How to actually get college girls as an older guy.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Been lurking this forum and traveling and saw that dudes want to go back to college at 25 to get girls, @syche871

Found this on a blog I feel like has a lot of good content, he talks about how you can get college girls while being an older guy and I think he is on point. @MatureDJ you think this might work on Arizona St girls too?



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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This article is good. If it works anywhere, it could work at AZ State.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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"Cynical, jaded, bitter, boring, depressing, and beat down by life"? At 25? My, they are raising them fragile these days, aren't they?
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Apr 13, 2020
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"Cynical, jaded, bitter, boring, depressing, and beat down by life"? At 25? My, they are raising them fragile these days, aren't they?
You'd be shocked at how a lot of guys get that way after college ends and they are no longer partying on daddy's dime.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
You'd be shocked at how a lot of guys get that way after college ends and they are no longer partying on daddy's dime.
I think work does it to many people. Even if you like your job and work at something you enjoy, work stress can beat down a lot of people unfortunately.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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At 25 you aren't going to be at an age where you'll look all that out of place or "old". Many people take more than 5 years to graduate, so there are many seniors who are around 22-25. It is also normal to not go to college right out of high school, so again many people well into their 20s or even 30s will be there.

With that said, at 25 you would feel a bit out of place living in a dorm, going to frat parties, etc. At your age that really shouldn't appeal to you and you would indeed look kind of odd. You may also find that many of the freshmen and sophomores you are in class with will not be at the same place as you are in regards to maturity, life experience, etc. Again, all of this is pretty normal.

You will be in class with women you are attracted to and if you aren't totally incompetent you'll be able to vibe with a girl who is also into you. College is seriously the best opportunity to meet attractive quality women that are actually available to you, outside of this environment it becomes increasingly difficult as you get into the adult world.

Also, I was taking college classes at a community college back in 2017 and briefly dated a 19 year old I met there, I was 27 at the time. The reason why it didn't last was due to a large maturity gap.
Apr 13, 2020
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At 25 you aren't going to be at an age where you'll look all that out of place or "old". Many people take more than 5 years to graduate, so there are many seniors who are around 22-25. It is also normal to not go to college right out of high school, so again many people well into their 20s or even 30s will be there.

With that said, at 25 you would feel a bit out of place living in a dorm, going to frat parties, etc. At your age that really shouldn't appeal to you and you would indeed look kind of odd. You may also find that many of the freshmen and sophomores you are in class with will not be at the same place as you are in regards to maturity, life experience, etc. Again, all of this is pretty normal.

You will be in class with women you are attracted to and if you aren't totally incompetent you'll be able to vibe with a girl who is also into you. College is seriously the best opportunity to meet attractive quality women that are actually available to you, outside of this environment it becomes increasingly difficult as you get into the adult world.

Also, I was taking college classes at a community college back in 2017 and briefly dated a 19 year old I met there, I was 27 at the time. The reason why it didn't last was due to a large maturity gap.
If you cannot meet attractive women outside of college, you seriously messed up. Move to a major city, have your life together, and they will be there in abundance. I am tired of dudes pedestalizing college as a gold mine, it is not, big cities stomp it anyday. It is creepy IMO to be that older guy hunting college girls, even college girls find it repulsive and I say that as someone who used to be in a frat. Not even sure if you read the blog but he talks about the various barriers as well as how men do it.

Good looking women are out and abound in all big cities, just don't be ugly and have your **** together, there are plenty of them to be found. If you are relying on college too much, you don't have your **** together.
Apr 13, 2020
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I think work does it to many people. Even if you like your job and work at something you enjoy, work stress can beat down a lot of people unfortunately.
Not really the case here for me. I am passionate about work and have a side busisness that gives me income. I was more stresssed by finals in college as well as what was to come of life. I find that my life actually sucked in college because of the stress and at times, too much free time and uncertainty. Plus it became too much to deal with a bunch of loud monkeys who had no intentions of getting their crap together and are now living with their parents many years after being in school.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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If you cannot meet attractive women outside of college, you seriously messed up. Move to a major city, have your life together, and they will be there in abundance. I am tired of dudes pedestalizing college as a gold mine, it is not, big cities stomp it anyday. It is creepy IMO to be that older guy hunting college girls, even college girls find it repulsive and I say that as someone who used to be in a frat. Not even sure if you read the blog but he talks about the various barriers as well as how men do it.

Good looking women are out and abound in all big cities, just don't be ugly and have your **** together, there are plenty of them to be found. If you are relying on college too much, you don't have your **** together.
That's not true.

Once you start getting into your mid-late twenties to early 30s most people are either married or in serious and steady live in type relationships. I turned 30 this year and the vast amount of people I know who are plus or minus a few years my age aren't single.

The older you get it becomes increasingly difficult to meet women that you are actually into who are also into you in return and who also happen to be single as well.

I'll use myself as an example, my life literally revolves around making money, going to the gym/working out, errands (grocery shopping, etc.), occasional hiking and maybe hanging out with friends once per week. Unless I am actively going OUT of my way to put myself into situations where women might be I'm not going to meet anyone of course. OLD is trash and bars and clubs aren't necessarily the best means of finding quality, granted there are exceptions. For real, here and there I'll check out dating sites or apps and see whats within a few years of my age range and it is truly shocking to say the least.

If I could go back in time and give my younger self (early 20s) advice it would be to try to find a quality girl and make her a gf.
Apr 13, 2020
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That's not true.

Once you start getting into your mid-late twenties to early 30s most people are either married or in serious and steady live in type relationships. I turned 30 this year and the vast amount of people I know who are plus or minus a few years my age aren't single.

The older you get it becomes increasingly difficult to meet women that you are actually into who are also into you in return and who also happen to be single as well.

I'll use myself as an example, my life literally revolves around making money, going to the gym/working out, errands (grocery shopping, etc.), occasional hiking and maybe hanging out with friends once per week. Unless I am actively going OUT of my way to put myself into situations where women might be I'm not going to meet anyone of course. OLD is trash and bars and clubs aren't necessarily the best means of finding quality, granted there are exceptions. For real, here and there I'll check out dating sites or apps and see whats within a few years of my age range and it is truly shocking to say the least.

If I could go back in time and give my younger self (early 20s) advice it would be to try to find a quality girl and make her a gf.
I do not notice that at all as someone hitting his late twenties, only places I see that at are small towns and if you are stuck there, then time to get your life together. The average marriage age is aroun 30 and in many cities, even over 30.

At the age of 26, I found countless single women around my age and in their early thirites looking to shack up and some done with LTRs for good and only looking for fun. I have had quality relationships as well with women I met on dating apps, they only suck if you are ugly or have terrible pics.

Those days of marriage at 25 you talk about are done, only the less educated and small town folks do that. Hot girls are in overabundance at a lot of nightclubs, bars, social events, and throughout the many big cities out there. You meet them if your life is on the right track. The guys I see whining about dating being hard after college and it being hard to find a quality woman are guys who never amounted to much, are socially awkward/weird, and are a drag to be around so people avoid them.

I think if you could turn back them and give yourself advice, it would be to work on being a higher quality guy so you are not going back to taking community college classes at 27. Quit poisoning the well, those with our lives together have no issues meeting women in our late 20s and even 30s. You just messed up.

7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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Chicks stop caring about age after 18. There is no such thing as "older guy," Only "older looking" guy. I used to get hotel rooms next to UC Berkeley campus every year during pledge. Hundreds of drunk chicks stumbling around looking for alcohol. It's like the easiest thing in the world if you had any common sense.

If you have the value, all you need to worry about is logistics. Being at the right place at the right time. If you have crappy logistics, women will look at you like you are retarded.
Logistics? Just bang them in a park or inside a club.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Being good looking and looking "youngish" even tough people can tell you age is the best thing.

In my late 20s you could tell that I was 28 but I looked and acted as if I was early 20s, didnt have a gf or fvck buddy below 24 then.

Now mid 30s I can easily say that even if I manage to get a girl in her late 20s its not as fun or rewarding as before for different reasons.
The first one is that the world changed and narcisism is a plague that touches women of any age (see the cancerous instagram subculture) while the second one is that by their late 20s they are already burned from all the partying and pump&dump they go through.

For those planning to grow a family, take my advice and find a decent girl in her early 20s when you are in your late 20s and share as many experience as possible with them to make a strong wont work after that time cause you will be too annoyed and p1ssed of from their behaviours and they will unable to bond due to the brains being fried from the pump&dump they will be subjected too.

An other option is to alpha widow a girl (if you have the value to) and get back to her later.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Holy pessimism batman! I am in my 30s and have not faced any of these bad experiences. Women your age are not bad but quite frankly, it comes down to looking good and having a reason for a woman to want to hang out with you. I have set the line straight with women over 30 and said I am not looking for an LTR, some have walked away but some were okay with it. I meet tons of hot women in their mid-twenties on dating apps and networking events. Through hobby groups and going out to bars I like it is also fun and doable. The problem is most older dudes are ugly, cynical, bitter themselves, and somehow expect a 10 who is full off life to love them. Not a chance pal.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2016
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Be friends with a fraternity or network with ppl to get invited to kickbacks. Better yet, throw the parties yourself and you'll easilyy be setup for success. It's not hard getting status in college. Id lie about being 25. You are henceforth 22, every year lol.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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It's easy. Especially the average looking ones

The hotter ones will have 4K followers on instagram. I wouldn't bother with them

Stick to the plain jane types. Guys their own age treat them like royalty and they hate it

Just be an older experienced dominant but aloof guy and they will chase you til the end of the earth


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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This is coming from a guy almost 34....but do guys our age actually enjoy dating women that are that young (18-20)? Sure, they look great I get that, but they are such a pain in the ass. I typically do not go below 21 because I have to be able to legally take her to a bar. Also, even the 21 year olds are so damn immature. Of course, older women (25+) can become jaded and messed up from the pump and dump they've been subjected to as others have pointed out. I suppose it is a matter of picking your poison to an extent.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Holy pessimism batman! I am in my 30s and have not faced any of these bad experiences. Women your age are not bad but quite frankly, it comes down to looking good and having a reason for a woman to want to hang out with you. I have set the line straight with women over 30 and said I am not looking for an LTR, some have walked away but some were okay with it. I meet tons of hot women in their mid-twenties on dating apps and networking events. Through hobby groups and going out to bars I like it is also fun and doable. The problem is most older dudes are ugly, cynical, bitter themselves, and somehow expect a 10 who is full off life to love them. Not a chance pal.
I'm 30, most women my around my age are already in relationships or married, which is completely normal and healthy. Most women by the time they are around 25ish are looking to settle down and typically get "wifed up" around this age. They may not get married or start having kids but they definitely aren't chronically single, going to bars every weekend, etc.

None of what is being mentioned here or on this thread would be considered bad experiences, they are simply truth. Men that are starting to creep towards their 30s or possibly beyond need to accept the reality for what it is. If a man is actually looking to have a relationship, get married and maybe have kids it is not in his best interest to stay a player well beyond his 30s. I don't care what some may say on here, a guy that is 35 and still single is going to find that his dating prospects are limited due to the simple fact that the women he'd be interested in are simply not available.

I wish I knew what I know now years ago, and this is coming from a guy who is 6'4", works out all the time and is in amazing shape at around 235-240.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I'm 30, most women my around my age are already in relationships or married, which is completely normal and healthy. Most women by the time they are around 25ish are looking to settle down and typically get "wifed up" around this age. They may not get married or start having kids but they definitely aren't chronically single, going to bars every weekend, etc.

None of what is being mentioned here or on this thread would be considered bad experiences, they are simply truth. Men that are starting to creep towards their 30s or possibly beyond need to accept the reality for what it is. If a man is actually looking to have a relationship, get married and maybe have kids it is not in his best interest to stay a player well beyond his 30s. I don't care what some may say on here, a guy that is 35 and still single is going to find that his dating prospects are limited due to the simple fact that the women he'd be interested in are simply not available.

I wish I knew what I know now years ago, and this is coming from a guy who is 6'4", works out all the time and is in amazing shape at around 235-240.

Plenty of guys "over-play their hand of cards." I'm sure I did.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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I don’t want to speak for all men past the age of 30 but I have had no issues living the player lifestyle and getting around at all. Tons of women in their 20s past college age love an experienced cool guy with his **** together and lots of older women past 30 have gone through the marriage game and prefer to have a second go at the one night stand culture.

Now if you are stuck in a small town, flyover country, or a bum**** city then your experience will not be the same as mines. If you are a guy over 30 who wants the player life, you’re going to have to move to a major world class city like NYC, Chicago, or Miami; outside of those cities it is just not doable. For that, you need money and for money, you need to have your sh-t together.

One other thing I will add is that men who pedestalize college and college girls after a certain age are seriously lacking. I find it creepy when older guys go for college girls and hold them to be the cream of the crop. A lot of these guys either missed out on college and are trying to overcompensate with a crowd that won’t even want them.

I’ve been with women in the mid and late twenties who were way more fun than college girls, especially the 22-25 age group in big cities. You find most college girls quickly run past the house parties, get bored of them, and are itching to get into the high end bars as they edge closer to 20. Frat parties get old for girls in a year and they are done with that after their freshman run, latest sophomore. Even when I party in Miami and NYC during the summers in the past, we had tons of upperclassmen from The U, Bama, Ole Miss, FSU, Arizona St, and USC (all prime schools for the hottest girls) itching to party in the nicest spots there.

I even used to have flings with an Arizona girl who was in a top sorority there who said after sophomore year, mostly everyone is done with Greek Life.

As someone who is over 30 and single, I cannot complain at all and love my life. Then again, I made the right decisions and put in the work to make myself attractive. Some guy who didn’t do that and is expecting the house is going to be disappointed. Eitherways, YMMV is the answer, don’t listen to everyone whining about life past 30 but also be cautiously optimistic.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Plenty of guys "over-play their hand of cards." I'm sure I did.
I think for a man in his late twenties through around 32ish it really isn't that big of a deal, as someone in this age range can still reasonably attract and date women that are still in their mid 20s. In the somewhat recent past I've been out on dates with women that were around 22-24, granted nothing came from them but I was still able to attract them on a basic level.

I think it starts becoming a problem once you get past 35 and are getting closer to 40, at this age most women around 23-25 are most likely not going to go for a guy at this age. None of what is being mentioned here is pessimistic or "whining", men that are closing in on 40 generally don't go out with women that are 25 haha. Contrary to what some want to hear, men's looks do in fact fade, though we don't peak and decline as hard as most women. Also, most men past 30 are usually out of shape by this point, perhaps even obese, and are starting to bald, which is not something many men can pull off. I've lifted/exercised almost my entire adult life, had some moments where it took a back seat, so I've been able to continue to maintain a build a fit and athletic body.

If a man's goal is to possibly someday have a family and all that he really needs to have that locked down by his late twenties to early 30s, maybe mid 30s at the absolute latest. The posts on here about being well beyond 30 and still living a player lifestyle kind of make me laugh, you think women are going to be attracted to a 40 year old who hits the nightlife on a weekly basis lol. The only exceptions to this are if you are some sort of celebrity or VERY wealthy, in the real world both of these are so rare it isn't even worth taking into consideration.