How to be more alpha/ respected in social meetings


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
being a man is about always proving yourself, being a woman means being automatically accepted by society and culture


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
playergamehater said:
thats what I hate, for men to be successful with women they have to be perfect everything just like initiatorhater says, but for women they just have to be perfect in the looks department
This is exactly what I used to think before I discovered game. Ok, so you're right that female "game" consists (almost) exclusively of looks, whereas us guys have to be the full package. But that point you're missing is this: as men we are able to work on the things that make us attractive to women (looks, game, finances/ career, confidence, social skills, humour etc), whilst women's attractiveness is almost solely a product of genes, diet, and a (un)healthy lifestyle. Through our actions, we men are able to control how attractive we appear to the opposite sex to a far greater degree than women, who are (largely) helpless in this regard. Plus, the same attributes that make us successful with women make us successful at life as a whole! I think it's the women who should be hating on us. ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
playergamehater said:
thats what I hate, for men to be successful with women they have to be perfect everything just like initiatorhater says, but for women they just have to be perfect in the looks department
I'm not perfect in anything and I get women.:kick: What are you talking about? :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
OnTheWayUp said:
This is exactly what I used to think before I discovered game. Ok, so you're right that female "game" consists (almost) exclusively of looks, whereas us guys have to be the full package. But that point you're missing is this: as men we are able to work on the things that make us attractive to women (looks, game, finances/ career, confidence, social skills, humour etc), whilst women's attractiveness is almost solely a product of genes, diet, and a (un)healthy lifestyle. Through our actions, we men are able to control how attractive we appear to the opposite sex to a far greater degree than women, who are (largely) helpless in this regard. Plus, the same attributes that make us successful with women make us successful at life as a whole! I think it's the women who should be hating on us. ;)
Still, it's more work for men, women however they can take charge and initiate and they are more likely to get what they want in life