you REALLY wanna feel that fvcked up again”. When they say what do you mean, I will tell them some personal experiences that I had a few times where I hesitated on the approach. (It’s weird that I still remember some of these since I’ts been YEARS, but the fact that I approached in every feasible situation made it so that the instances where I for some reason didn’t go for it were so far and few in between that I actually remember some of them lol go figure). So for example, true story, freshmen year of college, I was VERY much into the game back then and approached like a madman (even in high school I did so at this time I truly believe that I was an ultimate player lol, and hell, all my friends though so too since they would see me do pick ups ALL the time). Well, I was in front of the college library on a weekend day waiting for my study group to arrive and just chilling there enjoying the sun. This HOT babe comes and sits down on the stairs leading up to the library, probably about 30 feet or 40 away from me. I look and I’m just liking what I’m seeing. It was a weekend day so not too many people walking around campus, and there was almost like NO ONE around. I thought to my self, “wow, this is too easy”. Usually in situations like that I could pull a number 7 or 8 times out of 10, easily lol. Then I started thinking about how I should approach her, what would be the best way to open THAT particular girl based on everything I can see about her (this was just wrong, I should have just went up and said ANYTHING at all lol), and then my cell phone rang so I picked it up and talked for a few minutes. After I was done, I turned around and she was GONE. I was furious! I thought about it all day and “banged my head on the wall” as they say, and kept thinking “what the fvck, why didn’t I just go up to her right away, NO HESITATION”, and most guys I tell this story to ALWAYS relate, like “yeah, I’ve had something similar happen.” Well, the key here is to NEVER WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT AGAIN. And it honestly works.
Usually, when I walk up to a girl, regardless or not if I get her number or get her to hang out with me or go to a different location with me, it honestly doesn’t bother me one bit. I actually feel relief that I went for it. The motto should be to always “go for it”. I know that had I NOT approached, I would have been miserable the rest of the day and may not even forget the experience lol. So your best bet is to always, and I mean always approach, especially if a chick is in a situation where there are not too many things blocking your approach, there are just no excuses then. And why would it matter to me? I will most likely approach like 10 girls that day, and maybe 40 girls that week. If I get even 15 numbers, that is a GREAT SUCCESS when you look at it from a perspective, that “hey, I just got 15 numbers in one week!! Let’s see how many we can convert to lays lol”. Do you think I gave a damn that 25 WOMEN TURNED ME DOWN?? Hellll na. Now let’s say that I talked to a 100 girls that week! And I still “only” got 15 numbers. Imagine talking to some buddies, and he is like, “yeah, I met this pretty cool chick last week, we talked for a bit and I got her number, man, I’m really excited, I’m gonna call her and see what’s up”. And YOU tell him, “oh yeah? Cool man, way to go! Yea, I got like 15 numbers last week, hell I can’t even remember all the girls, but yea I’ll give them a call and also see what’s up”. Chances are, this sounds SOOOOOOOOO good to him that the poor schmuck may not even believe you! Lol. Would you really CARE that 85 girls turned you DOWN?? Haahah heck no you woulnd’t!! You got 15 numbers for Christ’s sake!!
So the moral of all this, you just have to approach enough so that girls turning you down doesn’t matter because you know that at least 4 of the next 10 girls that you talk to will give you their number. And you know you will be talking to 50 girls over the next 2 weeks so you’re GONNA get SOME number, I mean that is a certain! Lol. And quite honestly, when you start doing that, there IS NO APPROACH ANXIETY, as simple as that! There is actually “non-approach anxiety” ahahahahah and I’m not even kidding. When you really adopt the mindset of “do I wanna feel like that again” you are anxious NOT to approach, because you don’t want that stinking feeling again! So you think I better fvcking approach if I don’t want this to bother me the rest of the day! Win or lose, doesn’t really matter, not having that feeling of “not trying” is the real loss lol.