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How to be a real PUA....My Last Post


New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
This is the best post I have read on sosuave.com

The writing isn't extremly eloquent, but it is blunt and to the point. He claims it is only for "pick up artists", but I disagree. This post is for everyone. read it.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
A favor to you


Why am i bothering to bump this?

Do want girls? Do you want hot girls? You'll probably never get them.


I decided to check out this board once again out of curiosity...and nothing has changed. Its full of keyboard jockeys who'll never make solid changes to their life. They don't realise every answer is already here or already talked about. They spend their lives debating useless crap or minute details about seducing women that has already been talked about, or will not directly benefit them; overall minor constituents of their game. THAT ARE WORTHLESS TO THEM.

Why is this?
95% of you live with the false idea that the more you read the more you will accomplish.

This is simply not true.

The only way you WILL EVER be successful is through practice, practice, practice, practice. Even if you learn everything about 'seduction' online, you need to know how to deliver it.
Right now do you think you are better than the next guy in the street?

Oh really??

What if i came and PU'd your girl from right under you. How about then? What would you do right there on the spot as i was running TESTED GAME? Chances are youre mind will >BLANK<.The only way to find out is to practice.


A lot of you already have the basics.

This is enough.

Go and apply this. When your knowledge becomes congurrent from you through practice you will become SUCCESSFUL. It is a tough pill to swallow. But 90% of the guys here do hardly any practice (1 hour daily?). These are the guys asking stupid questions in the forums with 500+ posts under their names.

They don't have the guts to practice and see what happens.They want someone else to do the hardwork for them . Stuff you learn will not sit on another guy's shoulders so well. Do not expect everything you read to help *YOU*

Do you think you could learn to swim straight away, if i told you sound theory how to? YOU cant expect to learn without making a mistake here and there.


Don't be one of them. I was once.

How do you think all this knowledge came about anyway? It was by the 5% of guys going out and learning themselves. They are here and they know who they are. If you look at my archive you'll see 99% my posts are cr@p. I stopped the adventure online and learnt outside. Thats how i and my wings learnt.


Aside from luck there's no other way. And luck is not ever tight. Ever. Luck has shafted you already and that's why youre here. Go and practice or you'll never be a PUA...you'll just get lucky and think the computer helped you. Loser.

Go and reread the top of this thread. Ignore everything else below it----just like most reply posts on this board...IT WON'T HELP YOU.

Now, do you have the guts to get better?

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Dj Tiesto

Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Thnx Mukester. :D


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
North Vancouver, BC, CANADA
I hate asking this cause it sounds like such an AFC question and makes me sound like the typical 'keyboard jockey" as you said.

I too have ben learning lately that you can learn so much more through interactions and actual expeariences than any post could ever show. (except for maybe this one of course)

But my question is....and maybe this is more for general clarifycation than anything: You say practice, practice, practice. What is the best way....or not the best way....what is practice. Is it chatting up anything that walks? Always trying to close? Becoming a Bar star thats out there every night....

I have been out there learning but all of the more expearienced Djs out there say to keep practicing and I'm wonderin if there are ways to practice that are better.

How did u "practice" Mukester?


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
The hardest thing to do is go out there, fail, except it and learn from it; but it's what you HAVE to do to improve.

v. good post.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
i think im gonna read this once every so often. way to go. i envy you (though ill surpass you eventually, youll see :D )


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
.......and you know what, i've been walking about this weekend saying to myself 'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat'

I just went surfing, the waves were big and scary....'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat'

Said something stupid to a fit bird on the weekend 'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat' - it doesn't matter.

I was thinking back to all the hobbies i've ever had... skating, computer games, mixing, juggling, making music.... EVERY SINGLE ONE involved 'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat'

I've got a big hole in my wall from the frustrations of trying to mix 2 pieces of vinyl together. I can do it now though, extremely well. 'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat'

Then i thought about women in my life... theres been a fair few, not as many as I'd like though. I noticed one thing, i've never really FAILED with a women in the way i have with other things. The women i've been with just sort of came to me by chance or while i was doing other things, and drifted off in the same way. I've never constantly failed by approaching them.. 'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat'

It's the only way to improve my/your game. Mixing skills didn't fall into my brain from the clouds, i didn't wake up one day and think "I know how to juggle" or "i'lll just sit down and make a tune" without learning. it involved frustration, failure, pain, and anger.

'fail and repeat fail and repeat fail and repeat' ...and you'll succeed.

Just wanted to share my little revelation inspired by this post, it's an extra step in becoming the best i can.


(..... this post - bible. Make it so.)


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
hrmm too much hype.

i dont quite understand why everybody was saying this post was so good. this dude didnt actually say anything except aim to fail.

Seems a little lame to me. More pandering to the ego is all i deduce from that little concept.

To afraid to aim to win and fail? Well hey, if you aim to fail and you fail, you still win.


Hey mr PUA, tell me in 10 years how happy you are.

Read your pook.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score

He also said "Expect to CRASH and BURN, EXPECT to FAIL...but..EXPECT TO GET GOOD AS A RESULT"

that makes complete sence to me.

what do you mean 'pandering to the ego' It's your ego, for fear of being bruised and fear of failure, that stops you from doing these things in my view.

This concept works for me. Aim to win and fail? Well hey, it's one failure out of the way on the road to inevitable success! Aim to win and win. Sweet! :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by chalk

He also said "Expect to CRASH and BURN, EXPECT to FAIL...but..EXPECT TO GET GOOD AS A RESULT"

that makes complete sence to me.

what do you mean 'pandering to the ego' It's your ego, for fear of being bruised and fear of failure, that stops you from doing these things in my view.

This concept works for me. Aim to win and fail? Well hey, it's one failure out of the way on the road to inevitable success! Aim to win and win. Sweet! :D

what are you talking about dude.

how is aiming to win, not caring if you dont pandering to my ego?

No comprende explanation por fa vor.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
"how is aiming to win, not caring if you dont pandering to my ego?"

Bit of a cryptic sentance that one mate, don't really understand you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
i should have included an and and a comma.

you said aiming to win would be pandering to my ego.

how exactly is that? And stopping me from doing what things?

You mya have totally miscontrued what i was saying/

WHy aim to fail, if you can just aim to win?

Please tell me the logic behind this.

I know you cant, because there isnt any. The only reason to aim for failure would be out of fear of failure. The concept to protect your egos, is that if you aim to fail, and you do fail, you still "win".

Seems pretty sad to me dude.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
OK let me explain the way i see it.

I never said aiming to win would be pandering to your ego, i mearly said it's your ego that stops you from going out and trying things that may cause you to fail. I hate failing, but one thing i realised recently is that you have to fail in order to succeed. It's inevitable.

Of course the aim is always to win, maybe 'win' is the wrong word because life is full of continuous streams of wins followed by losses followed by more wins, the aim is to expect losses, but expect to learn from them as a result.

You said .... "The only reason to aim for failure would be out of fear of failure. The concept to protect your egos, is that if you aim to fail, and you do fail, you still "win"."

It's all about improving, if your unwilling to take any chances because you think you might fail, then your never going to learn anything. Thats what i meant about the ego protecting itself... your ego doesn't like to get bruised and thats what stops you.

If i REALLY wanted to fail i'd just go up to a girl, call her a sl*g and then get a slap :) ( I don't think thats what Mukester was implying)

Thats how i see it anyway. Works for me in as far as I'm actively looking for situations that challenge me and have a high risk of failure but i come out of them with an experience i wouldn't have got if i just sat back and thought 'not doing that, theres a chance i won't win'

Maybe we are reading this whole thing differently but do you see what i'm seeing now?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
MOS DEF one of the best 5 posts ever....

I cant go out for 1-2 months cause of exams ect


But i got new clothes, new shoes ect, and just wish i had the oppurtuinity rathern then alot of u keyboard jockeys

Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Jester: You are not getting the point. The point is that statistically (sp?), you are more likely to fail than succeed. Now of course it varies but you should not go into a party, club, hell any surrounding where you make approaches thinking that the first girl that rejects you means you shut down for the night. That is not the case. If that was the case, I wouldn't have met say about 4-5 HB's. Its more like "Buck up if you lose" and he is saying that you should not reject failure but more embracing it.

It is true, experience is the only guide. Hell, thats all we really needed anyway. These posts here are lets say the supplements of weightlifting. You still need to lift and have proper nutrition which I equate to experience. So w/o the lifting, nothing you read/supplemented will do you any good.

But i got new clothes, new shoes ect, and just wish i had the oppurtuinity rathern then alot of u keyboard jockeys
Clothes don't make the man. You sound like its the essential key. People that buy a bunch of stuff for the intent of getting women is a chump anyway and I wish you the most of failure in that case. Nothing against you personally, just anyone who depends on everything else except for their personality.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
A DJ Does not CARE if he fails.

It is ILLOGICAL to tell yourself youre going in to gain experience and fail.

Dont worry little johnny. dont worry about approaching that big bad HB. it doesnt matter if she thinks youre a loser. You're going in there to fail remember? Just in case you might learn something from failing.


This idea isnt even a knew one, ive heard it time and time again the 3 years ive been on this board.

Chalk dude, i gotta say youre jsut a ***** man. And mukester here gave you something to reaffirm yourself even tho youre a *****. ANd that seems like the reason why everyone else is saying greatest post ever.

I didnt see anything original said in this post. ANd the idea that you should aim to fail because youre too AFRAID to aim to win....is absolute crap.

Listen people, if youre too AFRAID to do something because of an insecurity(LIKE FEAR OF REJECTION), the only way you can defeat that is to DO IT ANYWAY.

Never heard anybody say that b4 have u?

Truth baby.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Alright.... where the f*ck are you getting all this

" the idea that you should aim to fail because youre too AFRAID to aim to win..."

I don't remeber Mukester saying it, i sure as hell didn't say it.

Theres nothing original in this post that hasn't already been in the bible and like i said in my first post; (did you read it?) the way it was written just made my think.

"It is ILLOGICAL to tell yourself youre going in to gain experience and fail"

If you believe this then your the *****

Do you SERIOUSLY think you can get good at something, ANYTHING, without having to fail first to learn!?!? WHATEVER!!!!!

And of course a DJ shouldn't CARE if he fails. where in this whole post did you read that a dj should?!?

And then you go and say "Listen people, if youre too AFRAID to do something because of an insecurity(LIKE FEAR OF REJECTION), the only way you can defeat that is to DO IT ANYWAY."

Thats what this whole post is saying.

You've obviously been on this board for too long mate, Nov 2001 and 1692 posts.

I'm not gonna bother with any more of this s*it. I'm off out tonight to speak to as many women as I can and try out some new stuff, i'm not expecting to succeed 100%, hell i might even F-A-I-L (holy ****, i can't possibly fail, oh my god!!) ha ha ha.

Whatever. Im not gonna get into debates about this petty crap. If it works use it, if it doesn't don't. I liked this post.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I have been coming to this site for 2 years regularly and I can say this is the best advice, anyone can give. One of the top 10 posts Ive read.

Trust me if you have been going to this site for more then a couple weeks you probably know enough of the game.

In all honesty, I havent made that much progress since coming to the site. I am still far from being a DJ, but atleast Ive dated a few girls and have female freinds. Everything that Ive learned has been experience based in learning about girls.

Honestly ask yourself, have you learned anything that really improved your life from the site or has what the site really done is to force you to wake up and get out there getting your own experience.

Reading every post religiously will never get you laid. It never has and never will.

Learn to accept failure and not be afraid to fail. And get out there and experience the world. Once your not afraid to hit rock bottom and have girls turn you down, you will then start making progress.

This is what I am working on and I invite you all to do the same.

In my experience, in the long run, you will never regret asking a girl out and getting turned down. You will regret not getting the needed experience and thus wasting away your life.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
corpus christi
God knows how many women I could of hooked up over the past ten years if I would of just got my head out of my a$$ and went out more often and failed.

I think the message is great here, it is not to go out and fail...But the message is to get out there and try and take chances..And with any chace there is the risk of failure. Not all women is going to like you or find you physically attractive. Even the best looking guys get shot down. I even bet Brand Pitt and Johny Depp had been turned down during thier life time.
The thing is to move on if this happen. If you move on like, I dont care and there are plenty of women who wants my jock, you might be suprised and have that some female come back to you..

I have found out you do not have to be a Jock or millionare to get laid. You just have to try. Like anyting else in life, if you put the time in the game you will end up being very successful. And like any successful person out there, the have failed many of times before stringking it rich.

This is a great post..and has a great underlinging message. For me I would rather fail and live with regret. The more chances in life we take the greater the rewards, any DJ out that is successful is not in front of the TV for three hours a day or on the internet lookin at personals

Just get out there and make eye contact and open your pie hole.. It women are not intrested just move one. Eventually you will become successful... Trust me.

Looking back at my success rate has been high. Only because I take few chaces and hook up with a sure thing. Don't get me wrong I am not a bad looking guy.. I have played tight end for WVU and have been working out for over 10 years. My problem is that I do not take enough chances.

A buddy of mine tells me being 6'2" with a weight of 255 I should be getting laid by a differnt chick every week. My problem is not my looks just my lack of approaching. I get hit on and do not even notice this. My problem is me and only me. You will not get laid unless you leave the house. Once I found this out my sucess rate had raised greatly. Come to find out a lot of women were flatterd by me asking the out. Women that I thougt were untouchable by my standards.

Just get out there and thake chances my friends and find you game and make it yours and you will become successful.

Im Out.
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