How to approach cashier at supermarket?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Cashiers, as someone earlier has said, don't really view customers as "people". They view them simply as part of their job and a requirement to deal with to get paid. To make matters worse, about 99% of customers interact with cashiers in a very monotonous, robotic way (i.e. "Hi, how are you? ... Thanks a lot!"). So the key to success with cashiers (or anyone in the service industry, really) is that you must first break out of that mold. This isn't really hard to do, considering that any interruption in the monotony of typical customer interactions will be viewed as fresh or different. You'll immediately pique her interest because of this (in most social interactions I think this is one of the more difficult aspects of picking up women, but it is the easiest in dealing with cashiers).

Say something funny or do something crazy/stupid to break out of that mold. Then, once you have her interested, it's just about building that interest like any other girl.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
some of the advice here is superbly gross. read her palm at the register? wtf...that's so creepy.

"only if you put your number on it"..?? if i said that to a chick they would probably just laugh and tell me they have a boyfriend already.

determination, faith and focus is a surefire way you can get anything.
indirection is key. i hope that helps.

when you approach, it's kind of like taking a big risk. if you succeed you can proceed to the next level, if you don't then you can only leave it to hope. when taking a risk you want to be as certain as you reading her signals you can make educated guesses as how responsive she'll be to your advances. the best signals are the positive ones (smiling, eye contact), the negative ones are like she's blowing you off. people with regular game will close it off like "maybe we can get together later and hang out.." they'll wait and then close. people with good game will make it so it's like something else. people that have mastered the game will be totally themselves and the girl will be head over heels.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
:up: All these responses are defnitely stimulating me, I feel like everybody's waiting to hear the outcome so I better succeed lol.

Zekko: I think the memorized lines don't work in the beginning but as you repeat them over and over, they probably will work. You're right, I'm already overthinking this and everything I will do at this point will probably come over as unnatural because of that... That's why I plan to forget about this approach for a while, I might even purposely avoid checking out at her line for a while. I don't know what's wrong with me anyway, somehow I feel uncomfortable with this situation while all I wanna do is fvck her, I don't wanna get to know her or anything. Furthermore, she's not THAT beautiful, HB7.5 I'd say. It probably has to do with the fact that I'll be very exposed in this situation. People in line behind me, the other cashiers next to this cash register...It makes me nervous, adds a lot of pressure to me. It's probably the biggest problem in my game that I have to overcome... And it's not like I'll never come there again, I visit that place several times a week.

JLay87: Saying something funny, do something crazy/stupid... that's the plan, indeed. You have any suggestions? I usually am pretty creative at the moment itself, IF I'm in that "****y, playful, not giving a damn" mood.

In the end, I don't think any advice can help me anyway. I just need to be in the right mood and then "do my thing". Or I could do the approach regardless of my mood and probably f*ck it up, but it'll add to my experience anyway :).


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah the number on the receipt line is previously thought out and so when you say it to her it will sound canned and uncomfortable (i.e. not natural). She'll see through you in an instant if she's got half a brain (then again if you're trying to filter out the ones with brains then go for it! :p ).

Just say whatever comes natural. Don't plan it out and don't think about it until you're talking to her. It will all flow from there.

Die Hard said:
JLay87: Saying something funny, do something crazy/stupid... that's the plan, indeed. You have any suggestions? I usually am pretty creative at the moment itself, IF I'm in that "****y, playful, not giving a damn" mood.

In the end, I don't think any advice can help me anyway. I just need to be in the right mood and then "do my thing". Or I could do the approach regardless of my mood and probably f*ck it up, but it'll add to my experience anyway
Playing the game is all about mindset. If you come up with something awesome to say beforehand and you're not in the right mindset then it won't matter; if you are in the right mindset then it was pointless to come up with anything beforehand because then you can just let it flow naturally. So just get yourself into that mindset and go for it! Let us know how it goes, and good luck. :)

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, I need to get some groceries in half an hour or so... If she's there, I won't check out at her line. I will try to make eye contact with herwhile I'm standing in another line :). I've made a deal with myself: if she responds to my EC, I have to make a move next time I see her ;).

EDIT: She wasn't there haha.
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Are you sure you're 28? You have about as much experience as a 18 year old.

Just do what Jitterbug said and when you get to know her a bit before making a move and please, no corny, silly lines either. They're embarrassing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
Jitterbug, I've been thinking about that too. Just establishing rapport a little bit with every encounter... I'm just worried it'll become obvious and I'll seem stupid. Like she'll notice that I'm always checking out at her cash register and not at the others. Also, she'll notice that I'm always trying to do small talk with her. I'm afraid she might start to think: "Oh, here's THIS guy again...let's see which line he picks....yup, mine, what a here he comes, I wonder if he'll make an attempt at small talk to me...yup, here he goes this guy is so predictable..." Know what I mean? It reminds me of when I was a small boy and had a crush on this girl from my class. I'd "accidentally" drive by her house very frequently...
Don't line up at her queue every single time then. Just make sure that you say hi and talk to her when you're there. Slowly build rapport (but not too slow).

Yeah it will be obvious that you're making a move on her, but no guy can ninja himself into a girl's panties. Of course they can see it a mile away. Be confident in your move. You're not in high school anymore, it's not "cool" to be afraid of looking stupid.

Don't do it right now though. It's very busy during the holidays season and they're all cranky.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Energizer said:
Are you sure you're 28? You have about as much experience as a 18 year old.

and please, no corny, silly lines either. They're embarrassing.
Nah, 28 is just my guess..... Way to go on the constructive feedback, pal!

Just do what Jitterbug said and when you get to know her a bit before making a move
Way to go on constructing logical sentences...

and please, no corny, silly lines either. They're embarrassing.
Now that could've been really helpful...if only you had explained what you consider corny/silly and what not!

Keep up the good work! :up:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
mustfirstregister said:
This will never work. I'm sure.
Well all my advice i give is taken from experience and it works for me, but why would you think a straight normal approach to a girl who you have had previous rapport with will "totally NEVER" work, have you even tried it?

The real reason why i said for him to do that approach, is because its quick and sweet, i am sure this girl knows if she likes him or not by now, so why drift and prolong the close. You will just be wasting your time. This way you can ask her out, get your answer and then move on.

Never say never. The way you go about the approach and what she previously thinks about you, would play a much more bigger part than how you ask her out.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
just go be like "i like your it real?"(credit mystery) she'll probably respond... chat a little while, ask her old she is. don't ask her where she lives yet... say you just got in town you don't know where the good places to eat. suggest that she show you around.


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Make sure you are there to buy stuff. Don't be the creeper that watches her from the diaper aisle for 3 hours.

Start by talking with just about everyone in the store.

Intentionally get into traffic "accidents" with your cart and make a huge fuss and ask to see their insurance information.

Just get warmed up.

Talk to other people in line about the silly tabloid titles and how likely the stories are to be true, etc.

Once you approach the checkout girl, if you approach her with very little as you heft it on to the conveyor belt say...

"Here is my BIIIG purchase." It will get a polite chuckle at the least, and then you can add on to that.

You might try saying, "You got any bags big enough?" I can make a girl checker laugh at this even though it's really just absurd and not terribly funny.

ALWAYS ask for small purchases to be double or triple bagged, or ask for a complex combination of paper AND plastic bags.

If she cards you buying beer, AS you hand over your ID say...

"I had to pay extra to get one with a picture that looks like me," as you hand her your ID.

"Why? I'm much better looking in person."

"No. I'm underage." - For some reason this is very funny, but I look my age (25)

Most of all do not believe that because you have little time that you should feel rushed. If you shop there you will see her again. Might be nice to avoid stammering through an awkwardly delivered request for a number while others wait at the expense of losing her as good flirting practice on future visits. The world has plenty of women.