How to Attract Women – The Art of Storytelling

Jay kay

Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
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You should aim to become a master at story-telling. A master storyteller can turn even the most boring occurrence into something captivating and exciting, and once you become skilled in this art, you will easily be able to present yourself in your best possible light. However, you don’t have to focus on every particular detail of the story. Remember, Storytelling is an art, not a science. You are not obliged to include boring or unnecessary facts or keep things in chronological order. Rather than simply stating facts, you want to focus on creating emotions, while subtly slipping into the story your attractive qualities.

Your story should create many different types of emotions in your listener such as laughter, suspense, curiosity, respect and even awe. Once you master storytelling, you will become a master of emotions. Your aim is to make people empathize with the emotions in the story and allow them to experience the whole spectrum of feelings and if you achieve this, you will truly captivate them.

Each of your longer stories should create tension, forcing your listener to wonder what will happen next. Just at the point when the tension is at its peak, you release everything you have just built up with a single wave of emotion, creating a sense of relief. You have just succeeded in making them physically feel something with you. That is very powerful.

Now that you have been asked about the topic, it is time to deliver the story itself. You now have an opportunity to separate yourself from other guys early on, by telling her a story that hits on many of your positive qualities, such as your confidence, leadership, sense of humour, ambition etc. As you tell it, she will naturally read between the lines, and look for clues to see what type of person you are.

You should be aware that you are not just telling a story but rather giving a representation of you as a person. So how can you ensure that your particular story is exciting, while representing you in your best possible light? Just keep the following points in mind when you are writing up your story.

“Never make up stories. Instead find stories from your life in which you displayed some of the qualities shown above”

You must convey your personality into the story. You do this by highlighting certain attractive qualities about yourself into the story. There is no one quality that every single person is magnetically attracted to. Each value that you demonstrate is relative to the person. What is valuable to one person may not be valuable to the next. That is why it is important to demonstrate more than one attractive quality in your story. For example, one woman might see a guy surrounded by beautiful women and be hugely attracted to him as a result, while another woman might view the same guy as a player and be turned off.

Another man might find out, while talking to a woman, that she is famous and he might want to shy away from the limelight, while another guy might jump at the chance to get some press. Each person may value different qualities in people. Many people view value as simply possessions or successes. While these are indeed indicators of value, the real examples of value are the qualities that caused you to achieve these goals. The twelve main qualities are listed above and you must convey these qualities in your stories. An example of how to do this is shown below:

“Oh you play basketball…Have you ever heard of a player called Shaquille O’Neil…I visited Miami last year with my Hurling team…

We won the League and as a result of being the captain I got to decide where to go on our holiday…I chose to go to Miami for two weeks,…It was an absolutely amazing Trip…On the first night, we went out to the bar and the atmosphere was amazing…Me and my friend Dermot saw two girls standing at the bar with a guy, and we approached them and began a conversation…The girl I was talking to was called Karen and we got go really well together…She had a great personality and we really connected with each other…Over the two weeks, I met her six times and on the second last date, she asked me if I wanted to go to a basketball match…I said I would like to go but I heard that the tickets were very difficult to find.

She assured me that she would have no problem getting the tickets and I asked her where she would get them…She told me that she was a cheerleader for Miami Heat and she had access to tickets at any time…So we went to the Match and it was fantastic…The colour, excitement and fanfare of the whole event was amazing and I really enjoyed it…We also had ringside seats so we could see the action perfectly… After the Match, she asked me if I wanted to meet the players and I said that I would love to…These players are world famous and are paid millions per year…

We went to the dressing room and I met all the players…The last guy I met was Shaquille O’Neil and this guy is absolutely enormous…He stands seven feet two inches in height and when I shook hands with him, his hand wrapped totally around mine…I spoke to him for five minutes and when he found out that I was from Ireland, he said he had relations there and he loved Irish people…He then gave me his Basketball Jersey and signed it…Yeah, it was really cool

“I have a Picture of Me, Shaquille and Karen on my phone…Check it out!”

The story above contains embedded values, which creates attraction and stimulates emotions in the listener. The listener learns a lot about the personality of the person telling the story, and as a result of the attractive qualities, his value rises.

The embedded values in the story are as follows:

Preselection – This person can date very beautiful women, such as cheerleaders, as show in the picture. He can also keep a relationship.

– He approached a group in the bar and was not put off by the fact that there was a guy in the group

Interesting Lifestyle
– He plays sport professionally and has travelled so he has an exciting lifestyle

– When he goes to a bar, he can meet new people and easily make new friends.
Leadership – He is the captain of his team and they won the league.

Once you master storytelling, you will become a master of emotions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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You say don't make up stories but then give an example where you are a professional athlete (captain of the team at that) going out with a cheerleader from the Miami Heat. Probably a little more glamorous than most people, I would imagine.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Jmiah said:
Good Point zekko, how does it apply to people of modest means?
Plus, if you can pull a Miami Heat cheeleader out of a mixed set on a cold approach, your game sounds pretty tight to me. I'd say at that level, you don't even need to worry about the storytelling. Leave some for the rest of us, buddy :)